


ZD 画摄影师 赵崇德 ZD Painting Photographer Zhao Chongde


ZD Painting Photography is a kind of art that uses the camera to make paintings. The basic principle of creation is to deform the subject being photographed and create a novel art piece. Altering the subject has differences among consciousness deformation, natural deformation VII, and motivation deformation. Here, we will just talk about how to make consciousness deformation by using chrysanthemum scenes:

古往今来,人们常以花喻人或将人拟花。这表明在人们的意识里,花与人在外观和内在中有着一定的联系。如漂亮的美女,常被人视为赏心悦目的花朵,而傲霜绽放的秋菊,又常被人视为不畏人生风霜的贤达的形影。在秋菊盛开的时候,作者通过运用“意识变形被摄对象”手法创作出了一些“菊花创意ZD画”。其创作方式方法大体如下: 首先,在拍摄前,作者一定要用双眼透过眼前实实在在的花卉,发现隐藏其间的人物形态或精神来。通过双目细心观察和脑子思考,将花朵丶花蕾丶枝叶丶花形丶花色等活脱物经过自己的意识,变形为创作过程中所需要的构思、图形、线条和色块等元素,为下一步的变形组合打下基础。

Since ancient times, people have often compared flowers to people and people to flowers. This means that consciously people believe that flowers and humans have certain connections both externally and internally. For example, a beautiful lady is often viewed as a pleasant flower, while an autumn chrysanthemum that blooms against the frost is often regarded as a figure of a sage who is not afraid of life's hardships. When chrysanthemum blooms, the photographer used consciousness deformation and formed some "Creative Chrysanthemum ZD Paintings". The steps to create are: first, find the human figure or spirit hidden among the flowers. Use the eyes to observe and collect shapes, lines, colors, and other elements for the creation.


Second, based on the first mental draft find the best location and angle to photograph the subject, combining different "body parts" formed in the mind to alter the scene into shapes.


Then, utilize photographic skills and tools fully, use techniques such as "perspective blur" or "art blur" to weaken the flower itself and highlight the "human" component. What first catches the eyes is the human figure, emphasizing the metaphoric character and not solely the effects of pure flowers.


Lastly, delete interference according to the imagination, blur unnecessary clarity and based on the ideal image, find its meanings. Decide the theme and topic. By using consciousness deformation we can obtain a ZD Painting Photography artwork that contains both people and flowers. Though the example of this kind of deformation is the chrysanthemum, this also applies to other flowers. It can be said that as long as you are adept with this basic principle, you can use it to deform many other subjects.

整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/ Cindy & Mary

审核/ Celine & Louis

制作/ Produce:AIPU


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