选自Tried Techniques of Predictions and Some Memoirs of an Astrologer: Hindu astrology Series
早在几个月前,看到这本书提到的6个案例,就深受震撼。①是感受到其不可更改的负面性(也许你可以找一下这句话出现在哪里?),②是看到了相对正面的案例,以及③如何判断星盘中Guru Chandala Yoga,不仅仅是木星合北交点;另外,也许你的Guru Chandala Yoga没有你想象中的那么负面。
知名如萧伯纳,亦有人评论其“大会诡辩、无情、不文雅”,看到这一句,简直就要直呼这是典型的Guru Chandala Yoga的评价……
Guru Chandala Yoga
What is Guru Chandala Yoga is worth exploring. A start can be made with the following Parameters. I have watched very closely people with such yoga in their horoscopes, in the ashrams of different gurus and also in other places.
Guru Chandala Yoga是什么是值得探索。可以通过以下参数开始。我曾非常密切地观察过有这种yoga的人的星盘,在不同上师的道场和其他地方。
(注:我省略了部分案例,有兴趣的朋友可以阅读《Tried Techniques of Predictions and Some Memoirs of an Astrologer: Hindu Astrology Series》的第5章,原文一共有6个案例。)
What then is Guru Chandala Yoga? First see some parameters Ihave evolved after seeing Guru Chandala Yoga and watching the behaviour of persons who have it in their horoscopes.
那么什么是Guru Chandala Yoga呢?首先来看一些参数,是在我看到Guru Chandala Yoga和观察那些星盘有这个Yoga的人的行为之后逐渐形成出来的。
A. Guru or Jupiter must be afflicted by RAHU.
A. 木星被北交点折磨
B. Or Jupiter conjoined with Ketu is aspected by a malefic.
B. 或者木星和南交点合相,被凶星影响
C. The ninth house and Jupiter are afflicted.
C. 第九宫和木星受折磨
D. Jupiter and the ninth house are afflicted.
D. 木星和第九宫受折磨
E. If there is a connection between the 6th and the 9 th lords, one of them a malefic or retrograde, and both of them forming some sort of relationship there is an element of Guru Chandala Yoga.
E. 如果六宫主和九宫主有关联,其中一个星体是凶星或者逆行,他们两者都形成某种关系,那么就有了Guru Chandala Yoga的元素
F. The results of Guru Chandala Yoga should manifest most in the mahadashas or the antardashas of Rahu and Guru or Jupiter. Though operative in whole life, its virulence seems to be felt most in the dashas of Jupiter and Rahu, in their mahadashas and antardashas.
F. Guru Chandala Yoga的结果应该在北交点和木星大运(mahadashas)或小运(antardashas)中表现得最为明显。虽然在整个生命中起作用,但它的毒性似乎在木星和北交点的运势中,在他们的mahadashas和antardashas中最为明显。
Ninth house and afflicted Jupiter
Jupiter representing idealism if not retrograde and aspected by a malefic, or if weak or ill placed, must diminish or even mar one's idealism. A good, well-placed and unafflicted Jupiter is seen in the lives of those who stick to idealism even if their enemies increase and, also their difficulties. Jupiter represents tradition which includes respect for all gurus starting with mother, father and mantra guru and shikshakas (teachers).
It will be seen that in all cases, afflicted Jupiter and Rahu are the central points of Guru Chandala Yoga but afflicted ninth/fifth lords too must be there to ruin the finer tradition of families, societies and even nations. The 5th and the 9th houses are the houses of spiritual merit of this and the past life.
我们可以看到,在所有的情况下,受折磨的木星和北交点是Guru Chandala Yoga的中心点,但受折磨的第九/第五宫主星也必须在那里破坏家庭、社会甚至国家的优良传统。第五宫和第九宫是这一世和前世的精神功德宫。
Before case studies are taken up let us see how the word Guru Chandala must have originated.
在案例研究开始之前,让我们看看Guru Chandala这个词是如何起源的。
Guru has been described as Sarva-shastra-visharada in the Brihat Parashara Shastra and also as Dheeman meaning knower of all knowledge of the Shastras and wise.
Guru在《Brihat Parashara Shastra》中被描述为Sarva-shastra-visharada,也被描述为Dheeman,意思是了解圣典的所有知识和智慧。
Rahu is referred to as Rahushchandal-jaatoscha meaning that Rahu belongs to Chandaal or the lowest category of castes.
What about Ketu? The lord of mixed castes (Ketu jaatyantarasthatha) or meaning in the traditional sense impure or cross bred beings. Two inferences flow from it:
南交点是什么?是掌管混合种姓(Ketu jaatyantarasthatha)或传统意义上不纯洁或杂交的人。由此可以得出两个推论:
1. The combination of Jupiter or Rahu is the combination of wise man who knows all shastras and a low category of person who is a Chandaala who may turn into a self-serving individual who may show his ingratitude sooner or later.
1. 木星或北交点的结合是通晓圣典的智者和低种姓之人的结合,其种姓是Chandaala,他可能会变成一个自私的人,迟早会表现出他的忘恩负义。
2. The combination of Jupiter and Ketu is the combination of a wise man who knows all shastras with a person of a low caste, who being of mixed caste, is outside the pale of a traditional society. It is a good promise of spiritual life if it is not afflicted by a malefic.
2. 木星与南交点的结合,是一个通晓圣典的智者与一个低种姓之人的结合,其种姓是混合种姓,是传统社会的局外人。这是一个美好的精神生活的承诺,如果它不受凶星的折磨。
Some of the significations of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are being given from my book Learn Hindu Astrology Easily for the purposes of this paper.
为了本文的目的,一些木星、北交点和南交点的含义是从我的书《Learn Hindu Astrology Easily》(轻松学习印度教占星术)中给出的。
Religious, social and other duties, logic, astrology or astronomy,Vedanta system of philosophy, great gods, dharma, doing good to others, mantra, dvijas, intellect, sattivic nature, tantra or technical subjects and sound knowledge of the sacred texts and scriptures, performing religious and moral acts strictly brahmanas one's own teachers, fame, charity, holy water or place of pilgrimage, moving towards heaven. Gentle or benefic, worship of Lord Shiva.
Falsehood, perplexity, wickedness. One belonging to a caste outside the four main castes, faulty logic, harsh speech. A sinful woman. An irreligious person or a shudra, gambling, having sex with a wicked woman going to a different country. Serpents, world of snakes.
Instability of mind, suffering from foes, vultures, stupidity, conversation or association with shudras. One belonging to a caste outside the four main castes faulty logic, harsh speech a sinful woman, an irreligious person or a shudra, gambling.
Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu have good and bad significations but here what has been taken is for the purposes of the illustration of Guru Chandala Yoga. Ketu and Rahu have spiritual and modern technological significations which should not be ignored.
木星、北交点和南交点有好的和坏的意义,但这里所采用的是为了说明Guru Chandala Yoga的目的。南北交点具有不可忽视的精神和现代技术意义。
George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳
What I wrote about Bernard Shaw in my book Astrological journey through History, Mystery and Horoscopes is being produced here. (P213 to215).
我写的关于萧伯纳的书《Astrological journey through History, Mystery and Horoscopes》(历史、神秘和占星术之旅)正在这里出版。(P213 to215)。
Guru Chandala
'The sketch of Shaw cannot be complete unless the conflicting pulls of his Guru Chandala Yoga and the spirituality are seen together, and how he adroitly reconciles both in his writings, with a fair amount of success. His religious plays should be studied for this purposes mainly "Major Barbara", "Androcles and the Lion" and "Saint Joan. "
“如果不把Guru Chandala Yoga和灵性的冲突结合起来,以及他如何在他的作品中巧妙地调和这两者,并取得相当大的成功,那么肖伯纳的素描就不可能完整。他的宗教戏剧主要是《芭芭拉少校》、《安德罗克勒斯和狮子》和《圣女贞德》。”
1. Here Jupiter is with Rahu and is aspected by Saturn.
2. But Ketu in the fifth house is aspected by Jupiter.
3. Both in the navamsha and the dashamansha there are excellent Gaja Kesari yogas showing the idealism of a person who was not a cynic.
3.在navamsha和dashamansha中都有优秀的Gaja Kesari Yoga,展示了一个人的理想主义, 他不是一个愤世嫉俗的人。
See some of his remarks which sound iconoclastic and contrast them with some inspiring statements also.
It can be illustrated from his writings easily.
Iconoclastic writing
1. He (Shaw) knew a good deal more about economics and politics than Jesus did, and could what he could not do.
1. 在经济和政治方面,他(萧伯纳)比耶稣懂得多得多,他能做他不能做的事。
2. Those who claimed a divine paternity for Jesus could not be silenced by the discovery that the same claim was made for Alexander and Augustus.
2. 那些声称耶稣是神的父亲的人不能因为发现亚历山大和奥古斯都也有同样的说法而沉默。
3. " ... a great deal of hearty dislike of Jesus and of contempt for his failure to save himself and overcome his enemies by personal bravery and cunning as Mahomet did."
4. If a modern court of law had tried Jesus Christ he would have been examined by two doctors who would have found him to be obsessed by a delusion, incapable of pleading and sent to an asylum.
4. 如果一个现代法庭审判耶稣基督,他会被两名医生检查,他们会发现他被妄想所困扰,无法辩护,并被送进精神病院。
5. "Even sceptics who were specially on their guard, put the Bible in the dock, and read the gospels with the object of detecting discrepancies in the four narratives to shew that the writers were as subject to error as the writers of yesterday's newspaper".
5. “即使是特别警惕的怀疑论者,也会把《圣经》放在被听席上,阅读福音书,目的是发现四种叙述中的差异,以表明作者和昨天报纸的作者一样容易出错”。
6. "In vain do we try to substitute mystical rites that cast nothing such as circumcision, or as a substitute for that, baptism."
6. “我们徒劳地试图用神秘的仪式来代替割礼,或者用洗礼来代替它。”
7. "Let us admit that without proper clues the gospels are, to a modern educated person, nonsensical and incredible, whilst the apostles are unreadable."
7. “让我们承认,对一个受过现代教育的人来说,如果没有适当的线索,福音书是荒谬和难以置信的,而使徒书则是不可读的。”
8. GBS prefers to explain the miracles of Jesus by saying that he had certain "abnormal powers."
8. GBS更喜欢用耶稣有某种“不正常的能力”来解释他的神迹。
9. "There is a man here who was sane until Peter hailed him as the Christ, and who then became a monomaniac."
9. "这里有一个人本来是清醒的,直到彼得称他为基督,然后他就变成了偏执狂"
10. "But it does why people who will not believe in baptism on any terms believe in vaccination with the cruel fanaticism of inquisitors."
10. “但这确实解释了为什么那些无论如何都不相信洗礼的人会像宗教审判官那样残忍地狂热地相信疫苗接种。”
Inspiring utterances
The Beauty of Jupiter's aspect an Ketu in the 5th house
The Guru Chandala yoga gets counter balanced with some spiritual thoughts of GBS.
Guru Chandala yoga用一些GBS的精神思想来抵消平衡。
1. "That God is not picture of a pompous person in white robes in the family Bible, but a spirit: that it is through this spirit that we evolve towards greater abundance in life."
1. “上帝不是家庭圣经中穿着白袍的傲慢之人的形象,而是一种精神:通过这种精神,我们才能走向更丰富的生活。”
2. "He perceived that nobody could live the higher life unless money and sexual love were obtainable without sacrificing it."
2. “他意识到,除非不牺牲金钱和性爱,否则没有人能过上更高的生活。”
3. "Years ago I said that conversion of a savage to Christianity is the conversion of Christianity to savagery. "
3. “多年前我就说过,让野蛮人皈依基督教就是让基督教皈依野蛮人。”
4. "It is now easy to understand why the Christianity of Jesus failed completely to establish itself politically and socially and was easily supported by the police and the Church."
4. “现在很容易理解为什么耶稣的基督教在政治和社会上完全没有站稳脚跟,而且很容易得到警察和教会的支持。”
5. "Thus from the very beginning of apostolic Christianity, it was hampered by a dispute as to whether salvation was to be attained by a surgical operation or by a sprinkling of water."
5. “因此,从使徒时代的基督教开始,它就被一场争论所阻碍,即拯救是通过外科手术还是通过洒水来实现。”
6." We are more fortunate in that an overwhelming majority of our subjects are Hindoos, Mahometans, and Buddhists; that is, they have a prophylactic against salvationist Christianity, highly civillized religions of their own. "
6. “我们更幸运的是,我们绝大多数的臣民是印度教徒、伊斯兰教徒和佛教徒;也就是说,他们对救赎主义的基督教有一种预防措施,这是他们自己高度文明的宗教。”
7. "There is nothing in the teaching of Jesus that cannot be assented to by a Brahmin, a Mahometan, a Buddhist or a Jew, without any question of their conversion to Christianity."
7. “在耶稣的教导中,没有什么是婆罗门教徒、伊斯兰教徒、佛教徒或犹太人不能赞同的,毫无疑问,他们会改信基督教。”
Example Three
Notice here the 9th lord, Jupiter in his own house but under heavy affliction. Her father died in 1973, at the end of her Saturn mahadasha. Her mother, interested in her own pleasures, neglected her and remarried. The second husband of her mother also died and she married for a third time. Her hatred against her mother was at its intensest in the antardasha of Jupiter in the mahadasha of Saturn
Jaimini's Matrikaraka is Sun here and is in the sixth house from the lagna. As a result she has developed total contempt for her mother.
Such hatred bordering on insanity and her sharp remarks against her mother are manifestations of a neglected domestic life when she stayed with her mother.
Example Six
Dasha sequence Sun, Moon,Mars, Rahu, Jupiter
Jupiter-Mars from 29 March 1997 to 5 March 1998.
木星-火星运:1997-3-29 至 1998-3-5。
Died in 1997.
This is a case of extreme acerbity of Guru Chandala Yoga.
这是Guru Chandala Yoga极端酸涩的一个例子。
The 5th lord Jupiter is under double affliction inspite of its exaltation. The affliction is caused by Rahu, which has eclipsed his intelligence, sanity, good feelings and sense of balance. Then the 6th lord Mars joins it. It is happening in the 9th house which is the house of Guru and father. It is a Guru-Chandala yoga or a combination for fault finding and megalomania and waste of energy in negative channels.
第五宫主星木星虽然擢升,但却承受着双重的折磨。这种痛苦是由北交点造成的,这使他的智慧、理智、良好的感情和平衡感黯然失色。然后第六宫主星火星加入。它发生在第九宫,那是导师和父亲的宫位。这是一种Guru-Chandala yoga,或者说是一种吹毛求疵、狂妄自大和在消极渠道中浪费能量的组合。
Such a tendency is exacerbated by the presence of the 9th lord, Moon in the 6th house. From the Moon, the 6th lord Mercury is in the 6th house from the lagna again and, the 5th house from the Moon receives the aspect of Saturn. His hatred and jealousies and inferiority complex found its fullest manifestation in the dasha of Jupiter, the 5th lord. In the last antardasha of Jupiter which of Rahu he suffered physically and died. It is the case of a very good dasha wasted under the compulsion of Rahu who is conjoined with debilitated Mars.
His horoscope
One day, he gave me his horoscope in which I saw the mahadasha of Jupiter starting from July 1984. As the 5th lord of authorship, exalted in the 9th house but forming a very bad Guru Chandala yoga. I examined the horoscope and noted a bad exchange between the 6th and the 9th lord from the lagna. Again a debilitated lagna and 6th lord with Rahu was frightening.
有一天,他给了我他的星盘,我看到从1984年7月开始的木星大运。作为第五宫的宫主星,擢升在第九宫,但形成了一个非常糟糕的Guru Chandala yoga。我检查了星盘,注意到6宫主和9宫主之间有不好的互溶。另外,落陷的命主星和第6宫主与北交点在一起是可怕的。
He had intelligence or the samskara to discover the HigherPurpose of Jyotisha. He was a Vaidiki Brahmin from Tirupati and in his childhood lived the life of an orthodox Brahmin with highest traditions. Yet, the big city temptations to earn money fast and aggressively are what he could not resist. He did not train himself properly and hard enough, having started learning astrology at a late age of 40 years. He did not wait for at least 10 years to grapple with the complexities and subtleties of astrology. He decided to jump into it knowing full well that he would not starve. If he had stopped at that, his burdens might not have been so great. His ambitions were too high and his abilities awfully deficient. He should have continued in his own career as a stenographer and worked his way upward in private firms as many have done successfully. He on the other hand, decided to be among the ravenous wolves in the world of astrology.
That was the tragedy of his career. It was a wrong decision. He paid for it rather heavily in terms of health and reputation. He was a Brahmin who did not live up to the ideals of his childhood. He stepped into professional astrology late in life. He never gave himself a chance to develop insights into astrology. From the holy hill of the great pilgrimage, Tirupati he fell into the muddiness of the astrology of our times. He got drowned in it.
Some observations about Guru Chandala Yoga
关于Guru Chandala Yoga的观察
I have observed the effects of Guru Chandala Yoga. I have found it useful to set down the following parameters.
我观察了Guru Chandala Yoga的效果。我发现设置以下参数很有用。
1. See affliction to Jupiter through Rahu primarily.
1. 主要通过北交点给到木星的折磨。
2. Then see affliction to the ninth house or the ninth lord.
2. 然后看给第九宫或第九宫主星的折磨。
If these two conditions are satisfied conjointly then Guru Chandala Yoga is fulfilled and should be said to exist.
如果这两个条件同时得到满足,那么Guru Chandala Yoga就满足条件了,应该说是存在的。
Variations of Guru Chandala Yoga are subtle and can be seen in the following way.
Guru Chandala Yoga的变化是微妙的,可以通过以下方式看到。
1. Retrograde Jupiter is aspected by a malefic and
1. 逆行的木星受到凶星的相位,同时
2. The ninth lord is also afflicted.
2. 第九宫主星也受到了折磨。
The utility of noting Guru Chandala Yoga
注意Guru Chandala Yoga的效用
People with Guru Chandala Yoga in their horoscope show the follow the common psychological traits:
在星盘中有Guru Chandala Yoga的人表现出以下共同的心理特征:
1. They are known for a lack of sense of gratitude which is a noticeable mark of their lives.
1. 众所周知,他们缺乏感恩之心,这是他们生活中一个明显的标志。
2. Timid and lacking in initiative they need the support of someone to climb up some ladders in their life and, after achieving some success, betray their mentors. It is a most consistent feature in their lives.
2. 他们胆小,缺乏主动性,需要有人的支持才能在他们的生活中爬上一些阶梯,并在取得一些成功后背叛他们的导师。这是他们生活中最一贯的特征。
3. If the second house of ethical conduct is under malefic influence it can easily be concluded that they will lose their mental balance which makes them egomaniacaI. Having no spiritual outlook, which is what Guru Chandala Yoga must give, they would indulge even in vilification campaign against their mentors and benefactors.
3. 如果道德行为的第二宫受到凶星的影响,很容易得出结论他们会失去心理平衡,使他们变得自大。由于没有精神上的远见,而这正是Guru Chandala Yoga必须给予的,他们甚至会沉迷于诋毁他们的导师和恩人的运动。
4. All these traits manifest most if the mahadashas or Rahu followed by that of Jupiter comes in their life in the prime of their youth.
4. 所有这些特征最明显出现,如果北交点紧随木星大运在他们的生命中出现在他们的青少年时期。
5. There is no one in the world that they admire. Emotionally warped, they rarely suffer from guilt conscience.
5. 世界上没有他们崇拜的人。情感扭曲,他们很少感到内疚。
Axis of the operation of Guru Chandala Yoga
Guru Chandala Yoga运作的轴心
(注:我省略了部分案例,有兴趣的朋友可以阅读《Tried Techniques of Predictions and Some Memoirs of an Astrologer: Hindu Astrology Series》的第5章,原文一共有6个案例。)
2.The case of Bernard Shaw is totally different. Here the Guru Chandala Yoga appears to be so effective and terrible in the birth horoscope, which actually it is not. Jupiter is with Rahu and is aspected by Saturn but the ninth lord, Saturn is totally unaffected. Jupiter aspects his third fifth and seventh houses. In his journalistic writings (third house) and serious authorship his brilliant wit distinguished him from the rest of the writers and authors.
2.萧伯纳的情况则完全不同。在这里,Guru Chandala Yoga似乎在出生占星术中如此有效和可怕,实际上并非如此。木星与北交点合相,土星对其相位,但第九宫主星土星完全不受影响。木星对他的第三,第五和第七宫有相位。在他的新闻写作(第三宫)和严肃的写作中,他的智慧使他与其他的作者区别开来。
In the navamsa Jupiter joins an excellent Gaja Kesari yoga. The ninth house and ninth lord have some affliction.
在navamsa木星形成了一个优秀的Gaja Kesari Yoga。第九宫和第九宫主星有些受折磨。
3. In example three of a foreign woman Jupiter as ninth lord is afflicted. This woman leads an unorthodox life, which fits in well in the permissive society she lives in but her hatred for mother against whom she speaks so violently is what never left her till her mother separated from her. In the navamsa the ninth lord comes under heavy affliction.
3. 案例3中外国女人的木星作为第九宫主星被折磨。这个女人过着一种非正统的生活,很适合她所生活的这个宽容的社会,但她对母亲的仇恨一直没有离开她,直到她的母亲与她分开。在navamsa中,第九宫主星遭受了严重的折磨。
6. Last example has been discussed. It is the worst I have seen most closely.
6. 最后一个例子已经讨论过了。这是我近距离看到的最糟糕的情况。
The final observation I want to give is that all yogas in Hindu astrology give, apart from other indications, the almost unalterable traits of one's psychology.Among these, the Guru Chandala Yoga is easily the worst in the civilised society one belongs to, because these people are neither uncivilised nor criminals. Yet, their presence can be obnoxious. They stoop to low levels, become vulgar and abusive without any pricks of conscience.
我想给出的最后一个观察是,除了其他迹象外,印度占星术中的所有Yoga都给出了一个人的心理几乎不可改变的特征。其中,Guru Chandala Yoga无疑是文明社会中最糟糕的,因为这些人既不是不文明的,也不是罪犯。然而,它们的存在可能令人讨厌。他们堕落到低级,变得粗俗和辱骂,没有任何良心的刺痛。
When is Guru Chandala Yoga not Effective?
Guru Chandala Yoga什么时候不起作用?
The mere presence of Guru Chandala Yoga does give an indication of an aberrated mind. It may still not manifest as obnoxious and ignoble as a man with a normally acceptable Guru Chandala Yoga in his horoscope is seen to show in his behaviour. Guru Chandala Yoga may not manifest or may even become ineffective if the following conditions are fulfilled. This is my observation.
仅仅是Guru Chandala Yoga的出现,就表明他的头脑是异常的。它可能仍然不会像一个在他的星盘中拥有通常可以接受的Guru Chandala Yoga的人在他的行为中所显示的那样令人讨厌和卑鄙。如果满足以下条件,Guru Chandala Yoga可能不会显现,甚至可能变得无效。这是我的观察。
1. If it is weak in either the birth horoscope or the navamsa.
1. 如果它在出生星盘或navamsa中是弱的。
2. If the dashas of Rahu and Jupiter is not got in one's life.
2. 如果一个人的一生中没有经过北交点和木星的Dasha。
3. If in the antardashas of Rahu and Jupiter in the mahadashas of other planets it manifests, it seem to vanish as soon the Saturn's antardasha comes into play.
3. 如果在北交点和木星的antardashas(小运)其他星体的mahadashas(大运)中,它显现出来,那么一旦土星小运开始发挥作用,它似乎就消失了。
First of all find out if Guru Chandala Yoga as defined exists or its variation in a horoscope. Then see if the dashas of Rahu and Jupiter are coming at that time of one's life when one can effectively become a betrayer, ungrateful and shamelessly abusive. Such a person may have come from lower worlds and will again fall into a lower world. Here there are some other ways of looking at it which have been discussed in my book Karma and Rebirth in Hindu Astrology.
首先要弄清楚Guru Chandala Yoga是否如同定义那样存在,或者它在占星术中的变化。然后看看北交点和木星的Dasha是否会在一个人的生命中到来,当一个人可以有效地成为一个背叛者,忘恩负义和无耻的辱骂者。这样的人可能来自较低的世界,并将再次落入较低的世界。在我的书《印度占星术中的因果报应与重生》中,有一些其他的方式来看待它。
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