作者布考斯基以极为特立独行的性格和惊人的才华在欧美产生了巨大的影响力,如果你对他传奇的一生有兴趣,可以看看2004年出品的电影《布可夫斯基:生来如此(Bukowski: Born Into This)》。
他一生传奇,墓碑上更是意味深长地刻着“Don’t try (不要尝试)”。
Charles Bukowski
If you’re going to try, go all the way Otherwise, don’t even start If you’re going to try, go all the way This could mean losing girlfriends wives, relatives, jobs and maybe your mind Go all the way It could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days It could mean freezing on a park bench It could mean jail It could mean derision It could mean mockery isolation Isolation is the gift All the others are a test of your endurance of how much you really want to do it And you’ll do it despite rejection and the worst odds and it will be better than anything else you can imagine If you’re going to try go all the way there is no other feeling like that You will be along with the gods and the nights will flame with fire Do it, do it, do it all the way all the way you will ride life it's the perfect laughter it’s the only good fight there is
如果你主意已定,不要回头 否则,不要踏上征程 如果你主意已定,不要回头 你可能会因此没了爱情 输了家庭,众叛亲离,丢了工作 还会让你头脑发疯 不要回头 你可能会因此数日无一粒米果腹 也可能会在公园长椅上瑟瑟发抖 你可能会身陷囹圄 或者沦为笑柄 遭人嘲弄 孤苦伶仃 “孤苦伶仃”就是天赐之礼啊 所有别的一切都不过是耐力测试 考验出你究竟有几许雄心壮志 而你会一往直前 尽管阻碍重重,尽管前途不算光明 这依然是你梦想中最美好的愿望 如果你主意已定 不要回头 还会有哪种感受如此美妙 你将会与诸神并肩 而那夜晚,如火焰般燃烧 去做吧,去做吧,去做吧 不要回头 不要回头 你会驾驭着人生 一路前行驶向极致欢乐 这是唯一值得征战的沙场
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