"On time" means at the right time, on schedule, at the time it was planned. (准时,按时,正好在计划的时间点,反义是错过计划的时间点)
"in time" means early enough. The opposite of in time is too late. (比计划的时间点更早的一段时间,反义是太迟了)
on time 例句
The plane took off on time.
I hope the meeting starts on time.
I arrive at 4:00 PM, I am on time for the interview.
in time 例句
We got to the airport in time to have a coffee before checking in.
We'll have to hurry if we want to be in time for the show. 如果我们想赶上演出,就得快点。
I was about to close the door when just in time I remember my key. (at the last moment)
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