


蜘蛛侠 2 让你可以扮演两个不同版本的蜘蛛侠,彼得·帕克和迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯

Gamers have been spoiled for choice in 2023.
2023 年,游戏玩家被宠坏了。

The past 12 months have produced so many hits you'd have struggled to complete half of them, let alone all of them.
过去 12 个月里推出了如此多的热门游戏,以至于你很难完成其中的一半,更不用说全部了。

That did not necessarily mean a good year across the whole industry: thousands of staff in hundreds of companies lost their jobs, and we also witnessed the permanent end of E3, the massive conference that was once the biggest event in the gaming calendar.
但这并不一定意味着整个行业都过得很好:数百家公司中有数千名员工失业,我们还见证了 E3 的永久落幕,这个大型会议曾是游戏日历中最大的盛事。

In such an eventful year it is easy to lose track - so here are some of the biggest games of 2023.
在如此多事的一年里,很容易迷失方向 - 因此,这里列出了一些 2023 年最热门的游戏。

Baldur's Gate 3
博德之门 3

This role-playing game stunned players and critics with its depth - many players easily racked up 100-plus hours in the Forgotten Realms, the Dungeons & Dragons-based setting for the game.
这款角色扮演游戏以其深度震惊了玩家和评论家 - 许多玩家在遗忘国度(游戏基于龙与地下城设定的背景)中轻松积累了 100 多个小时的游戏时间。

The level of detail, vast customisation options, and flexible story impressed critics most: Belgian developer Larian made it possible to experience a completely different set of characters and choices each time you play.
细节水平、广泛的自定义选项和灵活的故事最让评论家印象深刻:比利时开发商 Larian 使得每次玩游戏时都能体验到完全不同的角色和选择。

Few were surprised when, in December, it picked up Game of the Year at the gaming industry's biggest awards ceremony - but it wasn't an outcome many would have foreseen at the start of the year.
12 月份,它在游戏行业最大的颁奖典礼上获得年度最佳游戏奖时,很少有人感到惊讶 - 但在年初,许多人不会预见到这一结果。

"Baldur's Gate 3 was an unexpected success that took the world by storm," said gaming journalist Helen Ashcroft.
“博德之门 3 是一款出人意料的成功之作,席卷全球,”游戏记者海伦·阿什克罗夫特说道。

"There's a strong narrative, choices that matter, a beautiful open world, an incredible score and voice acting, interesting and varied quests, and so many different ways to play and story threads to explore."

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


When the rest of the world said that Nintendo's handheld console, the Switch, was too old to impress, the Japanese company said: "Just watch this."
当其他人都说任天堂的掌上游戏机 Switch 已经太老了,无法给人留下深刻印象时,这家日本公司说:“拭目以待。”

Tears of the Kingdom is a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild, which is considered one of the best games of all time. This new game took the original's vast open world and added the ability - called ultrahand - to craft contraptions by fusing together pretty much anything you can find.

That sort of freedom usually terrifies developers because it creates so much room for things to go wrong. But it worked, despite the ageing Switch hardware.
这种自由通常会让开发者感到恐惧,因为它为出错留下了很大的空间。但它成功了,尽管 Switch 硬件已经老化。

"Ultrahand is one of the best additions to the series and the things we can make with it are hilarious and useful," says Scottish Twitch streamer Argick.
“超手是该系列游戏中最好的新增内容之一,我们可以用它制作出既搞笑又实用的东西,”苏格兰 Twitch 主播 Argick 说道。

"There's so much to do in the game and you can do it in pretty much any order you want without the game trying to push you elsewhere - I've still got to explore the rest of the depths."

Alan Wake 2
艾伦·韦克 2

Just when we thought triple-A games were becoming safe and stale, along comes Alan Wake 2.
就在我们认为 3A 游戏变得安全且陈旧时,艾伦·韦克 2 出现了。

It is a bit like Finnish studio Remedy's previous leftfield works, but with an extra layer of weirdness splodged on top.
它有点像芬兰工作室 Remedy 之前的左翼作品,但上面增加了一层怪异感。

The supernatural horror narrative, told through the eyes of two main characters, made a lasting impression. The sumptuous presentation, mix of gameplay and live action, and wider themes made it feel like one of a kind.

And one memorable musical sequence - featuring the fictional band Old Gods of Asgard - became one of the most-talked about gaming moments of the year.
一个令人难忘的音乐片段——以虚构乐队 Asgard 的旧神为特色——成为今年最受谈论的游戏时刻之一。

"That is one of the best set pieces of 2023 for me," said Argick. "The song and the way it's all intertwined in the game world.
“对我来说,那是 2023 年最好的场景之一,”Argick 说。“这首歌以及它在游戏世界中的交织方式。

"It just makes that entire moment something special."

Spider-Man 2
蜘蛛侠 2

Spider-Man 2 had a huge weight resting on its shoulders.
《蜘蛛侠 2》肩负着巨大的责任。

The current release slate for Sony - which makes the PlayStation 5 console - is thin and so it needed a win from Spider-Man 2, a game developed by PlayStation studio Insomniac.
索尼——制造 PlayStation 5 游戏机——目前的发行计划很单薄,因此它需要《蜘蛛侠 2》的胜利,这是一款由 PlayStation 工作室 Insomniac 开发的游戏。

Thankfully, it got it. This tightly crafted adventure landed exclusively on the PlayStation 5 to excellent reviews and became the fastest-selling PlayStation Studios game ever.
谢天谢地,它做到了。这款精心制作的冒险游戏独家登陆 PlayStation 5,获得了极好的评价,并成为有史以来销量最快的 PlayStation Studios 游戏。

It was a cinematic, technical showcase. Plus, players enjoyed the diverse cast of characters and moving story, even if the gameplay wasn't a huge departure from other Spider-Man games.

Some players griped about the relatively short playtime, but the developers insisted it was worth the price of entry.

Insomniac ended the year as the victim of a huge ransomware attack, but until then, most of the discussion about the studio was people praising its latest, greatest title.
Insomniac 年末遭遇了一次大规模勒索软件攻击,但在那之前,关于该工作室的大部分讨论都是人们对它最新、最棒的游戏的赞扬。

Lego Fortnite

Fortnite, the last-player standing shooting game, has more than 400 million registered players, but its makers aren't shy about wanting more.
最后一名玩家站立射击游戏《堡垒之夜》拥有超过 4 亿注册玩家,但其制造商并不羞于想要更多。

That's probably even more true after its maker, Epic Games, laid off 800 staff earlier this year.
在该游戏的制造商 Epic Games 今年早些时候解雇了 800 名员工后,这一点可能更加真实。

One big bid to draw in new users was its high-profile collaboration with Lego for a new mode called Lego Fortnite. Twitch streamer Dando said the mode - which replaces Fortnite's existing crafting materials with the famous bricks - was "amazing".
吸引新用户的一项重大举措是与乐高进行备受瞩目的合作,推出一种名为“乐高堡垒之夜”的新模式。Twitch 主播 Dando 表示,该模式(用著名的积木取代了堡垒之夜现有的制作材料)“令人惊叹”。

"It brings in that element of crafting, building and gathering resources - it's just one of those games you can turn on, switch off, and just be in another world."

Lego Fortnite launched alongside Rocket Racing and Fortnite Festival - two other modes designed to attract more people.

Dando said: "Eventually you'll just launch Fortnite and if you're feeling a certain genre, you don't need to leave the game."

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty


Everyone loves a redemption arc, and that's what they got with this expansion to Cyberpunk 2077.
每个人都喜欢救赎弧线,而这就是他们从赛博朋克 2077 的这个扩展中获得的。

Polish studio CD Projekt Red has been on a quest to repair its reputation after the disastrous 2020 launch of the base game.
波兰工作室 CD Projekt Red 一直在努力修复其声誉,此前该工作室于 2020 年灾难性地推出了基础游戏。

Expansion Phantom Liberty - as well as a 2.0 update which fixed the main game from top to bottom - was hailed as delivering the version of the game players should have had first time around.
扩展包幻影自由——以及从头到尾修复了主游戏的 2.0 更新——被誉为提供了玩家本应第一次获得的游戏版本。

Having Idris Elba in the starring role, and a story many players called genuinely moving, certainly didn't hurt.

It's not quite an underdog story (the main game sold more than 20 million copies) but it was happier ending to a turbulent tale.
这并不是一个彻头彻尾的失败者故事(主游戏销量超过 2000 万份),但它是一个动荡故事的更快乐的结局。

"This is the kind of thing I love - seeing a game come out the other end like that," said Dando. "It is almost like they've revived themselves."

Hogwarts Legacy

It was perhaps the most divisive game of 2023, with some outlets refusing to review it at all because of Harry Potter author JK Rowling's public comments relating to transgender people.
这也许是 2023 年最具争议的游戏,一些媒体机构因哈利·波特作者 J.K. 罗琳有关跨性别者的公开言论而完全拒绝对其进行评论。

The author was kept at arms' length from this project, but it didn't stop loud calls for boycotts around the game's release.

Some critics gave it low scores, arguing it was impossible to separate art from artist, and some streamers opted not to play it despite the huge viewership numbers it generated. Ten months on from release, feelings are still strong.

As for whether it was any good, detractors criticised its repetitive combat and missions - but fans would tell you that it was enchanting to explore detailed replicas of their favourite locations from the stories.

And despite the protests, analysis from GamesIndustry.biz suggests that, in terms of physical copies, it was the best-selling game of 2023 in both the United Kingdom and United States.
尽管遭到抗议,但 GamesIndustry.biz 的分析表明,就实体副本而言,它是 2023 年在英国和美国最畅销的游戏。


Pre-release hype for Starfield promised players the universe, but when they finally got the game its galactic exploration was not quite what many expected.

They got plenty of space - in the form of empty planets - but navigating between worlds was mostly hands-free and menu-based.

"It was immersive and it was really pleasant to just run about but then some of the mechanics themselves just felt a bit clunky," said Dando.

Many fans felt Starfield didn't live up to previous titles from studio Bethesda - the makers of the beloved Fallout and Elder Scrolls series.

But it broke records for the developer and for publisher Microsoft - no doubt driven by its availability on the Netflix-style Game Pass service.
但它打破了开发商和发行商微软的记录——毫无疑问,这是由其在 Netflix 风格的游戏通行证服务上的可用性推动的。

Since that initial wave, Starfield's had a hard time on digital storefront Steam, where it's been hit with negative reviews.
自那波浪潮以来,《星空》在数字店面 Steam 上度过了一段艰难的时期,那里充斥着负面评论。

Bethesda's promised regular updates and new features in 2024, so the adventure might not be over just yet.
贝塞斯达承诺在 2024 年进行定期更新和推出新功能,因此这场冒险可能还没有结束。

Grand Theft Auto VI
侠盗猎车手 VI

One of the biggest gaming stories of this year concerned something that's not expected until 2025: Grand Theft Auto VI.
今年最大的游戏新闻之一与 2025 年之前不会出现的事情有关:《侠盗猎车手 VI》。

A 90-second trailer released in early December racked up 90.4 million views in 24 hours.
12 月初发布的 90 秒预告片在 24 小时内获得了 9040 万次观看。

It confirmed much of what we already knew from leaks, such as the presence of the series' first voice-acted female protagonist.

But finally seeing the Rockstar-approved version of its debauched, riotous virtual Miami after almost 10 years of waiting sent fans wild.
但在等待了近 10 年后,终于看到 Rockstar 批准的放荡不羁的虚拟迈阿密版本,让粉丝们疯狂了。

Argick said: "GTA VI going back to Vice City and looking like it has a Bonnie and Clyde theme going on has me thinking about grabbing it - it's absolutely going to be one of the biggest releases of the year when it drops.
Argick 说:“GTA VI 重返罪恶都市,看起来像是有邦妮和克莱德的主题,这让我考虑购买它——它绝对会成为今年最大的版本之一。

"The trailer is sending waves throughout the gaming community."

When the game proper releases, you can expect the effect to be seismic.


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