【龙腾网】关于《最终幻想VII》重生,我们刚刚了解到的 7 件事

【龙腾网】关于《最终幻想VII》重生,我们刚刚了解到的 7 件事



Every new thing I hear about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth makes the wait for its February 29, 2024 release that much harder. And Square Enix just opened the floodgates on another series of new details, hints, and teases about the upcoming “open-area” RPG remake that have me even more intrigued.

关于《最终幻想 7:重生》的每一个新消息都让我对 2024 年 2 月 29 日的发售更加期待。Square Enix 刚刚又放出另一个关于即将推出的RPG重制版“开放区域”的一些列新的细节,暗示和预告,这让我更加好奇了。

The new information comes from the latest Game Informer cover story, which included fresh demo impressions of the game and additional interviews with the development team. The preview focused on the areas around the seaside military town of Junon, with co-directors Naoki Hamaguchi and Motomu Toriyama stressing the sheer amount of side-quests contained in the Final Fantasy VII Remake sequel.

新消息来源于最新的 游戏快讯(Game Informer)杂志封面报道,其中包括对游戏的最新试玩的印象以及对开发团队的补充采访。预览主要集中在海边军事重镇朱诺(Junon)周边地区,联合导演滨口直树(Naoki Hamaguchi)和鸟山求(Motomu Toriyama)强调了《最终幻想 7》重制版续作中包含的大量支线任务。

They say completionists can spend over 100 hours finishing everything there is to do in the game, with Rebirth focusing more on freedom and exploration than the first Remake chapter. They promise it’s not just padding though, and creative director Tetsuya Nomura suggested the story stakes will be as high as ever.

他们说"重生 "比 "重制版 "的第一章更注重自由和探索,"完成者 "可以花 100 多个小时完成游戏中的所有任务。他们保证这并不只是铺垫,创意总监野村哲也表示故事的赌注将一如既往地高。

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth features entirely new towns

最终幻想 7:重生的特色 - 拥有全新的城镇

The second remake’s new content includes whole cities. Crow’s Nest is a companion settlement to the anti-Shinra slum Under Junon. There players can meet new characters, get extra quests, and even do things like play the piano as part of a mini-game where Cloud collects sheet music. “We reach this area after completing a quest, and then this place unlocks,” Hamaguchi told Game Informer. “The residents already know Cloud and the party are a part of Avalanche.” The original Final Fantasy VII all but dropped the Avalanche subplot after the party leaves Midgar, so it’s fascinating to hear the remake trilogy is taking a different approach.

二次重制版的新内容包括整座城市。乌鸦巢是朱诺地下反神罗贫民窟的配套定居点。在那里,玩家可以结识新角色,获得额外任务,甚至还能做一些事情,比如在克劳德收集乐谱的小游戏中玩家可以演奏钢琴。滨口直树(Hamaguchi) 告诉 游戏快讯(Game Informer):"我们在完成任务后会到达这个区域,然后这个地方就会解锁。"居民们已知道克劳德一行人是反抗组织“AVALANCHE”的一员。原版《最终幻想 VII》在一行人离开米德加之后就几乎放弃了“AVALANCHE”反抗组织的支线剧情,因此听说重制版三部曲将采用不同的方式,着实令人着迷。

Map regions are big and seamless


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth might not be fully open world, but it sounds like some of the big maps you explore will still function that way. As one example, Hamaguchi said the Grasslands and Junon are labeled as separate regions on the world map. Despite that fact, players can still walk between them “seamlessly.” Final Fantasy VII Remake was a heavily partitioned game, which made sense for the claustrophobic confines of Midgar. It sounds like Rebirth will offer players a lot more freedom and open space to explore and feel immersed in the larger world.

《最终幻想 VII :重生》可能不是完全开放的世界,但听起来像是玩家探索一些大地图仍然会以这种方式运行。例如,滨口直树(Hamaguchi) 说草原和朱诺在世界地图上被标注为不同的区域。尽管如此,玩家仍然可以在它们之间 "无缝地 "行走。最终幻想 7 重制版是一款高度分区的游戏,这对于米德加幽闭恐怖的限制来说更有意义。听起来,《重生》将为玩家提供更多的自由和开放空间,让玩家可以探索并沉浸在更广阔的世界中。

Side-quests will help Cloud build up his affinity with allies


Are you ready for some Persona-style relationship building? Rebirth will apparently let Cloud build up his bonds with the crew through an affinity meter that increases after completing various side-quests corresponding to specific party members. It sounds kind of like BioWare companion missions, and the outcomes will impact who Cloud goes on a date with at the Gold Saucer. Whether the results will have any bigger story repercussions or affect behavior in combat remains to be seen.

准备好体验角色扮演式的关系建立了吗?显然《重生》将让克劳德通过亲和力表与船员建立联系,亲和力表在完成与特定船员对应的各种支线任务后会增加。这听起来有点像 BioWare (加拿大游戏开发商)的同伴任务,而任务的结果将影响克劳德在 "金碟 "与谁约会。结果是否会有更大的故事反响或影响战斗中的行为还有待观察。

Cait Sith’s battle system is completely unique


In the old game Cait Sith had a slot machine Limit Break that did all kinds of wild things, but he otherwise played just like the other characters, attacking and using Materia. In Rebirth things will work very differently. He’ll actually function separately from the big robotic Moogle he rides, which can be summoned into battle and will leave when its own HP meter is depleted. Both Cait Sith and the Moogle can even attack separately when they’re together—a little Star Trek Enterprise D saucer-section separation action if you will. It sounds bonkers.

在旧版游戏中,凯特-西斯有一个可以做各种疯狂事情的投币贩卖机 "突破极限",但在其他方面,他的表现与其他角色如出一辙,只会攻击和使用“材料”。而在《重生》中,情况将截然不同。实际上,他将与他所骑的大型机器人 "鼹鼠"(Moogle)分开运作,"鼹鼠 "可以被召唤到战斗中,当它自身的 HP 值耗尽时就会离开。如果你愿意的话凯特-西斯和 "鼹鼠 "在一起时甚至可以分开攻击,这是《星际迷航》中企业 D 飞碟分离的一个小动作。听起来很疯狂。

There’s a card game that looks like The Witcher 3's Gwent

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No new Final Fantasy game would be complete without an in-depth mini-game (unless you’re Final Fantasy XVI). Rebirth’s will apparently be a strategy card game called Queen’s Blood. “It almost has the instant-ness of a shooting game in which your opponent may put down a card, then you will instantly put down a card while putting down another,’ Toriyama told Game Informer. It sounds like rapid-fire Gwent. You can seemingly play it with NPCs across the world, building up your collection and becoming a Queen’s Bond master.

任何一款新的《最终幻想》游戏都少不了一款深度小游戏(除非你是《最终幻想 XVI》)。
重生显然是一款名为《女王之血》的策略卡牌游戏。鸟山求告诉游戏快讯杂志(game Informer):“这几乎就像射击游戏一样,你的对手可能会放下一张牌,然后你会立刻放下一张牌,同时放下另一张。”这听起来就像是极速版的昆特牌。你似乎可以与世界各地的NPC一起玩,积累你的收藏并且成为女王卡牌大师。

In fact The Witcher 3 was a big inspiration for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth


It turns out everyone’s favorite open-world fantasy RPG from CD Projekt Red influenced Rebirth quite a bit. The Witcher 3 is renowned for its memorable side-quests and how they feel organically woven into its exploration. It’s apparently Hamaguchi’s favorite RPG outside of Final Fantasy. “We did some extensive research into these types of titles and looked at it as a baseline in which Rebirth should be a type of title that can stand alongside it and have the type of content that would be satisfying to its players,” Toriyama told Game Informer.

原来大家最喜欢的 CD Projekt Red 出品的开放世界奇幻 RPG 对《重生》产生了很大的影响。《巫师 3》以其令人难忘的支线任务以及如何将支线任务有组织的融入到探索中而闻名。这显然是滨口直树(Hamaguchi)在《最终幻想》之外最喜欢的 RPG 游戏。"鸟山求告诉 游戏快讯(Game Informer):"我们对这些类型的游戏进行了广泛的研究,并将其视为《重生》的基线,《重生》应该是一款能与之并驾齐驱的游戏,并拥有能让玩家满意的内容类型。

Whoever dies in Rebirth won’t be coming back


Aerith dying in Final Fantasy VII in one of the most famous video game scenes ever. Given how the remake trilogy has been messing with the original game’s timeline and mythology, fans have wondered if maybe this time around she won’t meet her end at Sephiroth’s blade, or if perhaps somebody else will instead. The trilogy’s creative director, Tetsuya Nomura, poured kerosene on this speculation in an extended interview with Game Informer.

在《最终幻想 7》中,艾莉丝的死亡是史上游戏名场面之一。鉴于重制版三部曲对原版游戏的时间线和神话的干扰,粉丝们不禁要问,也许这次她不会死在萨菲罗斯的刀下,也许会有其他人代替她。三部曲的创意总监野村哲也在接受《Game Informer》杂志的采访时对这种猜测大加挞伐。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“I believe that loss is something that happens unexpectedly, and it’s not something so dramatic or drawn out, but is something in which a person that you have just conversed with is suddenly gone and never to come back,” he said. “I believe that the person who dies should not return in this title, and that is what we did with the original.” Will that person be Aerith? Nomura is certainly keeping the door open to the possibility it won’t be.



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