荐书 | 从“英雄失去小红伞”说起,一同追忆世界金融200年

荐书 | 从“英雄失去小红伞”说起,一同追忆世界金融200年




姜建清 著















姜建清先生拥有逾30 年的银行业工作经验,自1979 年开始在中国人民银行工作;后进入中国工商银行,历任中国工商银行上海市分行副行长兼浦东分行行长、上海城市合作商业银行(现名上海银行)行长、中国工商银行上海市分行行长、中国工商银行副行长、中国工商银行行长、中国工商银行董事长。

































书中还介绍了另外一个群体,他们在艺术设计史,在雕塑或币章领域成就辉煌,享有赫赫大名。他们似乎不应该出现在金融史的著作中,但他们的大名已永久铭刻在这部由金融币章构成的奇特金融史书中了。他们中群星灿烂,多少人曾获罗马艺术大奖。他们是维纳斯神庙的常客,受到了艺术女神的眷顾,然而他们却无意识地来到了莫奈神庙(据称是最早罗马货币铸造地,货币名称Money 的来源)。在古希腊时代神庙曾充当银行,而最早的艺术展示也在神庙,看来艺术和银行是殊途同归了。在古希腊、古罗马年代,银币打制和雕塑造型艺术已经发达。经过历史传承和发展,第一次工业革命时期,仿形雕刻机发明,币章艺术成为浮雕艺术和金属压印技术的最佳结合。币章雕铸材质丰富多样,包括金、银、铜、铁、铝及它们不同比例构成的合金。题材选择十分广泛,表现视角异常多元,艺术手法相当自由,吸引众多大师们参与设计铸造。大师们在方寸币章世界抒发着他们的艺术志趣、品位和情感。当时的欧洲正处于世界艺术发展的中心,出现了新古典主义、浪漫主义、印象派、后印象派、现代派、立体派、超现实主义等各种前卫艺术流派。不断涌现的各种艺术思潮,促使绘画和雕塑艺术得到极大的发展,亦对从事纪念币章创作的艺术家产生巨大的影响。雕刻家们在币章上精美的设计刻模作品,在新艺术运动中扮演了重要的角色。许多雕塑艺术的先锋,驰骋在方寸币章之间,尽情地发挥着天才的想象力,调动油画、素描、版画、雕塑等一切艺术表现形式,把金属的坚硬、柔韧、延展、色彩、光泽等物理特性发挥到极致。雕塑艺术虚实、疏密、阴阳等形神具备、美轮美奂。从而使银行币章艺术展现出丰富的文化、历史、现实、哲学的深厚内涵。最大限度地展现出它的艺术魅力,展示了浪漫的艺术气质,表现了艺术家永不懈怠的追求。近200年来,币章艺术被推至巅峰,作品具有巨大的艺术价值,是西方国家设计水平和铸造工艺的集中体现,雕塑创造了大量并永恒的艺术珍品。其中金融币章不仅以其绝妙的艺术和技术的结合征服了观众,而且金属的难以磨灭的特性,以实物形态将百年金融沧桑凝固在方寸之间,为银行史留下了永存的历史佐证和实物档案。这些名留千秋的艺术大师包括:法国的丹尼尔·杜普伊斯、路易斯·亚历山大·伯顿、路易斯·奥斯卡·鲁迪、查尔斯·皮勒、弗雷德里克·威尔侬、兰贝尔·杜马莱斯、阿贝尔·拉弗勒;英国的本杰明·怀恩、西班牙Enrique Monjode、美国Julio Kilenyi、罗斯的Pogozhelskii等。虽然艺术币章精品林立,但金融专题币章还是极少的。无心插柳柳成荫,不知不觉悄悄地汇聚起来1500枚银行专题纪念章,涉及五六十个国家的几百家银行。待三本书的写作目标实现后,设想成立一个小小的金融币章博物馆(室),想像到今后世界上不少国家的银行家寻觅到中国,惊讶、感叹地看到他们的银行或他们的前身发行的众多币章聚集在此时,心中悠然自喜。寻根历史、抚今追昔,相信这会成为银行家金融追思的神圣殿堂,会感受到一种金融文化的震撼。格“物”致知,有“博”乃大。在这里,历史已不是教科书上的文字,而是真情实景的重现。伫立其间,仿佛站在了银行发展历史源头,看到其前进潮流的涌动。





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Jiang Jianqing

Time passes quickly like a white pony's shadow across a crevice. When I finished the last article of the first two volumes of Medallic Memories: 100 Years of Financial History and began to write this preface, I suddenly discovered that full six years have passed between writing the first and fortieth articles in the volumes. I remember that The Hero Who Lost the Little Red Umbrella was my first article on the history of foreign banks. It was a story about Citibank and Travelers Insurance memorialized by a sizable bronze medal of Citibank. At that time, the raging subprime mortgage crisis prompted readers to be interested in such articles about the bank’s history. Therefore, under the seduction, urging, and coercion of the editors of magazine Expert, I gathered information from many different sources. Completing the two volumes was like building a tower by collecting sand and materials from many different places.

The first article was inspired by the bank’s medal, which naturally leads to the history of the bank. The writing style was relatively light, quite readable, and knowledgeable. However, I did not expect that this later would increase my trouble. Because the editors of the magazine insisted on keeping this writing style, it increased the difficulty of writing such articles. When writing the later pieces, I encountered cases such as banks with medals but without a written history, banks with history but without any medals, banks with a lot of history but few medals, or banks with a lot of medals but little-known provenance. These blank spots have all become bottlenecks for my research and writing.

Although many banks around the world have issued medals for significant events during their crucial periods of development, many of these commemorative medals were lost into oblivion. Fortunately, the world of the Internet opens many doors. Laboriously, I searched and purchased these medals through eBay and Taobao to meet my writing needs as much as possible. Suddenly at one point, I discovered that although the earliest bank medals had been issued more than 200 years ago many of the issuing banks had ceased to exist and were utterly forgotten. Casting these medals in metal captures the story permanently. No one has ever chartered such a representation of the financial world. I was swiftly touched by a strong desire to identify them, understand them, and restore the history even though their accounts had been written in dozens of different languages.

While researching these bank’s beautiful medals, I drifted into deep thought. I understand that, similar to the history recorded on bamboo and wooden slips, what I researched was a glimpse into the history of global banks chronicled on medals. Alas, how many historical memories of financial vicissitudes became recorded in these medals? And how much one could interpret from these past experiences into realistic meanings!

This unique chronicle of past banking complete with medals is a perfect combination of history and art. The compilers of this history are brilliant stars including famous bankers and master artists, who participated in its "writing" and left their own individual "fingerprints" on the solid medals. Throughout the evolution of human civilization, we see that more than 3,000 years ago, people recorded history on bamboo slips in China, and nearly 1800 years, others noted history on paper. Because the first commemorative medal cast took place in France around 1585, its history is only several hundred years old. After that, banks commemorative medals started to appear more often. In other words, we can follow this unique global bank history documented on metal. They shed a dazzling light on the brightest era of global financial industry. The history inscribed on metal adds almost a mythical weight to the medals.

Learning history broadens peoples’ perspectives. Ancient Chinese said that using the patterns of history as a mirror can help people to predict the rise and fall of nations. Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said that the farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.

Bank history is a science that keeps bankers vigilant. In the hundreds of years of financial development, a lot of alterations and changes have taken place, and so many once-famous banks have appeared and then disappeared after a short time, just like the comets crossed the night sky before going into the universe. Many once-obscure banks accumulated strength like the sea which is healthy by gathering small trickles before finally becoming famous and influential institutions with hundreds of years of history.

The winners and losers together made the history of global banks. Their stories have dissipated with the wind, but fortunately, their medals have survived. We can now whisk away their dust for centuries and read into their details. These medals help us to trace back the historical streams and various branches of the banks that are rarely visited. They also inspire us to seek out the old archives of the banks that are familiar and unfamiliar; they are existent and non-existent. These medals guide us through the depths of the financial jungle and return to the merger and acquisition stories about financial behemoths preying on the weak. The purpose of reviewing history is not for nostalgia because all history is contemporary history. Although the financial past is unbearable to some extent, the wise men love history and are good at summing up experiences to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

The history of global financial turmoil over the centuries has profoundly reflected changes in global political structure, national strengths, and economic geography. It is like a mirror reflecting the moves of economic strong and financial powers. The changes of global superpower from Portugal to Spain, to the Netherlands, to the United Kingdom, to France, Germany, and the United States are inseparable from the exchange of swords and gunfire. The battlefields of economy and finance bear no smoke but are similarly fierce. The decline after culmination, the changes of hundreds of years, and transformations of economic and financial powers of big countries reflect the complex and profound background of the changes in global economic and political landscape. The analysis of long-term or fundamental determinants of a country’s financial evolution is inseparable from the study of changes in the political economy and financial strength of the nations and its position and influence in the global structure.

The successive acquisition and loss of industrial, economic and financial dominance of the United Kingdom and the United States have also testified that economy determines finance. Such is the general law of the emergence, development, prosperity, and decline of the global financial industry. Only five of the world’s top 20 banks in 1913 have survived so far, which is the best evidence of such a law. Changes in prosperity are frequent. I lamented in the book that after we see that London eventually gave up its hegemonic financial position and see that banks chase after each other, we cannot be assured that one institution can always be at the top forever. So many economic powerhouses lost in their pursuit of the top position, but we cannot say who the winner is because the game has not yet ended. Only these metal medals are here to stay. They silently witnessed the fickleness of global politics, economic ups and downs, and financial changes in the past 100 years.

John Keynes once said that if history is explored from the perspective of currency, then the entire account will be subverted. Observing and interpreting the world from the standpoint of financial past can help us have more dimensional, more detailed, and more profound understanding of world history. The watershed of a more rapid economic growth in the world appeared around 1820.

The famous American scholar William Bernstein described the economic growth of Western powers as a cake in his book The Birth of Plenty. He compared the four elements of success (property rights, scientific rationalism, capital markets, and technological innovation in communication and transportation) to “flour, eggs, yeast, and sugar.” In the absence of property rights, there would have been no savings, and then the capital market would not have appeared. Without scientific rationalism, finances would be still struggling under the shadow of ancient religions. The commercialization of innovation and creativity requires economic transformation. Capital markets provide financial support for the infrastructure needed for economic development. Finance and capital drive the growth of the economy and thus advance the world.

The development of finance, if lagged behind, will inevitably pull at the hind legs of social, economic growth. But the economy is the foundation; investment is the end, so, as an old Chinese saying goes, fur will not survive without the skin. The main force determining the development of the world is not the world of finance. That statement cannot ever be underestimated. I wrote in the articles that money cannot withstand the power of guns and banks cannot afford the responsibility of political rise and fall.

If we attribute the collapse of the Paris Commune to their failure to occupy the Banque de France promptly, then why did Napoleon, who founded and controlled the Banque de France, lose the battle at Waterloo? The vicious inflation in Germany and Hungary had accelerated the collapse of the incumbent governments. The totalitarian forces came to power, but it was only a catalytic factor rather than a causal relationship.

Finance is like water, and water can carry a boat yet it can also overturn it. The rapid development of human society over the past centuries has benefited from the expansion of finance, but crisis also stems from this. Since the advent of financial activities, many different disasters have happened. One could mention the ancient Roman currency crisis or the bans on borrowing in the Middle Ages. Or the “Tulip Bubbles” and “South Sea Bubbles” to the US securities crisis in 1929. Others were the Latin American financial crisis in the 1990s, the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the subprime mortgage crisis after 2007, or the European sovereign debt crisis to name a few. Each financial crisis, like ocean waves, has hit the reefs of social and economic stability. And like waves, they repeatedly appear and never die.

All financial history is a history of the crisis. Risks, like the shadow of bankers, are ubiquitous and dependent. Dangers and profits are like the face of the same person in Picasso's impressionist paintings. When the bankers see a smiling face celebrating the gains, another side of the face is sullen and shows the gambles and hazards of banking.

In the past centuries, the catastrophes of the banking industry have caused investment counselors to warn people not to forget about risks and fall into the wrong direction. Due to the fragility of the banking system itself, almost all the losers had lost that battle with risks. Therefore, keeping a firm hold on anything chancy or uncertain is the bottom line of excellent bankers, and prudent management is the only way to build a century-old bank.

The bankers’ club does not admire 100-meter sprinters but respects marathon champions. History is strikingly similar, but humanity is always forgetful. On days when the weather is beautiful, bankers can forget the past disasters. The tragic financial story of the day before yesterday became the cruel reality of today, again and again. Every day, financiers still write tomorrow's history. If we do not respect the laws of the market and do not respect the laws of finance, then the financial mistakes committed today will evolve into tomorrow’s regrets. Although historical environment has changed, it is not the river that passed yesterday.

All history or famous university cases tell the stories of yesterday's winners or losers, but the failures of people who mimic past experiences mechanically, without studies, may still happen. We cannot predict the future. We do not know when, where and why the next great financial tsunami will arrive. But history is "smart learning." I believe that reading history can help us to think deeply, understand the essence, grasp the "common sense" and laws of finance, and make reasonable comparisons and decisions.

In my book, I also elaborated on the development of global bank industrial systems and put forward research and thoughts on this topic. There are many topics left for further study. The temples of ancient Greece and ancient Rome used to play the role of a bank. Religions also played an essential role in the development and containment of financial industry. And what about the evolution of the gold standard and its influence on China? Or the birth of stock exchanges and the ensuing significant stock exchange crises?

At this time when Bitcoin is so hot, we hear discussions about whether the central bank system is still needed, or whether the function of currency issuance should be monopolized. Friedrich Hayek’s free banking opinions are respected by scholars. The era of free banking in the United States and Scotland, as well as the system of “denationalization of currency” and “free money,” are still admired by some people. So I believe that if they reread the history of Federal Reserve of the United States and why the Fed became the Third Bank of the United States, this will help them understand the issue.

The story of the Soviet Union’s International Economic Cooperation Bank and People’s Bank of Moscow reveals the peculiar history of financial war during the Cold War and the indelible era of overseas finance of the Soviet Union. These histories help deepen our understanding of any economic rivalry as a significant component of national competitiveness. The painful lessons of Latin American business reforms will help us understand the consequences of populism and financial regulation.

The flourishing development of global bank museums can teach us the necessity of financial education. From the birth, evolution, differentiation, and demise of the modern savings bank system, to the development and growth of credit cooperation movements and institutions, we can understand why cooperative and savings banking systems for small and micro enterprises gradually declined in many countries. We can also learn about the past, present and future of the non-sovereign currency euro, and about its risks. While the criticisms on not-too-too-fail and regulatory policies have tightened, global banking sectors have run counter to the objections; bank concentration continues to increase in Israel, Canada, the United States, and in other major economies in the world.

Only China is moving in the opposite direction. Who is right and who is wrong? Why is it that dramas involving greed and fear, fraud and credulity continue to happen? Will the over-loosening of financial supervision cause serious consequences? In writing this preface, I have been and still, am confused by these historical and practical topics. Human society has experienced numerous financial crises, which brought about economic collapses, social unrests, polarization between rich and poor, moral downfalls, and significant harms to the international community. Despite countless political attacks and various regulatory rectifications, the financial industry is still healthy and continues to grow because capital is the driving force for the development of modern history. Its role in promoting human society, economy, and corporate entities is irreplaceable.

If there is no financial boost, humanity may remain in the dark and stagnant times of the Middle Ages. The germination of capitalism could not have grown, and our human history would be different if we still banked as they did back then. History shows a growth in specific values which does not go away with the wind. It has left deep impressions on mans’ mind and even our genes.

One senior European politician told me that we must understand why the Germans persistently insisted on the fiscal austerity of European countries after the European sovereign debt crisis. Because after the First World War, the Germans suffered retaliation for war and faced hyperinflation; people were in dire conditions. Thus the Germans had a particular memory about financial crisis while other European countries have no such experiences. Similarly, the Bank of England is more than 300 years old, but it is still strong. Why are Britain's financial systems and financial markets maintaining a leading position globally? Could it be some historical genes from the past? The thrifty Scottish bankers are famous all over the world, leaving behind many famous anecdotes. This may be due to the geographic environment in which Scotland is riddled with barren canyons. Knowing how nature is Spartan could have helped them to develop the ability to save for hard times. Disadvantages and dilemmas often form the melting pot for building a banker's self-respect, self-reliance, and diligent traits.

Successful banks in the world have their own respective success stories while failing banks tell the same failure experiences: plaguing political, social, and economic crises, government interventions on financing, excessive credit growths, distorted development concepts, blind expansion abroad, and dysfunctional internal control of risks. In the process of reading and writing, I am in awe of what I have learned about operating a bank. If you want to make big money, you should open a bank; if you're going to lose big money, you should also open a bank. This book details the transformation of many foreign banks from small to large, from weak to strong, or vice versa.

The histories of BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Groupe Caisse d'Épargne; the divergent roads of the two Old Ladies in Europe; the overseas legends of Boston Bank of America and its connections with China; the origins of banks in Greece, Spain, Israel and Romania; the past and present lives of the note-issuing bank in Macao are all worth studying. Turbulent times lead to the birth of heroes, and banks too. This book also elaborates on the mergers and acquisitions of many international banks and the triumph of those who became more successful, or the catastrophe of those who encounter insolvency.

The Spanish bank BBVA has only 150 years of history but has experienced more than 150 mergers and acquisitions and is so far the leader in Latin American market. HSBC is also the king of financial mergers and acquisitions and has achieved the dominance of international banking. However, in recent years, it has quietly changed its motto from "World’s Global Bank" to "World’s Leading Bank" which may have reflected the shift of its global strategy. The Acquisition of the century happened when Citigroup acquired the Travelers Group and left a red mark on its logo, initiating the question about whether it is appropriate for insurance companies to buy banks.

Fortis Group celebrated the success of its merger of the century too soon; unfortunately, it fell on its banquet of celebration due to an inadequate communication approach, not the lack of capital. After Deutsche Bank first acquired and then sold the Deutsch Postbank, it might have been a strategic mistake from the beginning. The Wells Fargo Bank, regrettably, put the horse before the carriage, lamenting that their risk management team failed to understand how unrealistic those sales goals were.

The financial reform process of the Soviet Union and Russia showed their early indifference to economic laws and then, their recent disregard of financial risks which, on the surface, appears to be opposites and a profound lack of an understanding about the essence of finance. But is it?

Financial liberalization is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it can promote the efficiency of the financial sector and support economic growth. If not, it can cause instability in the financial system and negatively affect the entire economy. The radical advancement of financial reforms during a time when external conditions are not in place will also create enormous financial risks. Financial changes must be coordinated with other economic and regulatory reforms. Financial over-indulgence, lack of regulatory capacity, lack of public participation, and market constraints may lead to social and economic shocks and financial crisis. The stories of the rise and fall of many banks have testified these notions.

The birth, development, and demise of finance are inseparably connected to the pathways of international financiers. This book tells the story of the Medici family in Italy and the era of bank revival in Europe. It tells the story of Scotsman William Paterson, the originator of the world’s first central bank who worked for the financing platform of British wars. It tells the story of Henri Germain, founder of Credit Lyonnais, who developed a small bank that started off serving the textile industry and grown into one of the best global banks at the turn of the century in 1900. Mr. Germain founded and influenced the theory of bank’s separate operations, and until today the shadows are still felt by the banker.

This book also describes the humble origin of Goldman Sachs and how the German immigrants, Goldman and Sachs, created a great company and branched out into other investment opportunities. It also tells a different story about Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) whose owners broke the curse of failure and enjoyed five generations of wealth. It goes into details about the horror story of some of the Vatican’s bankers. It tells the story of Hitler's “brilliant financial achievements” and how he plundered and was ruined by economics.

This book also tells the truth about the fighting between Alexander Hamilton, founder of the central bank of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson, an American President, whose disputes were due to their differences about the founding philosophy of the United States and not due to some reasons of a conspiracy theory. It tells the story about Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, a German Utopian Socialist, who engaged in grasping the credit cooperative theory all the way to the touching feelings of Henry Duncan, an Englishman who encouraged poor farmers to help themselves through small savings.

This book also tells the story about the financial career of Sir Thomas Gresham, after whom the Gresham’s Law was named, and Isaac Newton. It shows how Napoleon created the Banque de France and the financial capabilities of his nephew.

Although the rise and fall of finance and financiers cannot be separated from the political environment of the times, it is also inseparable from all the different financiers’ characters and efforts. Telling the stories of financiers can transform somewhat dull financial stories into an exciting flesh-and-blood reality so that the influences and features of the people behind the thrilling economic stories are revealed. People may better understand the contingency and inevitability of the historical process this way.

This book also introduces another group of people who have achieved brilliant achievements in the history of art, design, or sculpture and have enjoyed an excellent reputation. One would think these artists have no place in the writings of financial history, but their names have been permanently preserved in this particular economic history book because it is a book that traces the history of financial medals.

The stars of these pages are brilliant, and many have won the prestigious Rome Art Award. In ancient times, artisans frequently visited the Temple of Venus and were favored by the goddess of art. They also came to the Temple of Juno Moneta (which is said to be the earliest mint of the Roman currency, its name was a source of the word money). In ancient Greek times, the Temples of Gods used to play the role of banks, and the earliest art displays were conducted in these temples. It seems that art and banking have long been intertwined.

Ancient Greeks and Romans developed the use of silver coins and combined it with sculptural arts. The coins could have been a flat piece of metal weighed out to represent a particular value, but these earliest people used artistic skills to decorate and beautify the money.

These continued to evolve, and during the first industrial revolution, the copy sculpture machine was invented. The art of the currency seal combined the best relief art and metal imprint technology available. Commemorative bank medals were cast in rich and varied materials including gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum, and alloys.

The selection of themes is extensive. Because the perspectives were very diverse and the art practices innovative, many masters were interested in participating in the designs. These masters expressed their artistic interests, tastes, and emotions in the world of coin-shaped medals. At that time, Europe was at the center of global arts. There were various schools of arts preaching neo-classicalism, romanticism, impressionism, post-impressionism, modernism, cubism, and surrealism. The constant emergence of diverse artistic trends has always promoted the development of the art of painting and sculpture. It has also had a tremendous impact on the artists engaged in the creation of commemorative medals. The sculptors' exquisitely designed engraving works played an important role in the Art Nouveau movement. Many of the pioneers of sculpture art were adept at medal design and exerted their genius imagination to mobilize all artistic expressions such as oil paintings, drawings, prints, and sculptures. They have given full play to the physical properties of metals including their flexibility, extension, color, and luster. The art forms of sculpture are real and imaginary, dense and sparse, masculine and feminine. Thus the art of medals shows rich cultural, historical, practical and philosophical implications. The artists’ pursuit of perfection is maximized by their artistic charm and romantic temperament.

In the past 200 years, the art of medals was pushed to its peak. The medals have illustrious artistic value and are a concentrated expression of the level of design and casting techniques in western countries. Over the years, sculptors have created a large number of eternal artistic treasures. These medals have not only conquered us with their incredible combination of art and technology, but also with the indelible character of the metal, solidifying the financial vicissitudes of the hundred years in their physical form, and leaving us eternal historical evidence for the history of the banking industry. These famous sculpture artists include Daniel Dupuis of France, Louis Alexander Burton, Luis Oscar Rudy, Charles Piller, Frederic Weir, Lambert Du Marais, Abel Lafleur; Benjamin Wynn of the United Kingdom, Enrique Monjode of Spain, Julio Kilenyi of the United States, Pogozhelskii of Russia and others.

Although there are many fine art coins in other themes, there are very few medals with finance as their theme. Intentionally, I brought together 1,500 bank medals which involved hundreds of banks in 50 or 60 countries. After writing three books on them, I envisage the establishment of a small financial room in a museum to display these medals together. We can imagine that in the future, many bankers in other countries from around the world will be excited to find such a place in China. They will be amazed at their different banks’ commemorative medals. Many of these may be issued by the predecessors of their banks. The museum could be a silent, tranquil hall for the bankers to find their roots in history and revisit the past. They will feel the strength of a commercial culture. Knowledge is obtained by reading into items, and he who has “extensive knowledge” of the world is indeed a wise man. Here, history is no longer pages of words but stimulates genuine feelings. In the meantime, bankers could feel as if they stand at the birthplace of banking history and see its surging momentum ahead.

Writing all these articles has taken much time and effort. Taking on the responsibility of bank management, I had limited time to write these which was the most significant constraint. Thus, I used that the wisdom of the ancient people pointed out that one should make full use of time particularly at the three places: in your bed, on the toilet, and on the road.

When I was on business trips, especially when traveling long distances, I found it particularly easy to concentrate. Every time, I watched fewer on-board movies, slept fewer hours, and let myself engage in “wild fantasies in the air over 30,000 feet. I was taken away from the complexity of every business and immersed myself in the narrations and annals of financial history. I buried myself in the keyboard. I especially enjoyed these moments.

Compared with the ever-changing economic disciplines, sadly, the history of banks is particularly unpopular, and in China, there are few published books that focus on the history of banks, especially of foreign banks. Even when there are books, they focus only on a few prominent foreign banks. The study of the history of international banks lacks both depth and breadth. In historical studies, the commonly used methods are reading into ancient texts, theoretical analysis, and comprehensive investigations.

Bank history is also related to politics, economy, and the culture in history, so it is a kind of cross-disciplinary study. Due to my intermittent writing, this book is like a notebook of the history of banks and is somewhat fragmented. I tell the stories of banks and sometimes present some theoretical induction or commentary in the texts. I made particular efforts to prove the evidence on the textual research and endeavored to be accurate. In the process of writing this book, I was deeply troubled by the scarcity of Chinese materials about the history of banks around the world, so I was looking to purchase materials around the world. Fortunately, the internet has made the world smaller and accessible. I have accumulated hundreds of English versions of foreign bank history over the years. I have also created a small, singular library for future studies of foreign bank history.

Since the birth, growth, and prosperity of New China's financial industry, studying the fluctuations of world finance could provide a valuable experience for the development of Chinese banking industry. Today, China’s banking industry has become one of the biggest in world's financial sector, and ICBC is now the leader in global banks.

We can learn from the past. The development of modern banking cannot be separated from the support of historical and cultural heritage. If we forget the history of the banking industry, we will not be able to understand the present entirely and move to a stable future. It is of great significance for China to better promote the development of its modern banking industry by sorting out the world’s precious financial and cultural heritage, and discover the achievements of the monetary development created by predecessors. By reviewing the successes and failures of the financial industry, we can learn the lessons. I hope that this book will be inspiring for banking practitioners, business managers, and economic history researchers. Such is the preface.

-The end-




上海新金融研究院(Shanghai Finance Institute,SFI)是一家非官方、非营利性的专业智库,致力于新金融和国际金融领域的政策研究。研究院成立于2011年7月14日,由中国金融四十人论坛(China Finance 40 Forum,CF40)举办, 与上海市黄浦区人民政府战略合作。研究院在国内率先提出新金融概念,并积极开展相关研究,逐渐形成了以新金融和国际金融为特色的研究道路。




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