After 1860, the tall grain elevator with its high bins of grain began to replace horizontal grain warehouse.
The first elevator in Canada was built in Manitoba in 1881. The main advantage of the grain elevator over the warehouse is that the grain elevator uses the flowing property of grain which eliminates the need for sacking.
The skyline of virtually very Western Canadian town contains two or more of these tall structures.
Built beside a railroad track, the average Canadian elevator is made up of 20 bins with a total capacity of 50,000 bushels,These days the grain is delivered to the elevators by truck as compared to the horse and wagon approach of an earlier era.
After the trucks are weighted, their loads of grain are dumped and the grain is then lifted mechanically into bins, From there the grain is loaded onto railway cars for transport to the giant port elevators in Vancouver. Montreal, Thunder Bay, Churchill and Baie Comeau.
These giant terminal elevators may have as many as 400 to 500 bins with a total capacity of 9,000.000 bushels.
In winter it is very quiet around an elevator, and the time is used for maintenance and training.
With the announcement of a major foreign sale, usually in the fall or spring, a quota call goes out. This tells grain farmers to deliver their quota of grain to the elevator, ie, so many bushels per acre, based on the number of acres each one farms,This is when things begin to pick up around our grain elevators.
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