



# 导入必要的库 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import tushare as ts import datetime as dt import ptrade_api import time # 在Ptrade上登录账号并获取Token username = 'your_username' password = 'your_password' twofa = 'your_twofa' token = ptrade_api.get_token(username, password, twofa) # 选择操作的目标ETF target_etf = '510050' # 设定交易参数 buy_threshold = 2 # 买入阈值,当价格在相对低点上涨N%时进行买入 sell_threshold = 5 # 卖出阈值,当价格上涨N%至第一个低点时进行卖出 stop_loss_threshold = 2 # 止损阈值,当价格下跌N%时进行止损 stop_profit_threshold = 10 # 止盈阈值,当价格上涨N%时进行止盈 # 定义双底交易策略函数 def double_bottom_strategy(etf, buy_threshold, sell_threshold, stop_loss_threshold, stop_profit_threshold): # 获取目标ETF历史价格数据 etf_hist = ts.get_k_data(etf, index=True, start='20181101') etf_hist.index = pd.to_datetime(etf_hist.date) # 初始化交易次数、现金余额以及持仓状态 trades = 0 cash = 100000 holding = False buy_status= False buy_price = 0 # 用来记录已经购买的价格 # 开始遍历历史数据 for i in range(1, len(etf_hist)): # 获取当前价格 cur_price = etf_hist['close'][i] low_price = etf_hist['low'][i] # 观察双底形态 if (etf_hist['low'][i] < etf_hist['low'][i-1]) and (etf_hist['low'][i-1] < etf_hist['low'][i-2]): # 第一个低点形成时不进行操作 continue elif (etf_hist['low'][i] > etf_hist['low'][i-1]) and (etf_hist['low'][i] < etf_hist['high'][i-1]) and (etf_hist['low'][i] > etf_hist['low'][i-2]): # 第二个低点形成且价格上涨超过买入阈值时进行买入操作 if not buy_status and cur_price > (1 buy_threshold/100) * buy_price: buy_price = cur_price shares = cash / cur_price cash -= shares * cur_price trades = 1 holding = True buy_status = True print("Buy: {}, price: {}".format(etf_hist.index[i], cur_price)) continue elif holding and (cur_price > max(etf_hist['low'][i-2], buy_price * (1 sell_threshold/100))): # 价格上涨超过卖出阈值时进行卖出操作 sell_price = cur_price cash = shares * cur_price holding = False buy_price = 0 print("Sell: {}, price: {}".format(etf_hist.index[i], cur_price)) continue elif holding and (cur_price < buy_price * (1 - stop_loss_threshold/100)): # 价格下跌超过止损阈值时进行止损操作 sell_price = cur_price cash = shares * cur_price holding = False buy_price = 0 print("Stop loss: {}, price: {}".format(etf_hist.index[i], cur_price)) continue elif holding and (cur_price > buy_price * (1 stop_profit_threshold/100)): # 价格上涨超过止盈阈值时进行止盈操作 sell_price = cur_price cash = shares * cur_price holding = False buy_price = 0 print("Stop profit: {}, price: {}".format(etf_hist.index[i], cur_price)) continue # 输出交易情况 print("Trades: {}, Final cash balance: {}".format(trades, cash)) # 运行交易策略函数 double_bottom_strategy(target_etf, buy_threshold, sell_threshold, stop_loss_threshold, stop_profit_threshold)

需要说明的是,因为Ptrade API没有提供ETF交易的接口,因此该示例代码中没有涉及到Ptrade API操作。大家要注意这双底交易策略仅仅是个简单学习示例,只是用来抛砖引玉,互相学习交流的,请勿用于实盘中去,如大家有好的交易策略可以在评论区交流或私信于我。


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