Younghusband 改造,羊毛商店转型零碳办公社区 / WoodsBagot

Younghusband 改造,羊毛商店转型零碳办公社区 / WoodsBagot


Younghusband 羊毛商店改造

墨尔本, 澳大利亚


伍兹贝格担纲总体规划、建筑和室内设计的 Younghusband 羊毛商店改造项目目标成为墨尔本最大的零碳可适性再开发片区。目前,项目一期已进入施工阶段。

Younghusband 是一处始建于1901年、有着120多年历史的红砖羊毛商店建筑,占地1.57公顷,位于墨尔本西郊Kensington,周边围绕着20世纪早期的工业建筑群。

Construction is underway on stage one of the Younghusband development, advancing what will be Melbourne’s largest net-zero-carbon, adaptive reuse precinct.

The 1.57-hectare site, in Melbourne’s inner-west suburb of Kensington, is home to a 122-year-old redbrick wool store and adjoining network of industrial early-20th-century buildings. Its rich history can be traced back to 1901 when the first wool store building was commissioned by wool seller R Goldsberg Row and Co. The site was later acquired by broker Younghusband and Co, which operated it until 1970.

这里也一度用作小型艺术活动中心和澳大利亚芭蕾舞团的服装及道具仓库,但近几十年来逐渐废弃。2022 年,Ivanhoe Cambridge,Built,Irongate 合资收购了该地块,由此开启片区再生。

In recent decades the precinct has been largely disused, most recently serving as a hub for small-scale arts endeavours and a costume storage facility for the Australian Ballet. It was acquired for development by joint venture partners Ivanhoe Cambridge, Built and Irongate in 2022.

改造项目第一阶段的重点是对两个位于场地中央的羊毛商店进行修复和可适应再利用,将其重新构想为 17,560 平方米的零售和商业办公空间。

Stage one of the redevelopment features the restoration and adaptive reuse of the two central wool stores, reimagined as 17,560 square metres (sqm) of retail and commercial office space.

▲ 剖面图

设计团队“点到即止”,尽量保留了砖砌仓库的丰富遗产特征,包括退役的羊毛包运送电梯和滑轮结构、原有的 Younghusband 油漆招牌、钢架窗户、为商人们在自然光下检查羊毛质量而设计的独特锯齿状屋顶。

Using a design methodology that seeks to “lightly touch” the existing historic structures, Woods Bagot will retain the rich heritage character of the brick warehouses, including decommissioned bail elevators and wool pulleys, original Younghusband painted signage, steel-framed windows, and a distinctive sawtooth roof (originally instated to help merchants scrutinise the quality of the wool beneath the natural light).

现有的青石巷道和新的公共集会空间交互交织,为场地带来“公共性”。多入口的精心设计为场地提供良好的“连通性”,方便各类公共和私营机构进行协作,并支持 Younghusband社区复兴。

The public realm interweaves a variety of public spaces, including existing bluestone laneways and new public gathering spaces. Multiple entry points have been carefully curated to provide connections, inviting public and private collaboration, supporting the Younghusband community.

场地中心是一个 "城市广场",光线充足还配备符合礼堂标准的舒适座位,为人们提供相聚分享、社交互动的绝佳空间。此外,城市广场还接入了新近投入使用的铁路走廊,一条行人和单车共用的景观大道。

Central to the design is a ‘town square’, strategically located at the heart of the precinct, offering light filled auditorium seating - a space for people to meet, share, socialise, and connect. The town square connects to the new activated rail corridor, a landscaped shared pedestrian and bicycle pathway.

新建部分包括了玻璃升降梯和青石巷道上方的外部连桥,既可以提升抵达效率又可以增加建筑内部活力。“我们希望这些新建元素 ‘既现代又互补’,尊重场地历史并使其焕发全新活力的同时,也使建筑面向未来。” 伍兹贝格合伙人、项目建筑师 Peter Miglis 分享道。

Principal architect Peter Miglis said new additions will be “contemporary yet complementary”, to respect and rejuvenate the site history while future-proofing the buildings. New interventions include modern glass lifts and external link bridges suspended over the bluestone laneway to improve access and add animation within the building.

项目一期计划于 2024 年中完成,这一阶段将以致敬红砖建筑的个性和历史韵味为重点,创造一个促进好奇心、社区感和创造力的工作场所,延续昔日羊毛商店的繁荣。

Miglis said stage one – scheduled to complete in mid-2024 - celebrates the characterful personality and patina of the brick building, complete with a faint redolence of remnant lanolin, creating a unique workspace for cultivating curiosity, community and creativity.

▲ 合伙人 Peter Miglis 和墨尔本副市长 Nicholas Reece 出席动工仪式。

▲ 整体三期规划示意

项目二期是新建一座八层办公塔楼,包括 14,000 平方米的净可出租面积和地面层零售配套。塔楼设计以轻质金属材料网包裹的弯曲立面为特征,灵感源自附近的谷物筒仓,也呼应了 Kensington 曾经的农产品运输中心历史。

Stage two of Younghusband is a new build with development approval: an eight-storey office building inspired by nearby grain silos (Kensington is a former transport hub for agricultural products), its curved facade wrapped in a lightweight stretched metal veil. This stage will add a further 14,000 sqm in net lettable area with ground floor retail connections.

项目三期(待审批)将继续新增 13,000 平方米的六层优质办公空间,以及一个大型公共景观广场。

Pending approval, stage three will include a further 13,000 sqm across six levels of premium office space, with a large public plaza with integrated landscape.

▲ 三期开发物理模型

未来投入运营后,Younghusband 将完全实现碳中和,100% 使用可再生电力,并在屋顶安装光伏阵列和雨水收集设施。项目目标获得绿色之星 6星评级、NABERS 办公能源评级(基建)5.5星和 NABERS 水评级 4.5星。

Once operational, the Younghusband development will be entirely carbon neutral, running on 100 per cent renewable electricity, with a photovoltaic array and rainwater collection facilities installed on the sawtooth roof. The precinct is targeting a 6-star Green Star rating, a 5.5-star NABERS Office Energy rating (base building) and a 4.5-star NABERS water rating.

项目名称:Younhusband 羊毛商店改造

项目业主:Ivanhoe Cambridge, Built, Irongate


规模:56,000 平方米净可出租A级办公及商业空间


预计竣工时间:2024 年(一期)

Project Name: Younhusband Wool Store Redevelopment

Client: Ivanhoe Cambridge, Built, Irongate

Location: Melbourne, Australian

Size: Up to 56,000sqm NLA, A-Grade office and retail

Services: Master Plan, Architecture, Interiors Design

Estimated Completion Date: 2024 (Stage 1)

资料来源、版权所有: WoodsBagot


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