玛丽女王/拉夫堡/约克 2023年春季入学开放专业汇总

玛丽女王/拉夫堡/约克 2023年春季入学开放专业汇总



在伦敦大学各学院中,只有玛丽女王将教学、科研和住宿全部集中在了伦敦市中心的校园。主校园Mile End在伦敦的两大金融中心之间 -“金融城”和码头区。在校园里学习意味着你能享有校园集体的所有好处,同时能无限利用在伦敦生活的机遇。


School of Economics and Finance

• MSc Banking and Finance

• MSc Management

• MSc Marketing

William Harvey Research Institute

• Genomic Medicine (HEE Funded) MSc

School of Law

• Laws (Paris) LLM

• Commercial Law Dual LLM (London and Singapore) LLM - 2022年11月14日截止申请

Institute of Health Science Education

• Education for Clinical Contexts MA

• Physician Associate Studies MSc

拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University),创建于1909年,是M5大学联盟和1994联盟的创始成员,英国的顶尖名校,拥有世界级的科研水平。


Design Innovation

• MA/MSc Design Innovation

Digital Technologies

• MSc Digital Finance

• Msc Digital Marketing

Diplomacy and International Governance

• MSc Diplomacy and International Governance

• MSc Diplomacy, Business and Trade

• MSc Diplomacy, Politics and Trade

• MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

• MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

• MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation

• MSc Digital Entrepreneurship (coming soon)

International Management

• MSc International Human Resource Management

• MSc International Management

• MSc International Management and Emerging Economies

• MSc Risk, Governance and International Management

Media and Creative Industries

• MA Global Communication and Social Change

• MA International Development

• MSc International Sustainable Development

• MA Media and Creative Industries

Sport Business

• MSc Sport Marketing

约克大学(University of York)成立于1963年,是世界公认的一流公立研究型大学。同时也是很多联盟的重要学术成员——即世界大学联盟、英国罗素大学集团。


Department of Health Sciences

• MSc Nursing (Mental Health)

• MSc Nursing (Adult)


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