句子结构分析,along with (个人笔记)

句子结构分析,along with (个人笔记)


Along with the popularity of free parks and museums, we believe that more and more attention is paid to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives.句子结构分析如下:

主句:We believe that more and more attention is paid to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives.

- 主语:We

- 谓语:believe

- 宾语从句:that more and more attention is paid to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives.

宾语从句:more and more attention is paid to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives.

- 主语:more and more attention

- 谓语:is paid

- 不定式短语:to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives.

不定式短语:to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives.

- 不定式符号:to

- 动词不定式:slow down

- 宾语:the rapid pace of people’s lives

因此,整个句子的核心是 "We believe",宾语从句进一步解释了 "what" 或 "why" 我们相信。在宾语从句中,主语是 "more and more attention",谓语是 "is paid",不定式短语 "to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives" 作为宾语,表示具体的行动或目标。

Along with the popularity of free parks and museums, we believe that more and more attention is paid to slow down the rapid pace of people’s lives.语法正确,还可修改如下:

"Along with the increasing popularity of free parks and museums, we believe that more and more attention is being paid to slowing down the rapid pace of people's lives."

解释:将 "free parks and museums" 前面加上 "increasing",表示它们的受欢迎程度正在增加。将 "slow down" 改为 "slowing down",使之成为一个现在进行时态,与 "is being paid" 保持一致。将 "people's lives" 前面加上 "the",使之成为一个特指名词短语。

"Along with" 是一个短语,通常用来表示随着某个事物的发展或变化,另一个事物也会发生相应的变化。在这个句子中,"Along with the popularity of free parks and museums" 表示随着免费公园和博物馆的普及,另一个事物也会发生变化。

"Along" 本身是一个副词,表示 "沿着;一起;相伴" 等含义。"Along with" 则是一个复合介词,用法类似于 "together with",表示两个事物同时发生或存在。它可以引导一个介词短语,也可以引导从句。

总之,在这个句子中,"Along with" 表示 "随着……的发展",用来引出免费公园和博物馆的普及这一事实,并暗示了随之而来的另一个变化,即人们越来越关注减缓生活节奏。


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