

首页休闲益智Ice Skater更新时间:2024-07-31




冬奥黑科技:超高清、多维度、沉浸式…… 科技驱动下, 数字体育带您体验“自由视角,全景观赛”。

















The Beijing 2022 Winter Games are set to start this February. You probably won’t be able to watch the events in person, but don’t worry, cutting-edge (尖端) technologies will offer you a great game-watching experience.

With the support of 5G and cloud technologies, ordinary viewers will have the chance to enjoy the world’s clearest broadcast technology, 8K broadcast in ultra-high definition (超高清晰度), from TV sets.

Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) Cloud

A solid system for rebroadcasting( 转播)Olympic events is the key to making sure that more people enjoy the top-level competition. Traditionally, rebroadcasting is requiring expensive broadcasting trucks and lots of production directors. But now, by cooperating with OBS, the Organizing Committee has built an intelligent cloud network, which can collect all on-spot ultra-high-definition (超高清晰度) video, edit video materials and transmit them into multi-channel signals suited for TV or Internet video platforms or broadcasting in real time. Broadcasters and producers don’t need to go to the scene and can further enhance(加强) the video by adding graphics (图表) or text remotely, which helps with pandemic prevention efforts. Also, an on-site reporter can now use one small camera or a smartphone to livestream a sports event.

“Free visual angle” technologies

As speed and visual (视觉的) effects are two important characteristics of ice and snow sports, the Beijing 2022 organizers also developed many technologies to give people “immersive” (沉浸式)experiences with 360-degree replay and “free visual angle (自由视角)” technologies. In the Wukesong Sports Center, dozens of cameras are set around the venue (场馆) to shoot competitions from different angles at the same time. Using a phone app, viewers can choose different viewing angles to watch the events. QR codes will be provided for the viewers to better interact and enjoy the events up close.

What’s more, viewers can watch high-definition broadcasts on VR devices. Although they attend the events virtually online, they feel as if they were at the venue.

AI-powered sign language anchor

On Nov 24, CCTV and Baidu AI Cloud announced the launch of CCTV’s first AI sign language anchor (手语主播). The anchor will help cover the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The Baidu AI Cloud uses many technologies such as speech recognition (识别) and machine translation to build a complex and accurate (精确的) sign language translation engine(翻译引擎). This enables the translation of text, sound and video into sign language.

Now, the AI anchor appears as a young woman with a friendly and natural disposition (性情). It can also be shown in other styles such as anime, 2D and 3D. Used by this technology, the AI sign language anchor will help all people(including people with hearing loss) better enjoy the great winter event.

1. What mainly offers you a great game-watching experience?

A. Virtual reality technologies.

B. Data visualization technologies.

C. 5G networks and cloud technologies.

D. Intelligent information processing technologies.

2. What can we know about OBS Cloud?

A. It helps editors select useful information.

B. It can effectively reduce human contact.

C. It helps strengthen the clarity of videos.

D. It can generate relevant data analysis.

3. How does Wukesong Sports Center give viewers immersive experiences?

A. By recording 8K on-site videos.

B. By broadcasting the events in real time.

C. By shooting an event from every angle.

D. By providing different ways of interaction for the viewer.

4. Which of the following statements is true?

A.The rebroadcasting of this Winter Olympics requires expensive radio trucks and lots of production directors.

B. AI sign language anchor only helps deaf people better enjoy the great winter event.

C. Speed and sound effects are two important characteristics of ice and snow sports

D. Reporters can use one small camera or a smartphone to livestream a sports event.


【解析】本文介绍冬奥会的一些黑科技的应用,超高清、多维度、沉浸式…… 科技驱动下, 数字体育带您体验“自由视角,全景观赛”。

1. C细节理解题。从cutting-edge(尖端) technologies will offer you a great game-watching experience. 这是最前沿的科技将为你提供绝佳的游戏观看体验。后面提及了5G和云技术的支持。故答案选C2.B推理判断题。Broadcasters and producers don’t need to go to the scene and can further enhance(加强) the video by adding graphics (图表) or text remotely, which helps with pandemic prevention efforts. 广播公司和制作人不需要到场,可以进一步提高节目质量,通过添加图形来播放视频或者远程发短信,这有助于大流行预防疾病工作。可知答案选B。

3. C细节理解题。从the Beijing 2022 organizers also developed many technologies to give people “immersive” (沉浸式)experiences with 360-degree replay and “free visual angle (自由视角)” technologies. In the Wukesong Sports Center, dozens of cameras are set around the venue(场馆)to shoot competitions from different angles at the same time. 北京2022年的组织者还开发了许多技术,让人们沉浸式360度回放和“自由视角”体验技术。在五棵松体育中心,数十台摄像机被安置在场馆周围,同时从不同角度拍摄比赛。可知答案选C。

4. D细节理解题。从Also, an on-site reporter can now use one small camera or a smartphone to livestream a sports event.可知答案D正确。


“Water Cube” has been transformed into “Ice Cube”.

The National Aquatics Center, also known as the “Water Cube”, was built to host aquatic (水上运动的) events for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Since then, it has become an iconic (标志性的) Olympics structure, known across the world. Now, the stadium will also host the curling (冰壶) events for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games. So how can we turn the “Water Cube” into the “Ice Cube”? The most important change is to turn the swimming pool into a four-lane (四道的) curling rink (冰场).The water will be drained (抽干) from the pool. Then, 2,600 H-shaped steel columns will go inside the pool. They will hold up a flat surface. The surface will be covered in a special insulating (隔热的) material. Finally, a sheet (一片) of ice goes on top. It is the first time in the Olympics that curling competitions will be held on a sheet of movable ice. By transforming (改造) venues instead of building new ones, a great deal of money and energy will be saved. It is a good example of China’s goal to hold a “green” Olympics.

In fact, green technology is also being used. The National Speed Skating Oval (NSSO, 国家短道速滑中心), known as the “Ice Ribbon”, is the only newly-built ice sports venue for the Games. The NSSO has a greener way to make ice. Traditionally, freon (氟利昂) is used as a coolant to make ice. But freon harms Earth’s ozone layer (臭氧层). The new technology uses CO2 instead. For the Ice Ribbon, with an ice surface area of 12,000 square meters, its effect (效果) in reducing carbon emissions is equal to planting over 1.2 million trees.

The new ice-making technology can precisely (精确地) control ice temperatures and will be helpful to ensure a standardized (标准化的) hardness of ice surfaces. It will also significantly (显著地) save electricity during ice making. The new technology will also be used in other ice venues including Capital Indoor Stadium and Wukesong Sports Center.

1. Why should we turn the “Water Cute” into the “Ice cute”?

A. To make “Water Cube” more famous across the world.

B. To challenge ourselves for the first time.

C. To hold a “green” Olympics.

D. To make athletes feel more convenient.

2. Which of the following is used to make ice at the National Speed Skating Oval?

A. Freon.

B. CO2.

C. Methane.

D. Water vapor.

3. What is the feature of the technology used to build Ice Ribbon?

A. It cuts carbon emissions significantly.

B. It produces the electricity the venue needs.

C. It is inexpensive and easy to adopt.

D. It absorbs the harmful chemical freon that is released.

4. What is the text mainly about?

A. A comparison of some Beijing Winter Olympic venues.

B. Technologies used to hold a “green” Beijing Winter Olympics.

C. China’s mission of holding the Beijing Winter Olympics.

D. The difficulties of venue transformation for the Beijing Winter Olympics.



1. C 细节理解题。从第三段By transforming (改造) venues instead of building new ones, a great deal of money and energy will be saved. It is a good example of China’s goal to hold a “green” Olympics. 通过改造 而不是建造新的场馆,将节省大量资金和能源。这是中国举办“绿色”奥运会目标的一个很好的例子。可知答案选C。

2. B细节理解题。从Traditionally, freon (氟利昂) is used as a coolant to make ice. But freon harms Earth’s ozone layer (臭氧层). The new technology uses CO2 instead. 传统上,氟利昂用作制冰的冷却剂。但氟利昂会损害地球的臭氧层. 这项新技术使用的是二氧化碳.故答案选B。

3.A细节理解题。its effect (效果) in reducing carbon emissions is equal to planting over 1.2 million trees. 它的效果减少碳排放相当于种植120多万棵树。故答案选A。

4. B主旨大意题。本文介绍了2项新的改变,“水立方”变成“冰立方”,在制冰过程中使用CO2代替了氟利昂这都是中国新技术的应用,目的是举办一个节能绿色的冬奥会。故答案选B。


What’s the most popular Winter Olympics design with kids and teenagers? It must be the mascot (吉祥物). Bing Dwen Dwen, a panda in an ice shell, was chosen as the official mascot for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games back in 2019. Now you can find this mascot in the form of fluffy (毛茸茸的) toys and models. Bing Dwen Dwen is also printed on scarves, notebooks, badges and bags.

“The International Olympic Committee (IOC) found that for mascots to be successful they had to be cute and liked by 9-year-olds,” said Cao Xue, the chief designer of Bing Dwen Dwen. “And I know Bing Dwen Dwen would be.” Cao’s team was from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. They once made three designs and he asked his 9-year-old son to choose his favorite. “At first glance, he chose Bing Dwen Dwen, which became the final mascot,” Cao noted. According to Cao, Bing Dwen Dwen was chosen from 5,816 designs from 38 countries and regions. The idea first came from a traditional Chinese snack bingtanghulu – fruit coated in syrup (糖浆), which turned into the ice shell in his design. However, a simple snack cannot stand for a country by itself. Cao’s team then tried many plants and animals, finally going with a panda. “What can better stand for China than our national treasure (宝藏)?” said Cao. “We don’t need to explain anything to have it understood across different cultures.”

However, there were already too many cartoon images of pandas out there so the mascot needed to be different. Cao first decided that it should be a baby panda instead of an adult one. This is how they got Bing Dwen Dwen’s body shape. Its body has the same length (长度) as its head.

“If we say artists are like actors who present themselves, designers are actors who have to fit into different roles,” Cao said. “Doing designs is like dancing with chains. I’m glad we performed a good dance.” Cao’s team then collected all the panda designs they could find across the world to avoid similarities. They even visited the panda nature reserve (保护区) in Wolong, Sichuan, to look for inspiration(灵感). They found that baby pandas walk pigeon-toed(内八字) and often lean while standing.

“When we finally got Bing Dwen Dwen, our whole team was over the moon,” said Cao. “Now I can’t wait to see it greet the world at the Winter Games opening ceremony.”

1. When was Bing Dwen Dwen chosen as the mascot of the Winter Olympics?

A. in 2019

B. in 2020

C. in 2021

C. in 2022

2. What can we learn about Bing Dwen Dwen from the text?

A. It stood out from the 38 collected designs.

B. It is a panda with the body proportions of an adult.

C. It was designed with the help of an 8-year-old kid.

D. The idea was inspired by bingtanghulu.

3. Why did Cao’s team decide to use a panda in their design?

A. It is considered the cutest animal in China.

B. It is the national treasure of China.

C. It is loved by people from different cultures.

D. It is an endangered species that deserves more attention.

4. What is the second-to-last paragraph mainly about?

A. The design style of Cao’s team.

B. The cooperation of Cao’s team in designing Bing Dwen Dwen.

C. The efforts of Cao’s team in designing Bing Dwen Dwen.

D. The unique(独特的) characteristics of Bing Dwen Dwen.

5. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence?

A. They are very hard-working.

B. They want to fly to the moon.

C. They are very happy and excited.

D. They feel they are popular with all people.



1. A细节理解题。Bing Dwen Dwen, a panda in an ice shell, was chosen as the official mascot for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games back in 2019. 冰墩墩早在2019年被选为北京2022年冬奥会的官方吉祥物。故答案选A。

2. D细节理解题。从Bing Dwen Dwen was chosen from 5,816 designs from 38 countries and regions.可知A错误。从Cao first decided that it should be a baby panda instead of an adult one. This is how they got Bing Dwen Dwen’s body shape. Its body has the same length (长度) as its head.可知B错误.C明显错误。从The idea first came from a traditional Chinese snack bingtanghulu。可知答案选D。

3. B细节理解题。从What can better stand for China than our national treasure有什么比我们的国宝更能代表中国。可知答案选B。




Back in 2008 during the Beijing Olympics, Han Qian volunteered as a guide at the National Stadium (or Bird’s Nest). The experience inspired his passion for the Olympics and volunteering. Now, the 35-year-old is in charge of recruitment (招聘) at the Volunteer Department of the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee.

“Beijing is making history as the first city in the world to have hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics. I’m honored to have taken part in both,” said Han. “Being a volunteer is different from organizing volunteers, but both are great experiences. The former requires passion while the latter needs more thinking and planning, especially as we’re facing many new challenges.”

Because of COVID-19, volunteers need to be quarantined (隔离) after the test events held before Feb 4, as well as after the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. This means they have to dedicate more time to volunteering. With around 90 percent of the volunteers being university students, according to Han, this could affect their schoolwork. So Han’s team has worked together with schools to support the students as much as possible.

The organizing committee launched the Global Recruitment Programme for Games Volunteers on Dec 5, 2019. It also worked directly with schools. “For example, volunteers from Tsinghua University take charge of the National Stadium, while those from Peking University take care of the National Aquatics (水上运动) Center (or Water Cube),” Han said.

The cold weather is another challenge, with some events being held outdoors. The outdoor volunteers need to go through training, such as a 15-kilometer walking exercise, to better prepare them for their work. The organizing committee also provides warm clothes.

Ding Boyang, a 19-year-old sophomore (大二学生) at Beijing Jiaotong University, has taken this training. He has completed rehearsals (排练) and quarantine to be a volunteer who guides traffic at the National Indoor Stadium where ice hockey (冰球) events will be held.

Volunteers like Ding have completed more than 30 training sessions online. These include sessions on health and safety, English-language skills, epidemic (传染病) control protocols (协议) and how to serve people with disabilities. Volunteers must also know skills related to their specific posts and venues (场地), and have knowledge of winter sports, the Olympics and the city of Beijing. They also learn to manage their emotions as volunteers need to deal with many different people. They might also experience stress while in quarantine. Volunteers are assessed (评定) at test events before the Olympics take place.

According to Ding, tasks for volunteers are “specific and may seem trivial (琐碎的)”, but “all essential to the successful running of the Winter Games”. “I felt proud to help the world better understand China,” he added.

1. What do we know about Han Qian?

A. He has been working at the National Stadium since 2008.

B. He is experienced in training outdoor volunteers for the Olympics.

C. He is responsible for recruiting volunteers for the coming Olympics.

D. He helps the Olympic volunteers deal with their schoolwork.

2. What is a challenge that the student volunteers of the 2022 Winter Olympics have to deal with?

A. Walking 15-kilometers each day.

B. Completing schoolwork before entering quarantine.

C. Being affected by the cold weather.

D. Not being able to complete onsite training due to the pandemic.

3. Why does the author mention Ding’s story in the last three paragraphs?

A. To outline(概述) the challenges of voluntary work.

B. To describe how the Olympic volunteers are trained.

C. To show the importance of the Olympic volunteers.

D. To inspire more students to become volunteers.



1.C细节理解题。Now, the 35-year-old is in charge of recruitment (招聘) at the Volunteer Department of the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee.可知答案选C2.C细节理解题。从The cold weather is another challenge, with some events being held outdoors.可知答案选C



After about five years of hard work, the National Alpine Skiing Center(国家高山滑雪中心) in the Yanqing competition zone is ready for skiers to compete. Its blueprint (蓝图) came from Liang Xu and other architects (建筑师) from the China Architecture Design and Research Group.

On the southern slopes (坡) of Xiaohaituo Mountain, the center has seven main ski runs that total about 9.4 kilometers. All of the ski trails (雪道) total 21 km, with the largest vertical (垂直的) drop at about 900 meters.

The highlight of the center is that its trails match the surroundings and the local environment. “We aim to impact (影响) the environment – mountains and plants – as little as possible,” said Liang. “It is consistent (一致的) with a traditional Chinese idea – harmony between man and nature (天人合一).”

The alpine skiing trails are dangerous. Their average slope is about 17 degrees (度), with some even over 34 degrees. When picking proper slopes to build trails, architects prefer those that don’t need too much construction (建设) work. “We aim for a balance between the soil (土壤) we remove and the soil we fill in,” Liang said. “In other words, you dig up some soil here, but you can use it to fill other places. We try to reduce the amount of soil that needs to be removed.”

Architects also borrowed some ideas from traditional Chinese architecture. In the southern part of China, stilted buildings (吊脚楼) are common in mountain areas. “It’s a very smart way. The houses are built above poles (柱子) so that they don’t destroy the mountain bodies,” Liang said. Inspired by this, they built some stilted platforms (平台) and houses for media workers and volunteers. All of them were constructed with removable steel components (可拆卸的钢结构组件). “After the events, they can be easily removed. The mountains can stay as they were before,” said Liang.

In general, the trails look like the wings of a flying swallow (燕子), known as “xuefeiyan”. “It matches the alpine skiing events. We are looking forward to skiers ‘flying’ through the mountains as swiftly (敏捷地) as swallows,” said Liang.

1. What do we learn about the ski center from the text?

A. It was designed by Liang Xu and other architects.

B. It was ready for winter sports 5 years ago.

C. It has seven 900-meter-long tracks.

D. It’s on the northern slopes of Xiaohaituo Mountain.

2. What kind of slopes do architects prefer to use to build tracks?

A. Slopes surrounded by mountains.

B. Slopes with smaller angles.

C. Slopes that don’t need much construction.

D. Slopes whose soil is easily dug up.

3.Which of the following statements is wrong?

A. The main feature of the skis trail is to achieve harmony between man and nature.

B. The center has seven main ski runs , all of the ski trails total 9.4 km

C. Architects use traditional Chinese technology and idea to build ski trails.

D. The trails look like the wings of a flying swallow.

4. What feature of stilted buildings was borrowed to design ski center structures?

A. They show traditional Chinese culture.

B. They are built on metal support poles.

C. They do little damage to the environment.

D. They stand still even in mountainous areas.



1. A细节理解题。从Its blueprint (蓝图) came from Liang Xu and other architects.可知答案A正确。其余叙述都有错误。

2. C细节理解题。从When picking proper slopes to build trails, architects prefer those that don’t need too much construction (建设) work. 当选择合适的斜坡来建造雪道时,建筑师更喜欢那些不需要太多施工的斜坡工作。故答案选C。

3.B细节理解题。从the center has seven main ski runs that total about 9.4 kilometers. All of the ski trails (雪道) total 21 km, 该中心有七条主要滑雪道,总长约9.4公里。所有的滑雪道总共21公里。所以B叙述与原文有误答案B错误。

4.B推理判断题。从The houses are built above poles (柱子) so that they don’t destroy the mountain bodies. 这些房子建在柱子上这样他们就不会破坏山体。故答案选B。


Lacing up (系紧) her skates, Wang Yihan, a 16-year-old girl from Fujian gets ready to step out onto the ice, taking a few laps around the rink (滑冰场) to warm up for practice. After three years of training, Wang has already mastered the basics and is preparing to learn more complicated jumps and spins (旋转).

“Figure skating fascinated me with its grace and skill. Encouraged by my parents, I made up my mind to try it out,” said Wang.

Figure skating is one of the most anticipated (令人期待的) sports at the Beijing Winter Games. Back in the 18th century in the UK, the sport was popular among the aristocracy (贵族). They liked to take to frozen ponds and lakes on rough (粗糙的) hand-forged blades (冰刀) to have fun. Gradually, more skating enthusiasts from Germany, the United States and Canada followed suit. In the 1860s, Jackson Haines, a US ballet dancer and skater, used more artistic moves like pirouettes (脚尖旋转) and dramatic jumps to make the sport less formal.

Figure skating became a Winter Olympics event in 1924. On a 60m by 30m rectangular ice rink, skaters wearing eye-catching trousers, tights or skirts perform various movements. Skaters must complete two components: short program and free skate. In the short program, they need to finish specified (指定的) movements like jumps and spins. For the about four-minute free skate, they choreograph (编舞) intricate (复杂的) and challenging moves including footwork, jumps or lifts accompanied by a musical track of their own design.

Figure skating requires the athletes to focus on both technical and performance aspects of skating. “A really good skater needs to be able to look effortless when they perform their elements. Without strength, courage and years of practice, it’s really hard to achieve that goal and make an emotional connection with viewers,” Olympic gold medalist and US retired skater Scott Hamilton told CNN. “And that’s what I liked about it.”

Attracted by its charm, many Chinese athletes have stepped onto the international figure skating stage in the past decades. For example, at the 2010 Winter Olympics, skating duo (双人组) Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won China’s first gold medal in the sport, breaking Russia’s 12 Olympic gold medal winning streak (连胜). At the 2021 International Skating Union Grand Prix series, skating duo Sui Wenjing and Han Cong took home the gold medal.

1. What is the function of Wang Yihan 's story at the beginning of the article?

A. To show that figure skating is very popular

B. To lead in the topic.

C. To show that figure skating needs lots of practice.

D. To show some achievement in figure skating.

2. What do we know about the history of figure skating?

A. It originated in the 19th century.B. It was invented by the US aristocracies for fun.

C. It became an event in the Olympics to honor Jackson Haines.

D. Artistic moves were added to figure skating to make it less formal.

3. Which of the following is true about the figure skating program for the Winter Olympics?

A. Rinks of different sizes are used.

B. Skaters can participate only as individuals.

C. It involves the short program and the free skate.

D. The movements of skaters have to be inventive.

4. What is the author’s purpose in quoting(引用) Scott Hamilton’s words?

A. To mention the dangers of figure skating.

B. To introduce what it takes to succeed as a skater.

C. To attract a new generation to the sport.

D. To give tips to skaters who will participate in the coming Olympics.



1. B 文章结构分析题。开始介绍王一涵的花样滑冰是为了引入话题。

2. D细节理解题。从文中可知花样滑冰起源18世纪英国,故A,B错误。C花样滑冰成为奥运会项目并不是为了向杰克逊·海恩斯致敬的一个项目。故C错误。从Jackson Haines, a US ballet dancer and skater, used more artistic moves like pirouettes (脚尖旋转) and dramatic jumps to make the sport less formal.美国芭蕾舞演员兼滑冰运动员杰克逊·海恩斯(Jackson Haines)使用了更多的艺术动作,比如旋转,戏剧性的跳跃让这项运动变得不那么普通。故D正确。

3. C细节理解题。从On a 60m by 30m rectangular ice rink,可知花样滑冰是在60米乘30米的长方形溜冰场进行,故A错误。从最后一段可知有双人组合。故B错误。从Skaters must complete two components: short program and free skate. In the short program,滑冰运动员必须完成两个部分:短规定动作和自由滑冰。故C正确。D没有提及故错误。答案选C。

4. B主旨大意题。“ really good skater needs to be able to look effortless when they perform their elements. Without strength, courage and years of practice, it’s really hard to achieve that goal and make an emotional connection with viewers,” 一个真正优秀的滑冰运动员需要在表演时看起来毫不费力。没有力量、勇气和多年的练习,很难实现这个目标并与观众建立情感联系。”说明花样滑冰成功所需要的条件。故答案选B。


Chinese athletes were highlighted by a series of inspirational wins in the International Ski Federation’s World Cup circuit recently. China’s Gu Ailing, a Chinese freestyle talent, made history by becoming the first ever back-to-back free ski World Cup winner in two different events at the same venue after claiming the slopestyle title in Calgary, Canada, on Feb.15, 2020. The day before, Gu had stormed to her first Cup gold in the halfpipe competition.

Gu again thrilled the crowds on Feb.15 in the slopestyle with another impressive display of technical riding, landing a string of difficult tricks, including a massive right 900° twist with a tail grab in her second run that earned her 89.18 points to dominate the 18-strong field.

“Honestly, my mind is blown,” Gu told the FIS website after the competition. “Coming in I didn’t have any expectations. I try not to take anything for granted. Honestly, I could not have expected two wins from these events.”

“I really just came in trying to do my best and ski the way I knew I could. Skiing my best is really the best part of this, and being rewarded for it just makes it even better.”

Born to a Chinese mother and an American father in San Francisco, US, Gu, better known as Eileen in the States, completed a naturalization process last June to represent China in international competitions.

Now she has her sights set on doing her mother’s home country proud at the 2022 Beijing Games.

A talented skier who has won many national junior titles in the US, Gu became a hit last month after winning two golds and a silver — in halfpipe, Big Air and slopestyle — at her first appearance in Winter Youth Olympics in Lausanne, Switzerland.

With Gu now on board in freeski, China’s snow sports team, which also features world-class aerial skiers and halfpipe snowboarders, is determined to challenge Western dominance on the snow in 2022.

1. How did Gu Ailing created history in her career?

A. She won two gold medals in the World Cup.

B. She showed her talent in skiing performance.

C. She displayed an impressive technical riding.

D. She made a massive right 900° twist twice.

2. What mainly made Gu perform well in the match?

A. Her powerful determination.

B. Her parents’ positive support.

C. Her deep love for competition.

D. Her relaxing and careful mind.

3. Where was Gu born?

A. In China.

B. In America.

C. In Canada.

D. In Switzerland.

4. When did Gu become known in sports?

A. On Feb.15, 2020.

B. On Feb.14, 2020.

C. In January 2020.

D. In June 2019.

【答案】ADB C


1. 细节理解题。根据第一段关键句“China’s Gu Ailing, a Chinese freestyle talent, made history by becoming the first ever back-to-back freeski World Cup winner in two different events at the same venue after claiming the slopestyle title in Calgary, Canada, on Feb.15, 2020.”(中国自由式滑雪天才谷爱凌于2020年2月15日在加拿大卡尔加里夺得自由式滑雪冠军,成为有史以来第一位在同一场地两个不同项目连续获得自由式滑雪世界杯冠军的选手。)可知,谷爱凌是有史以来第一位在同一场地两个不同项目连续获得自由式滑雪世界杯冠军的选手。由此可知,谷爱凌是通过在世界杯上获得两枚金牌创造了自己职业生涯中的历史。故选A项。

2. 推理判断题。根据第三段关键句“Coming in I didn’t have any expectations. I try not to take anything for granted. Honestly, I could not have expected two wins from these events.”(进入赛场时我没有任何期望。我尽量不想当然。老实说,我没想到在这些赛事中会赢两场。)和第四段内容“I really just came in trying to do my best and ski the way I knew I could. Skiing my best is really the best part of this, and being rewarded for it just makes it even better.”(我只是想尽我最大的努力,以我所知道的方式滑雪。滑雪是我最擅长的的部分,而得到奖励只会让它变得更好。)可知,谷爱凌在比赛中思想上是放松的,只是尽最大努力滑雪,而把得到奖励当作是对自己的鼓励。由此可推断出,是谷爱凌放松而细心的头脑让她在比赛中表现出色。故选D项。

3. 细节理解题。根据第五段关键句“Born to a Chinese mother and an American father in San Francisco, US”(出生于美国旧金山的一位中国母亲和一位美国父亲的家庭)可知,谷爱凌是在美国旧金山出生的,由此可知,她是在美国出生的。故选B项。

4. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容“A talented skier who has won many national junior titles in the US, Gu became a hit last month after winning two golds and a silver — in halfpipe, Big Air and slopestyle — at her first appearance in Winter Youth Olympics in Lausanne, Switzerland.”(作为一名天才滑雪者,她在美国赢得了许多全国青少年滑雪冠军。上个月,她在瑞士洛桑冬奥会上首次亮相,获得了两枚金牌和一枚银牌,分别是滑雪U池、大跳台滑雪和自由式滑雪,在这之后,她成为了热门。)可知,谷爱凌是在上个月的比赛中获得两金一银后,成为热门的,本篇文章为新闻报道,报道的是谷爱凌于2020年2月15日在加拿大卡尔加里夺得自由式滑雪冠军的事情,由此可推断出,文中的上个月指的是2020年1月,也就是说,谷爱凌是在2020年1月在体育界出名的。故选C项。


Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan is a legend (传奇人物) in figure skating (花样滑冰). He won a gold medal at the 2014 Sochi Olympics at the age of 19. He ____ 1____won another Olympic gold at the 2018 Pyeongchang Games.

As a skater, his control and flexibility (柔韧性) make him _____2______(stand out). However, legends are always more famous _____3____their spirits.

Once, as he ______4______(warm)up before Cup of China ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating, he bumped into (撞上) Chinese skater Yan Han. He fell over onto the ice and blood____5_____ (run) down his forehead and chin. However, he came back with a bandage (绷带) on his head and said he must fight to prove (证明) ___6_____(he). With every jump and spin (旋转), he slipped (滑倒) again and again, but stood up and continued with determination (决心). ______7______ he didn’t win, he_____8______ (brave) gave his best effort. He has shown us we should not lose hope, whatever we face.

Every once in a while, there are Winnie bears thrown by spectators (观众) to show their respect and love for Yuzuru. Every competition he carries a Winnie tissue box (纸巾盒) as if it was his coach. Winnie bear inspires him _____9_____(overcome) fear and is his best friend.

In order to bring warmth to others, Yuzuru donates the toys to people ____10_____ need them. Therefore, the stream (溪流) of love and encouragement flows through one to the other.

Legends like Yuzuru never die because they never give up. Legends of courage never die. Their stories can always strike a cord (引起共鸣) with people. This is the Olympic spirit which inspires everyone.

【答案】1. also

2. stand out

3. for

4. was warming

5. ran

6. himself

7. though

8. bavely

9. to overcome

10. who /that

【解析】介绍日本名将——羽生结弦 一个日本花样滑冰名将,并深受中国人喜爱因为从他身上看到奥运会的精神。


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