


#头条抄书打卡# 第320天


九年级下 Rr and Ss and Tt

radium n. 镭

Madame Curie discovered the element radium. 居里夫人发现了镭元素。

raising n. 升高

The increase in excellent teachers can lead to the raising of standards in schools. 优秀教师的增加能提升学校的标准。

rapid adj. 快的

He has made rapid and brilliant progress in his studies. 他在学业上有着迅速而突出的进步。

rapidly adv. 快地,迅速地

Use of computers spread rapidly during that period. 在那个时期,计算机的应用迅速流传开来。

regret vt. 后悔;遗憾

Do as I tell you, or you'll regret it later on. 照我的话去做,否则你以后会后悔的。


risk n. 风险,危险

He saved my life at the risk of his own. 他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。


robot n. 机器人

In the future, there will be robots everywhere. 在将来,到处都会有机器人。

Russian n. 俄罗斯人

The Russian government chose not to decontrol oil and gas prices last January. 去年1月份俄罗斯政府决定暂不放开对石油和天然气价格的管制。

sari n. 莎丽(印度妇女民族服饰)

A sari is a piece of clothing worn especially by Indian women. 莎丽是一种特别是印度妇女穿的衣服。

satisfied adj. 满意的,满足的

When she had finished her meal, she gave a satisfied smile. 当她吃完饭后,她露出满意的笑容。

satisfy vt. 使满意;满足

satis(足够) fy(动词后缀)→使足够→使满意

It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事。

satisfy with the result 对结果表示满意

scientist n. 科学家

sci(know) entist(名词后缀)→科学家

The scientist needs some delicate instruments. 这位科学家需要一些精密的仪器。

serve vi. 服役;服务,招待

He served as a naval officer during the war. 战时他在海军当军官。

serve the army 服兵役

service n. 服务;工作

serv(服务) ice(名词后缀)→服务

We all complain about the poor service in the hotel coffee lounge. 我们都抱怨饭店咖啡休息室的劣质服务。

quality service 优质服务

shape n. 形状,外形

This ball is round in shape. 这个球的形状是圆的。

round shape 圆形

sleeping bag phr. 睡袋

He slept in the sleeping bag. 他在睡袋里睡觉。

smoothly adv. 平整地;顺利地

The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake. 小艇平稳地驶过湖面。

South African n. 南非人

She became the first South African to win an Oscar. 她成为第一位获得奥斯卡奖的南非人。

south-east n. 东南方

The city of Chengdu lies some seven hundred miles to the South-East. 成都市位于东南方大约700英里处。

southeast asia 东南亚

spacecraft n. 【单复同】宇宙飞船,航天器

space(天空) craft(技术)→太空技术→宇宙飞船

The spacecraft is orbiting the moon. 宇宙飞船正饶月球飞行。

specially adv. 专门地,特地

I made this specially for your birthday. 这是我特意为你生日而做的。

specially good effect 特效

spin vi. 快速旋转

My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer. 我妹妹能像舞者一样踮着脚尖旋转。


spread vt. (使)散开;扩散

sp read(阅读)→通过阅读来扩散我们的视野→展开,分散

These are our enemies who are spreading such rumors. 这些都是我们的敌人散播的谣言。

The bird spread its wings. 鸟展开翅膀。

stair n. 楼梯

His office is down the stair. 他的办公室在楼下。

state n. 国家;州

sta(stand) te→陈述;国家;国家的;州的

The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies. 国家有义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯。


step n. 台阶;梯级

We walked down somoe stone steps to the beach. 我们走下几级台阶,来到海滩上。

step n. 一步

She moved a step closer to me. 她朝我靠近一步。


step vi. 走,跨步

I stepped forward when my name was called out. 我听见叫我名字时向前迈了一步。

store vt. 储藏,存储

This reservoir is used to store water for our town. 这个水库是用来为我们小镇储存水的。

stranger n. 外来者,陌生人

We've told our daughter not to speak to strangers. 我们告诉女儿不要和陌生人讲话。

suit n. 套装,一套衣服;诉讼;恳求

Remember to wear a suit when you go for an interview. 去面试的时候记得穿上套装。

surface n. 表面;表层

sur(上) face(面)→表面

Dead leaves floated on the surface of the water. 凋落的树叶漂浮在水面。


take up phr. 占据(空间);占用(时间)

I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time. 我知道您肯定特别忙,我当然不想占用您太多的时间。

tasty adj. 味道好的

Chocolate cookies are tasty. 巧克力饼干很好吃。

Although it is tasty, crab is very filling. 螃蟹虽然好吃,但很容易让人饱。

technology n. 技术

techn(art) ology(名词后缀)→科技

Many people call the age we live in the age of technology. 许多人把我们生活的时代叫做技术时代。

science and technology 科学与技术

test vt. 测试;检验


We test each one to see that it flies well. 我们对每架飞机都会进行测试,以确保其飞行性能良好。

through adv. (电话)接通

I tried to call you but I couldn't get through. 我给你打电话了,可是怎么也打不通。


tiring adj. 使人疲劳的,累人的

I found the job tiring at first but I soon got used to it. 起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但很快就习惯了。

title n. 标题;职位名称

What's the title of her new book? 她的新书书名是什么?


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