Yvette Stride| 2022北京谷山大地艺术节艺术改变乡村入选艺术家

Yvette Stride| 2022北京谷山大地艺术节艺术改变乡村入选艺术家

首页角色扮演神话之心Mythical Hearts更新时间:2024-05-01

艺术北京——北京谷山大地艺术节国际创作营自2022年5月1号开始征集,截止7月30号,共计收到20个国家和地区,120位艺术家300件投稿作品。其中国内艺术家80位,作品方案161件;国外艺术家40 位, 作品方案139件。这次投稿作品中包含动态、光影、音乐等装置艺术和大地艺术投稿艺术家12位,投稿作品50件。


之后将会分期详细介绍各位入选艺术家,本期介绍澳大利亚艺术家Yvette Stride

- 入选方案 《“沉睡的学者”》

Celebrating the Harvest.

This work is about the Mid Autumn tradition of coming together and giving thanks for the harvest. A signpost on the Chinese Lunar Calendar, this festival is about reunion and gratitude. Reunion as depicted through the popular characters of Chang e and Hou yi- in their mythical story of reunion at the full moon in October each year. Aside from romantic connotations, these figures also represent the archetypal feminine and masculine energies of the moon and sun, respectively. Not as stand alone energies, but as intertwining powers, in the continual ebb and flow of natures rhythms. Agriculture is dependent on the balance of these essential rhythms. And coming together to give thanks for the gifts of the land at this time, reminds us not to take any of it for granted.


Education is an enormous time and financial economy in the world today. However, is formal education necessarily the best preparation for life and growth? This work questions the nature of rational, linear, logical thinking, and is a call to return to nature’s wisdom. Toward intuitive processes, resilience and emotional intelligence. Experiences we can connect with in nature more easily.

The natural materials align with the concept of ‘awakening’, as repurposed old wooden Railway ‘sleepers’ become human students. Are they symbolically awakening or dormant to the wisdom within? One of the Scholars is simultaneously a maypole, with ribbons gathered at the top to allow viewers to interact with the sculpture, weaving ribbons around the wooden figurative pole. Inviting people of all ages to enjoy these woodblocks in a new light. He will be wearing a stylised graduation cap, which is where the ribbons will drape from.




艺术家 Yvette Stride 个人简历:




Stride, Y., & Cutcher, A. (2015). Manifesting resilience in the secondary school: An investigation of the relationship dynamic in Visual Arts classrooms. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 16(11). http://www.ijea.org/v16n11/index.html


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