





  1. 一系列相关的产品,比如:椅子 沙发 咖啡桌。
  2. 该系列的几个变体。例如,产品椅子 沙发 咖啡桌有以下几个变体可供选择:现代风格、维多利亚风格、装饰艺术风格。




abstract Factory模式首先建议为产品族中的每个不同产品明确声明接口(例如,椅子、沙发或咖啡桌)。然后,您可以使所有产品的变体都遵循这些接口。例如,所有椅子的变体都可以实现椅子接口;所有咖啡桌的变体都可以实现咖啡桌接口,依此类推。




假设客户端需要一个生产椅子的工厂。客户端无需知道工厂的具体类,也不需要关心获取的是什么类型的椅子。无论是现代款式的椅子还是维多利亚风格的椅子,客户端都必须以相同的方式对待所有椅子,使用抽象的椅子接口。通过这种方法,客户端只知道椅子以某种方式实现了 sitOn 方法。此外,无论返回哪种椅子变体,它都将与同一工厂对象生产的沙发或咖啡桌类型相匹配。















// The abstract factory interface declares a set of methods that // return different abstract products. These products are called // a family and are related by a high-level theme or concept. // Products of one family are usually able to collaborate among // themselves. A family of products may have several variants, // but the products of one variant are incompatible with the // products of another variant. interface GUIFactory is method createButton():Button method createCheckbox():Checkbox // Concrete factories produce a family of products that belong // to a single variant. The factory guarantees that the // resulting products are compatible. Signatures of the concrete // factory's methods return an abstract product, while inside // the method a concrete product is instantiated. class WinFactory implements GUIFactory is method createButton():Button is return new WinButton() method createCheckbox():Checkbox is return new WinCheckbox() // Each concrete factory has a corresponding product variant. class MacFactory implements GUIFactory is method createButton():Button is return new MacButton() method createCheckbox():Checkbox is return new MacCheckbox() // Each distinct product of a product family should have a base // interface. All variants of the product must implement this // interface. interface Button is method paint() // Concrete products are created by corresponding concrete // factories. class WinButton implements Button is method paint() is // Render a button in Windows style. class MacButton implements Button is method paint() is // Render a button in macOS style. // Here's the base interface of another product. All products // can interact with each other, but proper interaction is // possible only between products of the same concrete variant. interface Checkbox is method paint() class WinCheckbox implements Checkbox is method paint() is // Render a checkbox in Windows style. class MacCheckbox implements Checkbox is method paint() is // Render a checkbox in macOS style. // The client code works with factories and products only // through abstract types: GUIFactory, Button and Checkbox. This // lets you pass any factory or product subclass to the client // code without breaking it. class Application is private field factory: GUIFactory private field button: Button constructor Application(factory: GUIFactory) is this.factory = factory method createUI() is this.button = factory.createButton() method paint() is button.paint() // The application picks the factory type depending on the // current configuration or environment settings and creates it // at runtime (usually at the initialization stage). class ApplicationConfigurator is method main() is config = readApplicationConfigFile() if (config.OS == "Windows") then factory = new WinFactory() else if (config.OS == "Mac") then factory = new MacFactory() else throw new Exception("Error! Unknown operating system.") Application app = new Application(factory)适用性













from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class AbstractFactory(ABC): """ The Abstract Factory interface declares a set of methods that return different abstract products. These products are called a family and are related by a high-level theme or concept. Products of one family are usually able to collaborate among themselves. A family of products may have several variants, but the products of one variant are incompatible with products of another. """ @abstractmethod def create_product_a(self) -> AbstractProductA: pass @abstractmethod def create_product_b(self) -> AbstractProductB: pass class ConcreteFactory1(AbstractFactory): """ Concrete Factories produce a family of products that belong to a single variant. The factory guarantees that resulting products are compatible. Note that signatures of the Concrete Factory's methods return an abstract product, while inside the method a concrete product is instantiated. """ def create_product_a(self) -> AbstractProductA: return ConcreteProductA1() def create_product_b(self) -> AbstractProductB: return ConcreteProductB1() class ConcreteFactory2(AbstractFactory): """ Each Concrete Factory has a corresponding product variant. """ def create_product_a(self) -> AbstractProductA: return ConcreteProductA2() def create_product_b(self) -> AbstractProductB: return ConcreteProductB2() class AbstractProductA(ABC): """ Each distinct product of a product family should have a base interface. All variants of the product must implement this interface. """ @abstractmethod def useful_function_a(self) -> str: pass """ Concrete Products are created by corresponding Concrete Factories. """ class ConcreteProductA1(AbstractProductA): def useful_function_a(self) -> str: return "The result of the product A1." class ConcreteProductA2(AbstractProductA): def useful_function_a(self) -> str: return "The result of the product A2." class AbstractProductB(ABC): """ Here's the the base interface of another product. All products can interact with each other, but proper interaction is possible only between products of the same concrete variant. """ @abstractmethod def useful_function_b(self) -> None: """ Product B is able to do its own thing... """ pass @abstractmethod def another_useful_function_b(self, collaborator: AbstractProductA) -> None: """ ...but it also can collaborate with the ProductA. The Abstract Factory makes sure that all products it creates are of the same variant and thus, compatible. """ pass """ Concrete Products are created by corresponding Concrete Factories. """ class ConcreteProductB1(AbstractProductB): def useful_function_b(self) -> str: return "The result of the product B1." """ The variant, Product B1, is only able to work correctly with the variant, Product A1. Nevertheless, it accepts any instance of AbstractProductA as an argument. """ def another_useful_function_b(self, collaborator: AbstractProductA) -> str: result = collaborator.useful_function_a() return f"The result of the B1 collaborating with the ({result})" class ConcreteProductB2(AbstractProductB): def useful_function_b(self) -> str: return "The result of the product B2." def another_useful_function_b(self, collaborator: AbstractProductA): """ The variant, Product B2, is only able to work correctly with the variant, Product A2. Nevertheless, it accepts any instance of AbstractProductA as an argument. """ result = collaborator.useful_function_a() return f"The result of the B2 collaborating with the ({result})" def client_code(factory: AbstractFactory) -> None: """ The client code works with factories and products only through abstract types: AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct. This lets you pass any factory or product subclass to the client code without breaking it. """ product_a = factory.create_product_a() product_b = factory.create_product_b() print(f"{product_b.useful_function_b()}") print(f"{product_b.another_useful_function_b(product_a)}", end="") if __name__ == "__main__": """ The client code can work with any concrete factory class. """ print("Client: Testing client code with the first factory type:") client_code(ConcreteFactory1()) print("\n") print("Client: Testing the same client code with the second factory type:") client_code(ConcreteFactory2())


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