「英译」 陈崇正:缪斯在暗夜中穿行(附诗两首)

「英译」 陈崇正:缪斯在暗夜中穿行(附诗两首)



Chen Chongzheng was born in Guangdong Province, in 1983. He is an editor at the literary journal Flower City, and his works include The Art of Folding,The Multiplying Mirror,Tales of Halfstride Village andFear Got Black Wings.His fantastical stories offer unique insights into reality and open up new ways of seeing the world.







Five Sentences for White Sunglow

I call the past white sunglow, namely white evening sunlight

The invisible sunglow usually covers the air or becomes empty

In this secular world, I remember to have a gentle and distant act to close the door

My door is always unlocked completely, until the invisible wind and sunglow close it

Like a flower folding itself, shutting it up, yet, it was deprived of soul by God


















This Moment

In the rain, I drove through Songshan Lake

The road lamp dimmed, night breeze holds up itself

The water drop rolls on the windscreen

The music was strange; actually, it could be ignored

I was reminded of fragrance of grass; it could be forgotten as well

Intentionally coughed to confirm it was nearby silent as usual

Mobile phone was in my pocket, with sufficient battery

I was moving, just like sometimes

Wind moves the leaves; time shifts the scars

Who is moving is everybody, including the deceased

They are moving to confirm their respective distance,separating or gathering

To try a new start, or embarking on a long journey to confess

“Everything is predestined,” she said.

I have to pass by the tree, simply one of the thousands of trees

Its branches were broken by the heavy wind at evening

I passed along the tree, but it seems something new













Muse Through the Dark Night

It has been for ages since darkness gradually disappeared in human life in the true sense, afterwards, something like electricity, light and its switch has appeared in our life, and yet, only by through the true will we be able to redefine and comprehend how humble we are and to define what poetry means. Looking back on our childhood, I was reminded of a winter night, in which I carefully walked through a dark lane, holding a porcelain cup with hot tea in my hands, to deliver to a witch. I was around 6 or 7 years old then, there was no electricity available in my village, where nothing was visible here and there, what is worse, the witch always practiced the sorcery at midnight, and I was forced to go there for tea offering as my grandfather was a pious believer in the supernatural power of the witch. Having tasted the hot tea, the witch made strange sound in her throat, which scared me to say nothing but lightly rub my painful fingers scalded by hot tea. Many years later, I had the scene describe in both novel and poetry, and it became a significant point in my writing, of which some interesting details did hold up the vault of my imagination.

A boy was walking alone in the dark village. It is indeed a simple and ordinary scene unworthy of taking it seriously, but I do not believe that a careful reader will skip it when the scene appears. Whoever slightly peers into the scene in hot summer or severe winter will be aware of such an arcane atmosphere that coagulates the most mysterious note in author’s life. Through the exquisite orchestration of words,I do believe that those model readers far across the distance and space will tacitly understand what is manifested in the context.

However, it is exactly the common memory that has been reawakened by means of writing. If there were no such thing as writing, such a circumstance would be so attractive; meanwhile it would be possibly forgotten or neglected, sequentially, no one could enlarge it.

It seems to me that poetry is bestowed with its unique function as diary. Time flies, something is as quick as a flash of lightning in my memory, with nothing imprinted at last, moreover, what could be marked in the depth of memory is the code of life, in which both happiness and sorrow could also be turned into a quiet song. All of my memory is like jewelry I deeply treasure; on the contrary, it is simply something invaluable in the eyes of the others. So to speak, with our memories, we travel around the secular world, while Muse passes through the dark night. In other words, only by writing could human be able to communicate with deity in a sense, arousing to activate the memory and see the memory as treasure. Only when one is mentally quiet will the loneliness deeply rooted in his heart softly grow.

Loneliness is referred to as a dark night. Wherever or whenever, I feel that I am always alone, with nothing to count on, to replace, or to share. Sometimes, words cannot really express how I truly feel. Like triangular pyramids, they stay in your mind and make you feel painful. For so many years, I could enjoy their harm, witness their poison, a kind of lonely poison. In some sense, literature is slightly toxic;further more, what is known as good literature is something illusory and dreamful.

I spontaneously move ahead, while loneliness constantly looks back, enabling me to feel either warm or grieved.When reading my own poems many years ago, most of those sentences seem to be unfamiliar, like an array of unforgotten passwords, which get me back to the depth of memory, where there appears something like battle, desire, ablaze, and stars. The natural law like birth, aging, illness, and death, as well as memoryloss is all we will eventually face in this secular world. I have a bad habit of storing something old, but I am aware of the fact that whole memory of lifetime cannot be retained. Poet is like a greedy child who endeavors to put his lifetime in his writing. I will never cease to interrupt my writing and continue solidifying them. In the end, I will forget everything.

Poetry writing is a way of life, and yet, I have been out of the status for a long time. Sometimes I still need to adjust my status and language sense by writing poems in order to deal with my emotion that cannot be handled by other texts.

Based on my statistics a couple of years ago, I embarked on my journey to the poetry arena in 2004, and the total number of characters in my poems has reached 100,000 up to the present. The reason why I have gradually stopped writing in recent years is that I am suspicious of myself, feeling mentally desolate, and short of passion for the growth of poetry. Therefore, it seems as if poetry did not need me.

Moreover, I do need poetry in my life.I will have my imagination cured by poetry, and get my unfulfilled aspiration for poetry nurtured by poetry, which sounds pretentious somehow. Another reason why I seldom write poetize is that our world is extremely capricious; anyway,it is not poetry that fails to meet my demands, but my talent that is not enough to tolerate the energy from poetry. In addition, I am not talented enough to enable my own poetry to discern the era we are living in.

For this reason, I have no choice but to dwell in my heart and reorient my poetic writing both externally and internally. To me, poetry is a lonely wolf howling only in the night with moonlight; however, only in the moving moment will the naturally revealed words form a complicated image.

Fortunately, Muse often looks back in the dark night, occasionally sitting face to face with poetry deity and being read, which is really about deliberate compliment to what I have written.



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