

首页休闲益智能量冲击Energy Shock更新时间:2024-06-19


Fig. 1 Schematic representation of our approach to learning shock-induced temperature fields.


Fig. 2 Ability of MISTnet to predict temperature fields for an unseen microstructure.


Fig. 3 Comparison of temperature fields between MD and MISTnet.

来自普渡大学材料工程学院的Alejandro Strachan教授等人,基于UNet网络结构设计了冲击诱导温度网络(MISTnet),实现了材料中冲击温度场的预测。

Fig. 4 Comparison of hotspots obtained from MD and MISTnet.


Fig. 5 Comparison of individual hotspots.

该工作可以减少现有方法的经验主义,并为将微观结构与冲击载荷下材料的响应联系起来提供了有效的手段。该文近期发布于npj Computational Materials 9: 178 (2023)

Fig. 6 Impact of input fields on model accuracy.

Editorial Summary

Deep learning predicts shock-induced temperature fields

Material response to shock loading is important to planetary science, aerospace engineering, and energetic materials. Thermal excitation processes such as chemical reactions and phase transitions are significantly accelerated at energy localization. This results from the interaction of shock waves with the material’s microstructure and is controlled by complex coupling processes. The process control mechanisms are not fully understood. Most of these processes occur under extreme conditions of temperature, pressure, and strain rate, and various local energy concentrations and microstructural features exist at different length and time scales. Therefore none of the existing models are able to predict shock-induced hotspot formation without strong approximation assumptions.

Fig. 7 Schematic representation of the MISTnet framework architecture based on U-Net23.

Molecular dynamics (MD) has now been widely used to study shock-induced hotspot formation, including collapse of porosity, shear, friction, and local plastic deformation, but MD methods require huge computational costs. Deep learning has been used to simulate the mesoscale thermomechanical response of materials under shock loading with an accuracy comparable to physics-based simulations, but at a relatively small computational cost.

Prof. Alejandro Strachan et al. from the School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University, designed the Microstructure-Informed Shock-induced Temperature net (MISTnet) based on the UNet network structure, in order to predict the temperature field caused by shock loading. The authors used the MD method to perform shock loading simulations on several million-atom-scale systems to collect data. They used the atomic coordinates and atomic velocities in the system as well as the gridded local density field as input, and used the gridded local temperature field as the output. The trained neural network is able to map the initial, pre-shock microstructure to the post-shock temperature field with a computational cost that is 108 times smaller than that of MD simulations and an accuracy that exceeds existing models. In generalization tests, the model still accurately predicted the shape of hot spots, and although temperatures were overestimated, it accurately captured trends in pore size and orientation. This study can reduce the empiricism of existing methods and provides an effective means to relate microstructure to material response under shock loading. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 9: 178 (2023).


Mapping microstructure to shock-induced temperature fields using deep learning (利用深度学习技术将微结构映射到冲击诱导的温度场)

Chunyu Li, Juan Carlos Verduzco, Brian H. Lee, Robert J. Appleton & Alejandro Strachan


The response of materials to shock loading is important to planetary science, aerospace engineering, and energetic materials. Thermally activated processes, including chemical reactions and phase transitions, are significantly accelerated by energy localization into hotspots. These result from the interaction of the shockwave with the materials’ microstructure and are governed by complex, coupled processes, including the collapse of porosity, interfacial friction, and localized plastic deformation. These mechanisms are not fully understood and the lack of models limits our ability to predict shock to detonation transition from chemistry and microstructure alone. We demonstrate that deep learning can be used to predict the resulting shock-induced temperature fields in composite materials obtained from large-scale molecular dynamics simulations with the initial microstructure as the only input. The accuracy of the Microstructure-Informed Shock-induced Temperature net (MISTnet) model is higher than the current state of the art and its evaluation requires a fraction of the computation cost.




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