import turtle
star = {
'白羊座': '白羊座的上进心强,有时难免冲动,忽略他人的感受。',
'金牛座': '金牛座符号体现了按部就班,从容淡定,但难免由于太固执而失去朋友。',
'双子座': '双子座经常一心二用,兴趣广泛,但有时难免了解的不太深刻。',
'巨蟹座': '外表时常冷漠的巨蟹座,内心充满善意和温情,应该适当的释放出来。',
'狮子座': '狮子座很多地方比较优秀,也较有魅力,但容易虚荣和骄傲,需要清醒。',
'处女座': '处女座总是追求完美,要懂得分析不容得有瑕疵。',
'天秤座': '公平是天秤座的优点,但要知道每个人心中的公平都不一样,没有标准。',
'天蝎座': '天蝎座孤傲、冷漠,因此思考能力较强。',
'射手座': '射手座比较深刻,有时冷漠,但是射手座直觉能力较强。',
'摩羯座': '摩羯座总是有登峰的欲求,不要太过紧张,放松平静下来可能效果更理想。',
'水瓶座': '天赋可能让水瓶座比一些人更优秀,但多数成功来自点点滴滴的努力。',
'双鱼座': '双鱼座总是很彷徨,理想与现实的彷徨,感情的彷徨,要学会选择,可能并没有真正的对与错。',
birthday = turtle.textinput('星座查询', '请输入您的生日(如2.14)')
month, date = int(birthday.split('.')[0]),int(birthday.split('.')[1])
if (month == 3 and 21 <= month <= 31) or (date == 4 and 1 <= date <= 19):
print('您的星座是白羊座:' star['白羊座'])
if (month == 4 and 20 <= month <= 30) or (date == 5 and 1 <= date <= 20):
print('您的星座是金牛座:' star['金牛座'])
if (month == 5 and 21 <= month <= 31) or (date == 6 and 1 <= date <= 21):
print('您的星座是双子座:' star['双子座'])
if (month == 6 and 22 <= month <= 30) or (date == 7 and 1 <= date <= 22):
print('您的星座是巨蟹座:' star['巨蟹座'])
if (month == 7 and 23 <= month <= 31) or (date == 8 and 1 <= date <= 22):
print('您的星座是狮子座:' star['狮子座'])
if (month == 8 and 23 <= month <= 31) or (date == 9 and 1 <= date <= 22):
print('您的星座是处女座:' star['处女座'])
if (month == 9 and 23 <= month <= 30) or (date == 10 and 1 <= date <= 23):
print('您的星座是天秤座:' star['天秤座'])
if (month == 10 and 24 <= month <= 31) or (date == 6 and 1 <= date <= 22):
print('您的星座是天蝎座:' star['天蝎座'])
if (month == 11 and 23 <= month <= 30) or (date == 12 and 1 <= date <= 21):
print('您的星座是射手座:' star['射手座'])
if (month == 12 and 22 <= month <= 31) or (date == 1 and 1 <= date <= 19):
print('您的星座是摩羯座:' star['摩羯座'])
if (month == 1 and 20 <= month <= 31) or (date == 2 and 1 <= date <= 18):
print('您的星座是水瓶座:' star['水瓶座'])
if (month == 2 and 19 <= month <= 29) or (date == 3 and 1 <= date <= 20):
print('您的星座是双鱼座:' star['双鱼座'])
star = {
'白羊座': '白羊座的上进心强,有时难免冲动,忽略他人的感受。',
birthday = turtle.textinput('星座查询', '请输入您的生日(如2.14)'):新建一个变量birthday,使用testinput()生成一个输入对话框,并将用户输入的值赋给变量。
month, date = int(birthday.split('.')[0]),int(birthday.split('.')[1]):按分隔符“.”拆分获得的字符串,“.”前的部分转换为整型赋值给month变量,“.”后的部分转换为整型赋值给date。
if (month == 3 and 21 <= month <= 31) or (date == 4 and 1 <= date <= 19):
print('您的星座是白羊座:' star['白羊座']):使用if语句。根据输入的birthday转换后的month和date判断属于哪个星座。
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