

首页休闲益智Bed Diving更新时间:2024-04-26











多数从阿根廷世界的尽头乌斯怀亚出发,或者智利的PUNTA ARENAS出发,或开口。更有一些的飞机去第一程,到了南极半岛才上船,甚至有些是来回程都是飞机,只是在南极半岛换船,但这样是极少数的。最少得试一程西风带吧,这才是南极必须有的体验。



Experienced divers 只开放给有经验的潜水员哦


证书:PADI AOW级别潜水员

干衣证及LOG BOOK:有干衣证或20潜干衣经验


These voyages are not for beginners, you’ll have to be an experienced diver and must be familiar with cold water diving and dry suit diving (at least 20 dives). Before departure you will have to show an internationally accepted diving certificate, diver’s log book and a statement from your doctor (not older than two years) stating that you are physically healthy to practice scuba diving.

The voyage will start with a check-dive so all divers can get used to the cold water and adjust their weights and equipment. Before each dive, there will be a briefing about the location of the site, the weather and ice conditions and the procedure of the dive.

For the advanced diver this is truly a unique experience. You will see amazing ice formations and marine life seemingly from another planet, such as the Giant Isopods and salps. Seals race fearlessly by, graceful in a way not possible above the surface. Sunlight from above creates a stunning, ever-changing spectrum of color among the diverse benthos. Take your time to explore an environment few diver have ever experienced: the kelp walls, sea snails, crabs, sea butterflies, Shrubby horsetails, jellyfish, squid, Sea hedgehogs, starfish, krill and various Antarctic fish. The waters of the Polar Oceans also support an economically important world fishery of fin fish, squid and krill, and the waters of the Polar Oceans affect all other world oceans.

Diving procedure

Diving in these remote Polar areas is no more dangerous than normal scuba diving as long as one important rule is adhered to: Safety First ! All divers looking for dangerous stunts or want to make deep dives are kindly asked to stay at home.

There is no decompression chamber, medical care in these polar regions is almost non-existent and there is hardly any infrastructure. Although we have a doctor on board the vessel for first aid assistance, we cannot accept risky ventures from any of our divers.

The dives will be done in a 'buddy system'. If you don’t have a dive-buddy, one will be assigned to you. The divers are expected to be experienced enough to read their compass, depth gauges and look after each other in order to have a safe dive.

Although the diving you will be doing while in the Polar Regions is not really considered "technical" in professional diving terminology, the conditions and gear required to dive safety do require a fair bit of experience and training. Since diving is an equipment intensive activity, diving in Polar Regions requires an extensive amount of additional equipment because of the cold weather and water, and a higher level of diving experience because of the remote location involved. You will find more detailed information on our website on Polar Diving Procedures in the section Travel Resources. Diving is no fun if you are cold and uncomfortable. Divers in cold water may have a higher air consumption rate, expend more energy, and can become more fatigued. Cold water also decreases a diver's ability to perform complex tasks that require manual dexterity.

If our dive master feels that the diver does not meet the necessary experience, he can decide to exclude the diver from the dive program (this decision will be made for your own safety). In this case, dive center cannot be held (financially) responsible and does not grant any claims. All divers are required to follow the instructions of the dive master and guides at all times. All participants are diving 100 % at their own risk, which is also the case while on land during the excursions.

Marine life at the dive sites 丰富多彩的极地海洋生物

The dive sites will vary from shallow ice diving, diving along a wall or around a grounded iceberg. We don’t dive through a wide hole in the ice, but in a controlled environment under small grounded icebergs, from the shore or a zodiac or an ice shell.


The maximum depth is 20 meters / 60 feet. The combination of sunlight and the often-extraordinary formations of ice cause an overwhelming, ever-changing spectre of colours, with a fantastic variety of shades and brilliance. While snorkelling or diving along the ice floes, you will be amazed and never forget these deep blue colours. Diving in the Polar areas does not only offer ice, but also an interesting marine life, such as kelp walls, sea-snails, crabs, sea butterflies, various bottom fish, shrubby horse-tails, jelly-fishes, sea-hedgehogs and starfishes. In the Antarctic and Arctic waters there is typical marine life such as sea squirts, squat lobsters, many species of starfish, spider crabs, soft corals, anemones, peacock worms, and dogfish.

In Antarctica you may have the possibility to snorkel or dive with seals and penguins including the fearless Leopard Seal.

Number of dives 一般是一天两潜,但是要视乎具体的情况,因为这是南极!

Normally two dives per day (except for days at sea), but an exact number of dives cannot be given. It all depends on ice and weather conditions and circumstances.

Trip itineraries are a guideline. We will always try to hold to the itinerary as much as possible, but SAFETY is number one. Since this is an expedition to a remote part of the world, unpredictable weather conditions, availability of anchorages, wind conditions, and other factors beyond our control will always dictate when its safe to make a dive.

What to pack for your Diving 装备要自带哦!!!

Please contact your airline about their luggage restrictions and request a special allowance for your dive equipment prior to departure. All excess baggage is at your own expense.

• All divers must have experience with dry suit diving (minimum 20 dives required). 必须要20潜干衣经验!

• Dry suit with hood 当然要自带干衣啦

• Thick and warm underwater garment (2 sets), dry gloves or adequate thick wet gloves (make sure they will keep your hands warm in sub-zero waters)


• 2 separate freeze protected regulators, because we dive with special bottles with two separate outlets. The tanks we are using are 12L steel tanks. They are fitted with a “Y” or “H” valve configuration, with DIN or Yoke (INT) adaptable connections.


• Pressure gage 压力计

• Stabilizing jacket or some kind of BC with quick release – divers without BDC trusting only their dry suit for buoyancy control will not be allowed to dive.


• Depth gage, watch or computer 深度计或潜水电脑

• Compass 指南针

• Knife and a torch 刀及照明电筒

• Mask, fins and snorkel 面镜,脚蹼及呼吸管

• Weight belt (weights available on board) 配重(这个不用带啦,船上有)

• Safety buoy 安全浮标(象拔)

Setting up your gear:

You need two sets of regulators: 要带2套防冻保护的调节器哦!

1st set includes:

Freeze protected First stage 防冻保护一级头

Second stage (incl. hose)

Hose for BC

Pressure gage / computer

2nd set includes:

Freeze protected First stage 防冻保护一级头

Second stage (incl. hose)

Hose for Dry suit

IMPORTANT: Do not bring any new equipment on this expedition that you have not already tested in the water and you are not very familiar with. The Polar regions are not the place to test out new equipment. It is required that you complete a few dives with all the equipment you will be using before coming on the trip. This will also allow you to fine-tune your buoyancy and trim characteristics, and make a note of how much weight you will need when diving with all your equipment.





This is a unique chance to become one of the first certified Polar Divers in the world !

The Polar Diver Specialty Course can only be taken in Antarctica, below the Antarctic Convergence or below 60 degrees, or in the Arctic, above the Arctic Circle.

This course is designed to be an introduction to Polar diving and help the Student diver develop the skills, knowledge and techniques necessary for diving in polar environments.

Why is this Course so unique ?

• It is an adventure;

• You will experience a unique maritime environment and wildlife;

• You will be diving in an area that very few divers have explored;

• There will be no crowds and peaceful atmosphere;

• There are challenging photography and filming, new motives and sceneries;

• You will be one of the few certified Polar Divers in the dive industry.


To qualify for the Polar Diver course, you must:


  1. Be certified as a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization; 首先你是PADI AOW潜水员。

2. Be 18 years of age or older; 18岁或以上

3. Show proof of experience in dry suit diving or being certified as a PADI Dry Suit Diver. 有PADI干衣证或有20潜干衣经验(必须有教练盖章哦)

Course Overview 课程总览

The purpose of the PADI Polar Diving Specialty Course is to familiarize divers with the skills, knowledge, planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems, hazards, and excitement of diving in the Polar areas.


A. To enable the student to explain the planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and hazards of diving in the Polar areas.

B. To familiarize the student with the use of any special equipment such as surface markers/floats, configuration of double regulators if used, signals, communication and recall signal.

C. To enable the student to engage in dives to explore the Polar environments found within depths and conditions as good as or better than those in which they have been trained safely and enjoyable.









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