(1)The year 1976 witnessed may earth-shaking events in China. 1976年,中国发生了许多震惊世界的大事。
(2)The one look had told the general what sort of man he had to deal with. 将军看了一眼就已经明白,他要对付的是什么样的人了。
(3)Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength to go on doing it. 只是由于想起了他的母亲,他才鼓起勇气继续干下去。
(4)His words sent a quiver through my body. 我听到他的话,不禁打了一个寒战。
(5)None of the criminals escaped punishment. 罪犯一个也没有逃脱惩罚。(escaped用的是动词的原来意义)
(6)His hint escaped me. 他的暗示没有引起我的注意。(escaped用的是动词的譬喻意义)
(7)Improvements here and there may in fact by increasing anomalies do more harm than good. 东修西补的办法,由于节外生枝,事实上反而弊多利少。(延伸动词may do的含义)
(8)Geimany was deprived by the religious wars of the cohesion which England, Holand and France enjoyed at the time when science was being born in these countries. 连年的宗教战争使德国失去了英国、荷兰和法国在本国科学事业刚刚诞生时所享有的统一局面。(巧妙使用“使……失去”句型翻译was deprived)
(9)Be careful not to let the ease with which you talk and understand other people prevent you from perfecting your use of the language. 一定要小心,绝不可因为你同别人交谈时没有什么困难,就不再努力提高对这种语言的掌握运用。(添加汉语的“由于……因此”句型化解英语难点)
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