persist 和 insist,persevere 如何“坚持”?

persist 和 insist,persevere 如何“坚持”?



persist/pəˈsɪst/ v 坚持;持续



Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?(blaming 使 blame的现在分词,blame v 指责,把···归咎于)

she persisted in her search for the truth

If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.(symptom 症状,sym~same,相同的情况,对于疾病来说就是症状。consult/kənˈsʌlt/ v 咨询,参阅,请教;consultant顾问;会诊医师;高级顾问医师)

Persist until you succeed

persistent/pəˈsɪstənt/ a 持续的,执着的。

How do you deal with persistent salesmen who won't take no for an answer?

persistent rain阴雨连绵

The opportunities are still out there for the persistent.(opportunity,oppose v 反对,阻挠,op-相反,pose-放,相反着干。opportunity n 机会,机会都是对手给的)

insist/ɪnˈsɪst/ v 坚决要求,坚决主张 ,坚持



I didn't really want to go but he insisted.

He insists that she come.
He insisted on his innocence(innocence,inno-No,cence~cent口袋里没有一分钱:无辜的)

He insisted on being heard and refused to back down.(refuse v 拒绝 对比refuge v 避难 n 避难所)


persevere/ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/ v 不屈不挠

记忆:per-through,severe/sɪˈvɪə(r)/ a 严肃的,严峻的,*serious/ˈsɪəriəs/ a 严重的,严肃的


She persevered with her violin lessons.

You have to persevere with difficult students.你必须对难教的同学坚持诲人不倦的精神

He persevered despite discouragement from those around him.(despite/dɪˈspaɪt/ prep 尽管;即使 n 恶意,侮辱;discouragement,来自 courage n 勇气,dis=no;discourage v 阻碍,使气馁, ment名词,discouragement n 劝阻,灰心)

She persevered through years of training to become a professional athlete(professional a 专业的;娴熟的;profess,pro-前,fess-说,前面说:公开宣布,宣传,信奉。只有敢在人前讲的才会是:专业的,娴熟的才是profession 职业,业内人士)

choose to persevere


perceive/pəˈsiːv/ v 洞察到,意识到(ceive/cep=grasp,一下注意到,由无到有,由0到1的突破)

I perceived a change in his behaviour.

This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.

She did not perceive herself as disabled(disabled a 有残疾的 n 残疾人)

perspire/pəˈspaɪə(r)/ v 出汗(spire-呼吸,inspire v 激励,鼓舞,往in里面打气。出汗就是从里到外)

He began to perspire heavily

The victim will perspire heavily, vomit blood, and collapse within an hour.

On an average day you take 15000 steps and foot perspires 200 ml of sweat。


perfume/ˈpɜːfjuːm/ n 香水,芳香(fume烟,per完全的被香气包围)

permeate[ˈpɜːmieɪt] v 渗透,传染(meat~联想,肉味窜入到鼻孔里面)

The smell of leather permeated the room.屋子里面弥漫着皮革味(leather n 皮革 a 皮革的)
Dissatisfaction among the managers soon permeated down to members of the workforce(among prep 在···中;workforce n 劳动力,全体员工;dissatisfaction/ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/ n不满意,satisfied/ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ a 满意的 satisfy v 满足,使满足)

对比:pervade/pəˈveɪd/ v 弥漫。permeate是渗入,从一个小缝中,进入到另外的物体中。pervade是“充满”的感觉。

The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.整个房子都充满了酸味

A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.(retrospective a 回顾的,涉及以往的,retro~return,spect-看。performance 表演 ,perform v 履行,表演)

An atmosphere of contentment and tolerance pervades the school.(atmosphere n 氛围,sphere-球体,环绕着我们的环境就是气愤了。contentment n 满足,满意,content n 内容 a 满意)

permanent/ˈpɜːmənənt/ a 永恒的,长久的(per-从头到尾,man~main-持有,maintain v 维持,保养)


对比:eternal/ɪˈtɜːnl/ a 永恒的,不朽的 the Eternal 上帝。permanent是指在一定范围的持续存在,而eternal多指灵魂、上帝等比较玄幻的东西,不死不灭,永久存在。

eternal truths 永恒真理

I'm tired of your eternal arguments(argument n 争论 ;来自 argue v 争论,争辩)

a permanent job 固定的工作

The stroke left his right side permanently damaged.(stroke /strəʊk/ n 中风,击球,轻抚 n 轻抚。中风就是被风抚摸、strict打了一下 。damage v /n 损害)这个伤害到他死会一直存在。


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