亿点知识 | FlexSim物流搬运系统建模(添加操作员和运输机)

亿点知识 | FlexSim物流搬运系统建模(添加操作员和运输机)



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操作员要将产品从缓冲区(用Queue表示)搬运到检验台,每个检验台检 验产品时需要一个操作员做预置工作(Setup.指换工具、清理等工作)。预置完成以后.就可 以进行检验了(此时无须操作员在场)。检验完成后,产品转移到输送机上(无须操作员协 助)。当产品到达输送机末端时.就进入一个缓冲区内(ConveyQueue),叉车从这里拣取它 并送到吸收器。

The operator should move the product from the buffer zone (expressed in Queue) to the inspection table, and each inspection table requires an operator to preset the product (Setup. means tool replacement, cleaning, etc.). After the preset is complete. Inspection can be done (without the operator present). After the inspection, the product is transferred to the conveyor (without operator assistance). When the product reaches the end of the conveyor. Enter a buffer zone (ConveyQueue), from which the forklift picks it up and sends it to the absorber.




添加了分配器和操作员的模型如图1所示,按照该图命名各对象。注意.Queue到 Dispatcher的连接是“S连接”,Dispatcher到两个操作员的连接是“A连接"。

图 1

(2)设置 Queue 使用运输

(3) 运行模型

保存模型,重置、运行模型,观察操作员是否能够搬运产品。可以看到Operator!搬运 得多一些,这是因为它连到Dispatcher的第一个端口 .而默认情况下Dispatcher会优先将任 务序列发送到1号端口 只有Operator!忙时,才发送到2号端口,若两个操作员都忙.则任 务序列在Dispatcher中排队,直到某个操作员空闲就向他发送任务序列。

(4) 让操作员在检验台执行产品预置(Setup)操作

为了使检验台使用操作员执行预置操作,通过S键连接每个检验台到分配器.这样可以 让检验台处理器向分配器发送预置任务序列。

双击 Processor1,在属性窗体选中 Use Operator(s) for Setup,将 Setup Time 设为 10,.对Processor2和Processor3也执行同样的操作。

(5) 添加一个缓冲区队列

现在要在输送机末端放置一个缓冲区队列。首先要断开输送机到吸收器的连接.按住 键盘上Q键.单击输送机拖动至吸收器(Sink)即可断开连接。将Sink向右移动一些,然后 从库中拖一个Queue放在中间的输送机末端.命名为ConveyorQueue,设置其容量为10。

通过A键分别连接三个输送机到ConveyorQueue.再通过A键连接ConveyorQueue到 Sink。


图 2


图 3

First open the model built in the previous section, and then perform the following steps.

(1) Add one dispenser and two operators

The model with the added allocator and operator is shown in Figure 1, following which names the objects.pay attention to. The Queue to Dispatcher connection is "S Connection", and the Dispatcher to two operators connection is "A Connection".

(2) Set up the Queue to use the transportation

(3) Operation model

Save the model, reset, run the model, and see if the operator can move the product. You can see the Operator! Move more because it connects to the first port of Dispatcher. By default, Dispatcher preferentially sends the task sequence to port 1 with only Operator! Busy time, only sent to port 2, if both operators are busy. The task sequence is queued in Dispatcher until an operator is sent to when he is free.

(4) Let the operator perform the product preset (Setup) operation at the inspection table

To enable the test table to perform preset operations using the operator, connect each test table to the dispenser via the S key. This allows the desk processor to send a sequence of preset tasks to the distributor.

Double-click Processor1, select Use Operator (s) for Setup in the attribute form, and set Setup Time to 10,. Do the same for Processor2 and Processor3.

(5) Add a buffer queue

Now you want to place a buffer queue at the end of the conveyor. First, disconnect the conveyor to the absorber. Hold down the Q on the keyboard. Click the conveyor to the absorber (Sink) to disconnect. Move the Sink some to the right, and then drag a Queue from the library to the middle end of the conveyor. Named ConveyorQueue, and set its capacity to 10.

Connect three conveyors to ConveyorQueue via A key. Then connect ConveyorQueue to Sink via A key.

(6) Add the transport aircraft, as shown in Figure 2 after completion.






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