


我以为我看够了阳光 ,它泛滥得多廉价而寻常 ,直到与你人海相望 ,才知我从未曾真的见过阳光.

I thought I had seen enough sunshine. It was so cheap and common that I never really saw sunshine until I looked at you.


Although I haven't lived up to what I like, I try to avoid a lot of what I don't like, which is a little closer to what I like.


Please quietly refuel again. Anyway, I want to hear from you that I have finally become a man who can not live up to the expectations of the public.

人和人终究是不能比的的,有些人风雨中送来的晚餐,却抵不过某个人随口的一句晚安。 ​​​​

After all, people and people are incomparable. Some people bring dinner in the wind and rain, but it can not withstand a casual goodnight.


Which girl really wants to go to the end of the world with a sword? The dream of life is just to be a baby in someone's hand.


​​​​You like me unexpectedly. You don't like me. It's the way things are.


Later, I realized that all the thoughts in life, all the gloom, all the sudden silence and sighs, smiles and tears, all come from this sentence: If you are good.

最好的爱情,是精神上的门当户对,好像不是他冲着我的光芒急匆匆赶来,而是在看到我 泥地里艰难前进时,能不顾我满脸狼狈,温柔且坦然地伸出手。 ​ ​​​​

The best love is a spiritual door to door, as if not he rushed to my light, but to see me in the mud hard forward, regardless of my face, gentle and calm hand.

曾经说要一直在一起的人,信誓旦旦说好的不离不弃,走着走着就散了。相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久。 ​​​​

People who have said they want to be together all the time, swear that they will never give up and walk away. Meetings are always unexpected, and parting is often deliberate for a long time.


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