



Abstract: with the gradual promotion and implementation of the reform policy of the State Grid, the operation and maintenance cloud platform of acrelcloud-1000 substation uses the Internet and big data technology to provide the operation and maintenance cloud platform of substation for public buildings. Based on web development, the platform uses cloud platform and mobile app as the control tool for power distribution managers to monitor the operation status and power data of power distribution system of public buildings in a real-time and all-round way. The platform provides user profile, power data monitoring, power quality analysis, power consumption analysis, daily / monthly / annual energy consumption data report, abnormal event alarm and record, operation environment monitoring, operation and maintenance dispatch and other functions, and supports multi platform and multi terminal data access.

关键词:公共建筑;变电所 ;运维云平台;APP;

Key words: public buildings; Substation; Operation and maintenance cloud platform; APP;


0 Introduction


The traditional operation and maintenance has large manpower investment, low operation and maintenance efficiency, slow response and relatively passive, because it can only be fed back to the operation and maintenance management personnel by telephone or other means after the failure of the distribution circuit, which can only achieve the effect of making up for the lost sheep. Therefore, it is particularly urgent to take preventive measures. It is particularly important to control the overall operation of each distribution room, not only the monitoring of electrical parameters, but also the real-time monitoring of the overall operation environment of the distribution room. Once the operation environment is abnormal, timely remind the maintenance personnel, and timely investigate and deal with the hidden dangers in time, so as to nip the hidden dangers in the bud.


Based on this background, the operation and maintenance cloud platform of acrecloud-1000 substation of ankerui Electric Co., Ltd. is developed to monitor the electrical and non electrical parameters (such as video, smoke, water immersion, door magnetism, ambient temperature and humidity, etc.) in each power transformation and distribution room in real time. In case of remote signal displacement and telemetry out of limit, it can be detected in time and sent to the personnel on duty by mobile app or SMS, which can respond in time and arrange maintenance personnel to deal with it on site.

1 项目概况

1 project overview


Anyulin science and Technology Museum is located in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. There is a distribution room on site. The substation data of the project is uploaded to our cloud platform to collect the data of multi-functional instruments and environmental detection sensors in the distribution room. The instruments used in the distribution room are ankerui PZ and Artu series. The temperature and humidity transmitter and water immersion sensor of Renke, the smoke sensor of bairenji, the door magnetic switch of TuRui security and the camera of fluorite network are built. The purpose of this system is to realize the management and detection of the distribution system of Yulin science and Technology Museum, and realize the 24-hour continuous monitoring of the electrical parameters, switch status and environmental parameters of the distribution system through app SMS and system for real-time early warning.


The system adopts the operation and maintenance cloud platform of acrelcloud-1000 substation. The system is hosted on our operation and maintenance platform. The substation is equipped with a data acquisition box on site to transmit the data to our operation and maintenance platform server through the external network.

2 系统架构

2 system architecture


The operation and maintenance cloud platform of acrelcloud-1000 substation is designed in a hierarchical and distributed structure. The overall architecture is as follows:


The operation and maintenance cloud platform includes station control management layer (operation and maintenance software) and network communication layer (substation data gateway), and multi-functional power instruments, cameras and non electric parameter monitoring sensors are installed on site.


The gateway is installed in the field data acquisition box and adopts embedded system to collect data in real time and continuously and store it on site. After protocol conversion, it is compressed and uploaded to the cloud platform according to the agreed protocol. The gateway can set trigger alarm and trigger active upload, and has the function of breakpoint continuous transmission. The gateway's own memory can store field data for about 15 days. After the network is restored, continue to upload data from the breakpoint to ensure that the data is not lost. In order to save traffic, normal fluctuation data can be uploaded at an interval of 5 minutes, and abnormal data (displacement, out of limit, etc.) can be uploaded and pushed to SMS and mobile app within 5 seconds.

3 系统功能

3 system functions



显示变电所的基本信息(电压等级、变压器台数、装机容量、运行容量)、运行状态(功率、环境温湿度等 、事件信息(遥信事件、遥测事件)、当日用能情况(逐时用能趋势、环比用能情况) 。

Display the basic information of the substation (voltage level, number of transformers, installed capacity, operation capacity), operation status (power, ambient temperature and humidity, etc.), event information (remote signaling event, telemetry event), energy consumption of the day (hourly energy consumption trend, month on month energy consumption).


Power data


The power data shows the power data and curves of each circuit of the substation, including current, phase voltage, line voltage, frequency, power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power and other parameters, and the chart can be derived.


Power operation report


The power operation report shows the real-time value of power parameters and electric energy of each circuit in different periods, as shown in the following figure:


Power consumption analysis


Power consumption analysis includes energy consumption report, year-on-year analysis, month on month analysis, power centralized reading, metering and line loss:


Event record


The event record is convenient for the operation and maintenance personnel to view the door opening and closing, current and voltage out of limit alarm, SMS log and platform operation log:


Operating environment


The operating environment includes environmental monitoring, video monitoring, ambient temperature and humidity, instrument communication status and gateway communication status:


Video surveillance


The video monitoring shows the real-time video picture in the substation:

4 前景展望

4 prospect


According to the analysis of the operation effect of the operation and maintenance cloud platform, the operation and maintenance cloud platform of acrelcloud-1000 substation has the following advantages:


Provide operation and maintenance management solutions for public buildings. The platform can monitor the operation status and power data of the power distribution system of public buildings in a real-time and all-round way, saving time and effort.


Through mobile app and SMS alarm, managers can more timely understand the hidden dangers and abnormalities of the operation of the distribution system, so as to ensure the safe operation of the power supply system of public buildings.


The platform provides user profile, power data monitoring, power quality analysis, power consumption analysis, daily / monthly / annual energy consumption data report, abnormal event alarm and record, operation environment monitoring, operation and maintenance dispatch and other functions, and supports multi platform and multi terminal data access. Meet various needs of users.

5 结束语

5 Conclusion


The operation and maintenance cloud platform of acrecloud-1000 substation uses the Internet and big data technology to provide real-time and comprehensive monitoring of the operation status and power data of users' distribution system, so as to provide users with more convenient and comprehensive operation and maintenance services.


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