[跟小猪佩奇学英语]台词剧本 1-24 Treasure Hunt 寻宝游戏

[跟小猪佩奇学英语]台词剧本 1-24 Treasure Hunt 寻宝游戏


[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第24话

24. Treasure Hunt 寻宝游戏

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Treasure Hunt 寻宝

Grandpa Pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden.

Narrator: Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. 猪爷爷和猪奶奶正在给佩奇和乔治准备寻宝游戏。

Granny Pig is drawing the treasure map. 猪奶奶在画藏宝图。

Grandpa Pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden. 猪爷爷正在把宝藏藏在花园里的一个秘密地点。[bury [ˈberi] v. 埋葬]

Granny Pig: Grandpa Pig! Have you finished?! 猪爷爷!你藏好了吗?

Peppa and George will be here soon! 佩奇和乔治很快就要来了!

Grandpa Pig: No need to panic, Granny Pig! 你不需要担心的,猪奶奶!

[pcnic [ˈpænɪk] v. (使)惊慌,惊慌失措]

Narrator: Peppa and her family are here. 佩奇一家到了。

Granny Pig: Quick, Grandpa Pig! They're here! 快点,猪爷爷!他们到了!

Grandpa Pig: Almost done! 哦,马上就好了!

Narrator: Grandpa Pig just finished in time. 猪爷爷刚巧藏好了。[in time及时]

Peppa: Granny Pig! We're here! 奶奶!我们来啦!

George: Ganggy pig! 奶奶!

Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones! 你们好啊,我的小宝贝们!

Peppa: Grandpa Pig! 爷爷,你好!

George: Baba lg! 爷爷,你好!

Grandpa Pig: Ahoy there, me hearties! 你们好啊,我的宝贝们!

Granny Pig: Peppa, George, we've made you a treasure hunt! 佩奇,乔治,我们给你们准备了宝藏哦!

Grandpa Pig: Somewhere in the garden is buried treasure! 花园里的某个地方藏着宝藏哦![bury [ˈberi] vt. 埋藏 埋葬]

Peppa: Wow! Treasure! Where is it? 哇!宝藏!在哪里啊?

Grandpa Pig: You have to look for it. 这得你们自己去找了。

Granny Pig: Here's a treasure map for Peppa. 这是给佩奇的藏宝图。

Grandpa Pig: And George can wear my pirate hat. 乔治呢,可以戴上我的海盗帽子。[pirate [ˈpaɪrət] adj. 从事海盗(式)活动的;]

Ahoy there, captain George! 你好啊,乔治船长!

Peppa: The map is a bit difficult. 这张藏宝图有点难懂。

Daddy, can you help? 爸爸,你能帮帮我吗?

Daddy Pig: Of course, Peppa. 当然了,佩奇!

I'm very good with maps. 这个我很擅长的。[be good with擅长]

Er… It is a bit difficult. 呃,确实有一点难懂。

Granny Pig: Daddy Pig, you're holding the map upside down! 呵呵,我说猪爸爸,你的藏宝图拿反了,当然看不懂了!

Daddy Pig: Yes, I thought as much. 是啊,我就说嘛。

Peppa: It's easy! The red cross shows where the treasure is! 太简单了!红色打叉的地方就是藏宝藏的地方![cross [krɔːs] n. 叉字形记号; 十字形记号]

Daddy Pig: But where in the garden are those two apple trees? 但花园的什么地方有两棵苹果树呢?

Peppa: Hmmm... I don't know. 嗯。。。。。。我不知道啊。

Granny Pig: Would you like a clue? 你需要一点提示吗?

[clue [kluː] n. 线索; (帮助警方破案的)迹象; (问题答案的)提示; (纵横填字谜、游戏或问题的)解答提示]

Peppa: Yes, please! 是的。

Granny Pig: The first clue is in a bottle. But where is the bottle? 第一个提示是在一个瓶子里。但是瓶子在哪呢?

Peppa: I can see it! 我看到瓶子了!

Narrator: Peppa has found the first clue. 佩奇找到了第一个线索。

A message in a bottle.瓶子里的纸条。

Peppa: Look, everyone! Here's the bottle! 大家快看!这儿有一个瓶子!

Grandpa Pig: Well done, Peppa! Let's see what the message says. 做得好,佩奇!来看看纸条上写了什么。

Oh! it's a message from a pirate! 哦!这个是海盗送来的纸条!

Peppa: Mummy? Can you read the pirate's message? 妈妈,你能帮我读一下海盗写的纸条吗?

Mummy Pig: Hmm... This pirate has very bad handwriting. 嗯……这个海盗的字写得真的好丑。

Grandpa Pig: The pirate's handwriting is excellent. 呃,我觉得海盗的字写得挺不错的。

Mummy Pig: No, I can't Make it out at all. 可是我一个字都看不懂。[make out(勉强)辨认出,看出,听出; 弄清; 理解; 明白;]

Grandpa Pig: The pirate has clearly written, "Follow the arrows!" 海盗写得很清楚啊,“跟着箭头走!” [arrow [ˈæroʊ]n. 箭头 箭号]

Peppa: Follow the arrows? 跟着箭头走?

Narrator: George has found the second clue! 乔治找到了第二个线索!

Sticks in the shape of an arrow! 摆成箭头形状的木棍!

[stick [stɪk] n. 枝条; 枯枝; 柴火棍儿; 球棍; 条状物; 棍状物; ]

Peppa: Look! They point this way! 看!指着这个方向!

Narrator: Peppa and George are following the arrows. 佩奇和乔治跟着箭头走。

Peppa: Look, George! A key! 乔治你看,钥匙!

Narrator: Peppa has found the next clue.佩奇找到了下一个线索。

A key! 钥匙!

Granny Pig: Well done, Peppa! 干得好,佩奇!

Now you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks. 现在只要找到那个被锁住的宝藏,用钥匙打开它。

Peppa: But there aren't any more clues. 但是找不到更多的线索了。

Granny Pig: Maybe you should take another look at the map... 也许你们应该再看一眼藏宝图……

Look, Peppa, the map has two apple trees on it. 瞧佩奇,这藏宝图上有两棵苹果树。

Peppa: Here's an apple tree! 这有棵苹果树!

And here's an apple tree! 这也有棵苹果树!

So the treasure must be here! 所以宝藏肯定就在这里了!

Grandpa Pig: Let's take a look! 我们来看看!

Oh, dear! There doesn't seem to be anything here... 哦,糟糕!这里看上去不像有宝藏……

Hang on! There is something here! 等一下!这里好像有东西!

Peppa: Wow! Treasure! 哇哦!宝藏!

All: Hurray! 太好了!

Granny Pig: Well done! Well done! 做得好!做得好!

Peppa: I've got the key to open it! 我有钥匙能打开宝藏!

Grandpa Pig: Wow! I can't believe it! 哇!我不敢相信!

Gold coins! They must be worth a fortune! 居然是金币!它们一定很值钱!

Granny Pig: It's better than that! 这些可比金币还好呢,

They are not gold coins, they are chocolate coins! 它们可不是金币,是巧克力金币!

Mummy Pig: And there's a chocolate coin for everybody. 每个人都可以得到巧克力金币。

All: Hurray! 好耶!

Narrator: Peppa and George love chocolate coins. 佩奇和乔治喜欢巧克力金币。

- Everyone loves chocolate coins. 大家都喜欢巧克力金币。

Peppa: Granny, Grandpa, this is the best treasure hunt ever! 爷爷奶奶,这是最好玩的寻宝游戏!


Peppa has found the first clue.

George has found the second clue!


1. No need to panic

猪奶奶催猪爷爷,说你弄完没有啊。爷爷回答说No need to panic.别慌啊。

Panic是惊慌、恐慌的意思。No need to panic就是不需要惊慌。一般是在对方大呼小叫的时候用。

2.Almost done

猪奶奶对猪爷爷说,快点,他们马上就要到了。猪爷爷说Almost done. 马上就完成了。

“马上就好了”这个说法,其实我们在之前已经多次见到了,分别是Nearly there. 和Nearly finished. 今天再增加一个用法,Almost done。

3.Treasure hunt

猪爷爷和佩奇他们一起玩的treasure hunt是个什么游戏呢?

Treasure Hunt寻宝游戏可是欧美国家的人最喜欢玩的游戏之一,也是小孩子们的派对上必不可少的经典游戏。

孩子们打扮成海盗的样子,然后根据藏宝图(treasure map)去寻找各种线索(clue),线索有的时候是留言条(message),有的时候是箭头(arrow)等等,最后就等着孩子们把藏宝箱(treasure chest)发掘出来了。


4.Here’s sth. for sb.

猪奶奶对佩奇说Here’s treasure map for Peppa.这是一张给佩奇的宝藏地图。

“Here is (are) something,这里是什么东西”的句型我们在前几集已经见过了。今天在简单句的基础上再做一个小小的延伸,Here is (are) something for somebody. 这里是给某人的什么的东西。


Come over here. Here’re some cookies for you.快过来。这里是给你的饼干。

5.Be good with sth.

猪爸爸要帮佩奇看地图,很得意的说I’m very good with maps. 我非常擅长看地图。

擅长做…这个用法,我们之前看得比较多的是be good at…,今天这里出现的是be good with…的搭配。

Be good at doing sth.(动词ing)

Be good at with sth. (名词)



You are very good at painting.你画画画得真好。

You are very good with dance.你跳舞跳得真好。

6. Hold the map upside down

猪爸爸看不懂地图,猪奶奶笑着说You’re holding the map upside down. 你把地图拿反了。

Upside down,上下颠倒。 Upside是上面的意思,down是下面,把本来在上面的东西拿到下面去了,就是上下颠倒,拿反了。

7. I thought as much

猪奶奶对猪爸爸说你把地图拿反了,爸爸却说Yes, I thought as much. 是的,我早就知道了。

I thought as much. 我早就知道了,我已经看出个大概了。

在小猪佩奇里这种地道口语层出不穷,还有比如There. Well, I never. Easy as pie. 等等。我也准备找个时间把这些用语好好整理一下,专门发一篇文章。理解这些口语除了让孩子自己可以听懂原版动画片之外,以后如果孩子有机会跟外教或者其他外国人沟通,能时不时的蹦出些这些地道口语,一定会让他们觉得见到了老乡,两眼泪汪汪。

8.Red cross

佩奇拿着地图说The red cross shows where the treasure is. 红色的叉叉显示了宝藏在哪里。

这里的red cross可不是红十字会的意思。Cross本身有叉叉的意思,所以red cross就是红色的叉叉了。


9.Make it out

猪妈妈看着海盗的纸条,说I can’t make it out at all. 我完全不知道上面写了什么。

Make out是理解、辨认的意思。

10.Let’s take a look

佩奇发现了宝藏地点,猪爸爸说Let’s take a look! 让我们瞧瞧看。


宝宝:Mummy. What’s this?

妈妈:Let’s take a look.

11.Hang on

猪爸爸在挖宝藏,说Hang on! There is something here! 等等,这里有什么东西。

Hang on是等一等的意思。这个说法比wait要显得口语化很多哦。


宝宝:Mummy. Quick.妈妈快点。

妈妈:Hang on. I’m almost done here.等等,我这儿马上就弄完了。

Wow! Treasure!

I've got the key to open it!


1、hunt [hʌnt] v.打猎,搜索; n. 搜寻; 搜索; 寻找; 打猎

例:As a child I learned to hunt and fish. 从小我就学会了打猎和捕鱼。

a treasure hunt 寻宝游戏

2、draw v. 绘画,描绘,描画

3、bury v. 埋葬

4、secret n. 秘密

5、garden n. 花园

6、finish v. 完成

7、almost adv. 几乎,差不多

8、in time 及时地

9、pirate [ˈpaɪrət] n. 海盗

10、difficult adj. 困难的,执拗的,不易相处的

11、show v. 展示,陈列

12、bottle n. 瓶子

13、message n. 信息,消息,启示

14、excellent adj. 优秀的,卓越的

15、clue [klu:] n. 线索,提示

16、believe v. 相信

17、fortune n. 财富,命运,运气。

18、treasure [ˈtreʒə(r)] n. 宝藏

19、captain [ˈkæptɪn] n. 船长

20、arrow [ˈærəʊ] n. 箭头,记号

21、no need to panic 不必惊慌

And there's a chocolate coin for everybody. Hurray!

-The End-


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