
















See, Daddy bought you some Super Wings toys. Let’s change Jet into a robot with his legs and arms out. First, we push his front wheel in. Then, we pull his legs out,and push them down. Now we can push up his landing gear wheels, and put the flap at the back down. Now we turn his feet around,and press down the tabs小片片,so he can stand up. Finally, we need to pull out his arms,and then pull out the hands. Now you can twist the arms however you like.

1. What is a helicopter?

A helicopter is a kind of aircraft. Unlike an airplane, a helicopter can fly straight up and down, sideways, or backward. It can also spin around or hover motionless in the air. Helicopters can fly lower than airplanes can, too.

Like an airplane, a helicopter flies using wings. A helicopter’s wings are thin, narrow blades that rotate, or spin around. The blades on top of a helicopter, along with the parts that connect them, are called the main rotor. The main rotor is connected to an engine. The engine sends power to the main rotor to spin the blades. Most helicopters have just one main rotor, but some have two or more.

As the blades spin, air pushes against them. A helicopter Pilot has controls that change the position of the blades. This affects how the air hits them. The pilot also controls how much power the engine sends to the rotor. Using these controls together, the pilot can move the helicopter up, down, forward, backward, or sideways.

A helicopter also has a small set of blades in the back. This is called the tail rotor. To turn the helicopter, the pilot pushes pedals that move the tail rotor. The tail rotor also keeps the helicopter from spinning around.

2. make a helicopter

Cut out the helicopter

Cut along the dashed lines of the template. If you’re using plain paper, make a sketch of the helicopter solid and dashed lines as a guide.

Fold along the solid lines

The propeller blades, A and B, should be folded in opposite directions along the solid lines. The X and Y panels fold toward the center, and Z is folded upward to give the body of the helicopter rigidity and lower its center of gravity for more stable flight.

Do a test flight

Stand up and hold the helicopter by its body. Raise it as high in the air as you can. Now, drop it. What do you observe? Which way do the blades turn? Drop the helicopter from a higher spot. (Climb a few stairs or stand on a step stool.)

How does the performance change?


Grab an unfolded piece of paper the same size as the one used to make the helicopter. Drop it at the same time as the helicopter. Which falls faster? Wad up the piece of paper into a ball. Drop this paper ball at the same time as the helicopter. Which falls faster? Can you guess why? Hint: It has something to do with air resistance.

Helicopters are useful because they can fly almost anywhere. They are used to rescue people from disasters such as fires, floods, and earthquakes. Helicopters can quickly carry injured people to a hospital. They can even land on the roofs of some hospitals and other buildings. Armies use helicopters to attack the enemy and to carry soldiers and equipment. Police use helicopters to look for criminals. Farmers use them to spread seeds and fertilizers on their fields.


See how I go!

I fill my massive water tank from a lake or a river using my snorkel[ˈsnɔːrkl]. It’s a like a big straw that can suck up 2000 gallons of water in just 45 seconds.

Today, I have some friends to help me. They carry giant “Bambi” buckets that they fill from a lake, too.

Water tanks, snorkel, rotor blades, Bambi bucket






Then we fly away and hover over the center of the fire.


Our pilots take aim and……

whoosh! [wʊʃ]

Like a waterfall, our tanks and buckets empty onto the flames.





(2)rescue people

Here I am using my winch cable to rescue a stranded mountain climber.


Oh, naughty boy , I don’t know why you like climbing trees.

How are we going to rescue him?

Chop the tree down.

No. I’ ll ring the fire engine.

Fire service!

What happened?

A naughty boy is stuck on the tree.

We’re on our way.

Fire engines use ladders to rescue pets from trees.

Naughty boy is climbing higher in the tree. Fire fighter is climbing into the tree.

They all get stuck.

No! We’ll have to call the highest rescue service in the land.

OK, I’m on my way.

Thank you, Pilot, for saving them.

No problem. Just in my job. Goodbye.

(3)armed helicopter

An armed helicopter is a helicopter equipped with weapons.[1] Most commonly, it is used for attacking targets on the ground. Such a helicopter could be either purposely designed for a ground-attack mission—in which case it would be more specifically categorized as an attack helicopter—or may have been previously designed for other uses, such as utility, cargo, reconnaissance, etc., with the weapons mounts being modifications, rather than part of the design of the helicopter. The purpose of the modification to an armed helicopter configuration can be field expediency during combat, the lack of military funding to develop or purchase attack helicopters, or the need to maintain the helicopter for missions that do not require the weapons.

(4)look for criminals

Police use helicopters to look for criminals.

(5)helicopter on the farm

Farmers use them to spread seeds and fertilizers on their fields.

The helicopter is designed for treating agricultural crops with pesticides, applying liquid or dry mineral fertilizers to the soil.



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