Scientists find the deepest fish
melt as soon as it lands
Scientists take pictures of snailfish at around 8,000 meters under the sea. It’s cute, almost pink, and about twice as long as a pencil.
In the ocean south of Japan, scientists from the University of Western Australia found snailfish swimming at a depth of 8,336 meters. That’s about the height of Mount Qomolangma! The finding has broken the record for the deepest point from which fish have been seen.
“We have spent over 15 years researching these deep snailfish; the maximum depth they can survive is truly astonishing,” Professor Alan Jamieson from the research team said in a press release.
In the place where the snailfish live, the pressure is 1,000 times greater than that at sea level. To take high pressure, the fish develop a soft skeleton. It is also difficult to find food in the deep sea. So the snailfish have a gelatinous body without scales. This helps the fish reduce the energy used when swimming.
“They have basically chipped away everything that a fish has that is kind of unnecessary,” said Jamieson. However, the fish’s sticky skin is also very fragile. They would quickly melt if brought to the surface!
Sea animals at different depths
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