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Falling for Tennessee

Although it might not look like it in this image of a tranquil fall day, Roaring Fork in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has earned its ferocious name. The stream descends 2,500 feet over just 2 miles—a steep drop. After heavy rains, Roaring Fork transforms into a whitewater rush, the sound echoing off the mountainsides. But during drier spells, the stream quiets to more of a babbling brook, as seen here along the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail. The 5.5-mile popular loop drive passes waterfalls, well-preserved historic log cabins, and scenic overlooks of a forest that during this time of year reaches its fall color peak, exploding in bold yellows, oranges, and reds. These are just some of the things that make Great Smoky Mountains the most popular national park in the country.


虽然它看起来不是一个宁静的秋日,但大烟山国家公园里的Roaring Fork 已经赢得了它凶猛的名字。在仅2英里内,落差达到2500英尺,,是一个陡峭的瀑布。大雨过后,Roaring Fork变成了一股白浪,声音在山坡上回荡。但是在干旱时期,溪流变得更像是一条潺潺的小溪,就像在自然小径上看到的那样。受欢迎5.5英里的环行车道经过瀑布、保存完好的历史木屋,以及一年中这个时候达到最浓烈的秋天色彩森林风景区,呈现出大胆的黄色、橙色和红色。这些只是使大烟山成为美国最受欢迎的国家公园的一部分。


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