

首页休闲益智Noon Justice更新时间:2024-06-27


the digital currency initiative in China


Around noon on August 29, users of China Construction Bank noticed that a central bank digital currency wallet feature was available inside the bank’s mobile app. However, the bank has now disabled① the feature from public users. Nonetheless, the brief availability of the wallet shows the Chinese commercial bank has been working towards adoption for the digital yuan initiative, also known as DCEP, which is led by the People’s Bank of China. It is expected to be a digital ledger② that will be pegged③ 1:1 with the existing RMB. Currently being piloted④ in major Chinese cities from Shenzhen to Chengdu, the design is expected to be finalized by the end of 2020. The PBoC is also working with DiDi Chuxing and other internet-based services to apply digital yuan into more payment scenarios. (Coindesk and Forbes)



① disable: [dɪsˈeɪbl] vt. to make (sth.) unable to work so that it cannot be used 使停止工作,使不起作用

② ledger: [ˈledʒə(r)] n. a book or electronic document in which a bank, a business, etc. records the money it has paid and received 分类账

③ peg: [peɡ] vt. to fix or keep (prices, wages, etc.) at a particular level 将{价格、工资等}与{…}挂钩

④ pilot: [ˈpaɪlət] vt. to test (a new product, idea, etc.) with a few people or in a small area before it is introduced everywhere 试用{新产品、新想法等}


Trump and Biden’s Kenosha visit


US President Trump visited Kenosha, Wisconsin last Tuesday, surveying a city that was thrown into tumult① by a police shooting and the killing of two protesters. He came down squarely② on the side of law enforcement, blaming “domestic terror” for the violence in Kenosha and making no nod to③ the underlying④ cause of anger and protests—the shooting of yet another Black man by police. The city has been the scene of protests since the Aug. 23 shooting of Jacob Blake, who was left paralyzed after being shot in the back seven times by an officer. Two days after Mr. Trump’s visit to Kenosha, Mr. Biden sought to strike a drastically different tone during his visit to Wisconsin, as he repudiated the president’s divisive⑤ approach to matters of racial injustice and civil unrest and offered an alternative vision focused on national unity. (The New York Times and AP)



① tumult: [ˈtjuːmʌlt] n. a confused situation in which there is usually a lot of noise and excitement, often involving large numbers of people *乱,*动

② squarely: [ˈskweəli] adv. in a direct and uncompromising manner; without equivocation 毫不含糊地,直截了当地

③ a (passing) nod to: sth. that you do or say to acknowledge the importance or influence of (sth.) 对{重要性、影响}的承认

④ underlying: [ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ] adj. used to identify the idea, cause, problem, etc., that forms the basis of sth. 根本的

⑤ divisive: [dɪˈvaɪsɪv] adj. causing people to be split into groups that disagree with or oppose each other 引起分歧的



Thai king restored titles to once-disgraced① royal consort②


Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn has restored the official titles and military rank to his royal consort Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi last Wednesday, nearly a year after she was accused of being disloyal and disappeared from public view. Recently, Thailand has been roiled③ by anti-government protests during which demands have also been made for curbs④ to newly expanded powers of the king, breaking a strong taboo in a nation where conservative tradition upholds the monarch as semi-divine and above⑤ criticism. Sineenat worked as a nurse before entering a relationship with Vajiralongkorn and eventually joined the royal guards. Shortly after the king married his fourth wife Queen Suthida, he conferred the title Royal Noble Consort to Sineenat last July. She was stripped⑥ of this title last October in a palace statement that called her “ungrateful” in conducting a rivalry with the Queen. (Reuters and BBC)



① disgraced: [dɪsˈɡreɪst] adj. having lost the respect of people, usually meaning you have also lost a position of power 失宠/势

② consort: [ˈkɒnsɔːt] n. the husband or wife of a king, queen, leader, etc. 君主的配偶

③ roil: [rɔɪl] vt. to cause (sth.) to stop working in the usual or expected way 使不正常工作,使失常

④ curb: [kɜːb] n. sth. that controls and puts limits on sth. 控制,约束,抑制

⑤ above: [əˈbʌv] prep. too good or too honest to do (sth.) 不受…之影响

⑥ strip: [strɪp] vt. to take away property or honours from (sb.), as a punishment 剥夺{财产、荣誉等}


a Panamanian-flagged ship capsized① in a storm off Japan


Forty crew members were missing after a Panamanian-flagged ship carrying cattle from New Zealand to China capsized in stormy weather in the East China Sea. By last Friday, three survivors had been found. The crew of 43 was made up of 39 people from the Philippines, two from New Zealand, and two from Australia. The ship, with a cargo of nearly 6,000 cattle, sent a distress call② from the west of Amami Oshima island in southwestern Japan last Wednesday as Typhoon Maysak lashed the area with strong winds and heavy seas. According to a survivor, the ship lost an engine before it was hit by a wave and capsized. (Reuters and Forbes)



① capsize: [kæpˈsaɪz] vi. turns over in the water(船)倾覆

② distress call: n. an internationally recognized means for obtaining help 国际遇险求救信号



Astronomers detected an intermediate-mass black hole for the first time


Astronomers have detected the most massive merging of two black holes yet through the oldest and most distant gravitational waves to ever hit Earth. This collision created the first intermediate-mass black hole ever discovered, and it has a mass of 142 times that of our Sun. The “bang①” of energy created by this black hole merger and released through gravitational waves, or ripples② in the space-time continuum, equaled the energy of eight Suns. The gravitational waves were traced on Earth on May 21, 2019, by the dual③ detectors of Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory in the US, as well as the Virgo gravitational-wave detector in Italy. The ripples took 7 billion years to travel across space to reach us on Earth. (CNN)



① bang: [bæŋ] n. a quick burst of energy or activity 爆炸

② ripple: [ˈrɪpl] n. a small wave 涟漪

③ dual: [ˈdjuːəl] adj. having two parts or aspects 双的,二元的,双倍的


Macron threw 100 billion euros at French economic relaunch


Macron’s government unveiled the long-awaited 100 billion-euro economic stimulus plan. The plan, dubbed① “France Relaunch,” includes wage subsidies, tax cuts for businesses, and funding for environmental projects. It aims to shift away from the emergency spending of the COVID-19 crisis to addressing longer term problems of weak investment and job creation in the euro area’s second largest economy. The fiscal reboot② will be spread over two years and is split in roughly equal parts between competitiveness, jobs and social policies, and financing the transition to a greener economy. The government estimates that France Relaunch will return economic output to 2019 levels in 2022, while also having a lasting impact that will raise potential growth by one percentage point 10 years from now. (Bloomberg)



① dub: [dʌb] vt. to give (sb./sth.) a particular name, often in a humorous or critical way 给…起绰号,把……称为

② reboot: [ˈriːbuːt] n. the action or process of restarting or reviving sth. 重启




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