



On the 2nd of November 2020, the students and teachers of RAID celebrated our very first ‘Crazy Outfit Day’. This day was a chance for the students and staff to express their creativity through their outfits. In addition, there were many activities for the students to partake in and thus lots to report on.

>>T台秀The Catwalk


The first of the activities was that of the Catwalk. Here both the students and teachers can be seen confidently strutting down the red carpet, boasting their outfits for the crowd to see.

>>照相亭Photo booth


Here students were encouraged to take more photos to further show off their outfits as well as their poses. The students were also given a variety of accessories to choose from and were given candy after they posed for photos.



The darts game had 4 different darts boards. The dart boards were arranged by grades and therefore the heights were adjusted too. The students attempted to throw the ball in the middle of the dartboard with the chance of winning a large lollipop.



The bowling game was divided into 2 different areas. This popular game saw students rolling bowling balls in an attempt to knock over 10 pins with the prize of winning candy.

>>摇摇乐Shake Your Booty


This game involved 4 students competing against each other. Each student had a box tied to their back which contained balls and had to shake their ‘booty’ (body) to release the balls from the box. The students were given roughly 10 seconds, after which the winner would be announced as the person who had released the most balls. The winners were too rewarded with candy.

>>填色游戏Colour By Numbers


For this activity students were given themed pictures that they had to colour in. The pictures contained numbers, which were coded by specific colours. Students then had to colour in pictures using the colours assigned in order to complete them.

>>掷糖果Candy Toss


As the name suggests, this game involved students working in pairs, attempting to toss candy into their partner’s Jack-O` Lanterns. One student was given a handful of candy which they then had to toss, while the other student was tasked with catching the candy. The students were only able to keep the amount of candy that had been caught by their partners.

>>面部彩绘/染发Face painting/ Hair dyeing


In accordance with the ‘crazy’ theme, the RAID students were also treated to a face painting and hair dyeing station. Here the students were able to have their faces painted with some wild art, as well as having their hair temporarily dyed by our amazing art department.

>>纸杯金字塔Paper Cup Pyramid


The aim of this game was for the students to throw a ball into the stack of creatively designed pyramid-shaped paper cups. The more cups that the students were able to knock over, the more candy the students won.



The day of epic fun was capped off with a good old fashioned game of piñata. Here, 11 students were selected across the 6 grades to attempt to break open the piñata, which was filled with toys and candy which the students were then able to keep. This game even had some of our teachers getting in on the act, as we see one of our international English teachers showing us how it`s done.


The happy festival ended with candy and colorful happiness all around us. Are you looking forward to the next "Crazy Outfit Day"?


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