Modern Poetry Collection by Chen Yan Xiong
With English Translation & Appreciative Comments
陈彦雄 /译审
大爱无疆 自强至美
常 平
在我心灵的花园里 / 摘下 999 朵玫瑰 / 汇成金色的海洋 / 让心湖的孤帆轻轻地靠岸 / 诉说风浪中的思念
我折下的玫瑰会凋残 / 愿能把清香永藏在心间 / 他乡望月凭栏 /那柔柔似水的月华 / 融化的 / 是我相思的泪光
清晨醒来 / 你会听见 / 你心花绽放的声音 / 正合着我 / 刻骨铭心的声声誓言
这首爱情诗受西学影响很大,诗人用夸张的语言,尽情铺垫至爱的炙热。作者以 999 朵玫瑰作为爱情的献礼,带有极端浪漫主义色彩,显示着爱情的至高无上和对爱的热切渴望。再美的花儿都会有凋谢的一天,因为那只是外在的糖衣,又怎能久长,但其中寄予的深情,则需被爱者用心去感受,方不负求爱者的初衷。所以诗人希望爱人能够珍惜,即使走到天涯海角, “愿能把清香永藏在心间”。虽说“天涯何处无芳草”,
《邂逅美丽》是另一首缅怀一段已逝爱情,呼唤真爱回归的抒情诗,读起来让人荡气回肠。此诗作于大学时代,原以英文写成,后译成中文,目前在英国加拿大等外国友人中广泛流传,抒情王子的称谓也由此而来。在诗中诗人邂逅一段刻骨铭心的爱情,后因种种原因分手,但对方高雅的气质让他时时萦怀,渴望以种种的努力重新得到对方的慧心。其情之真,其意之切,其心之苦,在声声“你在何方?”的叩问中得到层层的深化。但该诗哀而不怨,没有一般失恋诗的苦不欲生,既有东方文化的含蓄又不乏西方文化的缠绵。“我要用悲悯仁爱的精神 / 逆境不屈的意志 / 作成最华贵的胸饰 / 别在你的心中 ……”诗人自强不息的奋斗精神跃然纸上,将爱情提升到一个更高的品位,而该诗纯美的意境为诗文增添了瑰丽的奇彩,让爱情有了更为广阔的内涵。
她是一个画家 / 画过许多美丽的大树 / 动脉和静脉 / 是树最流畅的线条 / 甘美的果实累累 / 是颗颗仁慈挚爱的心 / 我踯躅树下 / 没有采摘 / 一个声音呢喃低语 /“你是我心中唯一的家园”
她是一个诗人 / 写过许多或淡或浓的诗章 / 诗章宛如流动的长河 /冒着汩汩殷红的热血 / 注入我奄奄一息的躯体 / 我睁开久合的双眼 /无人能感应
一个声音呢喃低语 /“你是我心中唯一的家园”……
诗人用澎湃的激情,以浓墨重彩刻画出一个圣坛上的偶像,她具有一切优秀女性的内美,博大,以宗教般的奉献精神,以智慧去包容,去呵护鞭策诗人,激发他奋斗的热望。短短四段,红颜高大全的形象可感可触,使诗人自然而然发出“你是我心中唯一的家园”。在价值观普遍缺失的年代,诗人着意塑造的伟大女性,实际上具有极大的现实意义。个性的张扬,寻求成功的途径有时难免不择手段,红颜真诚的奉献让我们冷却彷徨的心有了丝丝的暖意 , 绵绵的不屈意志。西方有一句话叫“伟大的女性引导人类升天”,综观中国历史,许多成功者后面皆有一个胸怀博大,忍辱负重的女性。诗人以诗意的笔触,悲天怜人的爱心,悉心塑造一个女性典范,实在难能可贵,可以说,红颜既是诗人心中的家园,同时也是大众心中永恒的坐标。
友情在每个人不断展开的生活之剧中扮演着中心角色。纵观一生,是朋友们为我们提供了家庭以外的参照,使我们据此判断是非和衡量自身,并支持我们去努力拼搏人生。友情对一直在中西方文化大道上永往直前的诗人陈彦雄来说,也是一种极大的精神动力。作为一个易学专家和国际贸易谈判高手,易学的深奥晦涩需要他耐得住“青灯照壁”的寂寞,贸易谈判则需沉着冷静充满机锋,工作的压力促使他更渴求友情,在给别人强大的心理暗示的同时,也体味友情给他带来的温暖。《远征》就是这种意绪的产物。那是 2006 的冬天他应邀去北国策划一个大型房地产项目时,因有感于许多朋友对他的关怀鼓励,心怀感恩之心而写的。
“当星星不再闪烁 / 站台露出淡淡的月色 / 我背起你缝制的行囊 /带着祝福的种子 / 呼吸熟悉而又凝滞的空气 / 静静地作别”。离别总不是件快乐的事,即使短暂的分别如果有所牵挂,也会如古人所说的“儿女共沾巾”,所以流动的空气似乎能感知诗人的心绪,在诗人的主观意识里也凝固起来。诗人对友情的古典式珍重可见一斑。不过“背起祝福的种子”又让我们感受到这种离别将会充溢收获的希望。
远去了 / 列车没有爱情的歌唱 / 没有深不可测繁星的引领 / 更没有你的燕语呢喃 / 但既然选择了远征 / 就义无反顾地学会了孤独 / 在孤独里痛并快乐地吟唱 / 远征是胜败参半的赌注 / 过程总须承受精神起起落落的煎熬 / 灵魂呵 / 只要贴近你亲手整理的行囊 / 不论严寒酷暑 / 祝福的种子就会熠熠发芽 / 矗立起信念的常青树 / 宣誓我不屈的意志 / 重现希望的曙光
诗人没有停留在卿卿我我的缅怀中,虽然燕语呢喃能让他身心放松,但他的理想追求让他选择踏上新的征程。一种豪迈的气概在诗行中显得突兀而又充满张力。远征总让人难以确定,也许是成功也许是失败,于是友人的祝福便成为他强大的精神动力,逆境不屈的催动剂,让他以极大的勇气创造了“柳暗花明又一村”的神话。写到这里,友情的魅力已呈现无遗。而“凯旋之时 / 祝福已结成累累硕果 / 在温暖的港湾里 / 我们尽情地品尝”,却让我们见证了陈彦雄对于友情的真诚回报。用不着构筑纷繁复杂的意象,直白的话语,在他的情感磁场中已有一种催人奋进的动力和对友谊的执着。
另一首《心灵之约》也产生同样的背景。因飞机误点,诗人抵达飞机场时已是凌晨两点,呼气成冰,雪花飘飘,想起南国的友人,即兴吟咏思友之作。“在寒冷的北国 / 把我的思念化成南国的繁星 / 去点缀你的美梦/你在梦中/为我点燃火把/温暖我/温暖寒冷的北国大地”。诗人利用时空的转换,传达心中美好的情感,寥寥几笔却神韵俱足,刻画了南北时空两者心心相印的牵挂。冰天雪地,诗人已冻得瑟瑟发抖,但他不是索取友爱,索取温暖,却衷心希望能将思念化作繁星,点缀友人的美梦。尔后诗人又希翼南方的友人在梦中能够点燃一把关爱之火,温暖自己,也温暖北国大地。不仅想到寒冷的自己,也感念到寒冷中的北国人民。即兴之作最是真性情的流露,诗歌在不经意中已提升到一个极高的境界。同时这首诗也是两幅精致的抒情小品,“风雪飘飘的北国,诗人伫立着虔诚祈祷”;“繁星灿烂的南国,友人在温暖的被窝里甜蜜入梦”。强烈的反差形成诗意的对比,收到较好的艺术效果。可谓诗中有画,画中有诗。
诗的开篇就向我们指出生命存在的意义“思维因生命而存在 / 生命因探索而永恒”,短短的两句,已经呈现一种高空之气,一种振奋人心的力量,仿佛有凡高向日葵的金黄,有夸父追日的勇猛和执着。“前方的路总是光明与迷惑 / 既然我们选择探索人生的真谛 / 挖掘宇宙的内涵 / 于是我们别无选择地走在生活的浪尖 / 用激情和理性演绎一首悲壮的生命之歌”。思想无法在平和的环境里静静地产生,它需有狂飙的激情与冷静的思索。这是一个文化英雄的铮铮誓言,有一种血性的亲近,
“太阳会西沉 / 但预示孕育着一个辉煌无比的白昼 / 在追赶光明的路上 / 让执着的情怀与生命同行 / 正义的宝剑让我们成为思想的主宰 /孤寂误解中伤的煎熬 / 将擦亮我们永往直前的智慧之灯”。诗人的自信无与伦比,因为他坚信他所走的路是大时代的呼声,是新世纪的符号,是一条永恒之路。所以无论处于何时何地,他都微笑着面对人生。
“我们看到生命中的洪水漫涌 / 我们祈盼天庭般神圣的雷鸣之声 /穿越云层 穿越力量和梦想 / 穿过傲慢与偏见 穿过荒诞与物欲 / 春雨般 / 滋润疮痍的大地”。诗人的语言有一种庄严性和博爱的宗教情怀,有一种崇高的华美和排山倒海的气势,这使我们在“春雨般滋润疮痍的大地”的博大情怀由衷产生圣洁的感动。
雷电是天空恢弘的交响乐 / 奔腾不羁的气势 / 翻腾宇宙自强不息的滚滚巨澜 / 变幻莫测的情感
彩虹是天空无法之法的旋律 / 诗意的挥洒 / 塑造旷世难寻的经典 /从此 / 天圆地方成畅通无阻的两岸
潮汐是大地的心音 / 高低起伏 / 磅礴、忧郁、深远 / 久久地聆听 /你定能读懂大地沉稳激情的心跳
露珠是阳光的休止符 / 配合着鸟鸣的节奏 / 落花的清幽 / 造化营建众生共荣的乐土 / 永恒的天籁
Great Love is Boundless, BeautifulSelf-Exertion is Endless
—Reading Chen Yanxiong ' s Poetry
Chang Ping
Liu Xiaofeng has pointed out, "Nothingness is the essence of the world, the target rightly to be negated. Mission for the poets is to provide such nothingness of the world with meaning. A poet should take initiative to offer meaning to the world and so to confirm his or her value. For that, people will often say that a world without poetry is not human. More or less, human being is alive depending on poetry, to determine the warm love, to dispel the tease the world makes on them. It is poetry that transforms the world into a form of human amiableness."
Thinking Liu ' s saying, I am shocked by the boundless love and endless beauty, colossal mightiness and enormous mildness, and constant struggling of heroic postures transmitted by Chen ' s works. It is a kind of powerful expression that endowed by fulfillment of the inner mind, marvelous wonder of imagination and, a kind of flexible wisdom.
Chen is one of the leading figures in the circle of I-Ching as well as the example for young scholars. He is knowledgeable, through mastering both western and traditional Chinese cultures with excellence in three fields, poetics, painting and I-Ching. He studied English in undergraduate time and was named the "lyric prince" of the university due to his remarkable translation ability and his creative English poetry. The dual identity as a negotiator for international business and a researcher for I-Ching Studies shapes his broad outlook, his unique perspective and his noble value. Hereby, he becomes an instructor of psychology.
Love is the most beautiful affection that people cherish and no matter in what kind of genre, it owns a certain position. It is no wonder that why love and life are the forever topics for literary creations. Especially for poetry, love is the source of lyrics. Evidence can be seen in the first poem "GUAN JU" of the earliest Chinese poetry collection, The Book of Songs : "Merrily the ospreys cry,
on the islet in the steam; A quiet and modest maiden, a gentleman ' s good mate". The West is the earth to be fertilized with love. Immersed with both eastern and western cultures, Chen therefore chooses to write about love.
"Expectation for Present Life", is a poem of love that contains the beautiful prospect, the abundant connotation and the persistent pursuit for love. "The garden, my soul /999 roses plucked /Sink into a golden sea /Lonely sail of my mind gently the shore forwards /Pour out thoughts in wind and waves" "The rose I pick up will wither /I wish to hide its fragrance forever in my mind /I lean upon the handrail and moonward cast my eye /That mild water-like moonlight is /Dissolving into /The light shining in lovesick tears""Wake up in the morning /You will hear /Sound of flowers blossoming /Resonate /My every oath imprinted into my bones"
The poet, significantly influenced by the romance of western style, applies the exaggerating dictions and heartily describes the searing aspect of love. 999 roses as the present for love carry heavy romance and indicate the nobleness of love and the yielding for such human sentiment. However beautiful a blossom may be, it will wither one day. Beauty is the sugarcoating that will not last long. Yet deep emotion behind the short-living roses is eager for the response by the one the poet loves. Thus, the poet wishes his lover to value his love no matter where he or she is in the world, "I wish to hide its fragrance forever in my mind".Though it is often said "There is not only one fish in the sea", the ideal company only comes accidently. It is the supreme pleasure for one to love and be loved by a certain person and hand in hand run out the life journey.
"A Wonderful Meeting" is another soul-stirring lyric poem to commemorate elapsing love and recall a sincere one. This poem was written in English in the very beginning when Chen was an undergraduate. It was widely accepted by fellows from Britain, Canada and other foreign countries, making Chen gain the title of "poetry prince" at that time. Now it is rewritten into Chinese and then translated back into English by his student. In the poem, the poet encounters heart-engraving love yet breaks up with his lover in the end. The elegance of this previous lover is lingering on the poet ' s mind. He still wants her love back desirably. Such strong emotion is gradually intensified as the appealing line repeats, "Where are you?" Although readers will sense the sad tone created by Chen, it is not that hurting as some poems. The third stanza, "Where are you? I will exercise sympathy, love /Strong will of conquering hardships /As the noblest decoration /Tie deep in your mind /Shinning splendor /Reflect you, such miracle endowed by nature", elevates love into a higher level and establishes purity for magical grandeur and then magnifies the meaning of love.
Western poets generally are brave enough to admit the admiration for the subject matter in describing, and even may contain flavor of religion. Real and unreal as their poetry may be, the ultimate motif is to inquiry, to ask where individual spirit can lie on. Chen ' s work "To A Beauty" is the embodiment of such characteristics.
The poet conceptualizes an idol from the altar with weighty dictions and his own passion, "She is a painter /Draw out many beautiful trees /Arteries and veins / These smoothest lines of trees /Plenty sweet fruits /Sincere, sympathetic hearts /I, wandering under the trees /Did not pick down any of them /A voice is murmuring /"You are the sole home of my mind". This beauty possesses all the fine qualities of an ideal model in the poet ' s eye, great, erudite, of sacred devotion, with wisdom to tolerate, protect and inspire the poet ' s passion. Such refined and complete image is touchable under the imaginary creation of the poet and he concludes every stanza by his spontaneous exclamation", "You are the sole home of my mind". Actually, this ideal female image supplies significance for the grim reality in the present era when countless common people have lost faith in life. Given that arrogant displays of personalities and ways for secular achievements turning into possible conspiracies are increasingly taking place in society, devotion by the "beauty" has warmed us out of the cruelty. A western saying is "Great female leads human to heaven." In contrast, through Chinese history, behind many successful figures, there is always a tolerant and endurable female. It can be said that influenced by such similarity of both cultures, the poet will then treat the beauty as home of his mind and engage readers, the common people to regard the noble image as their eternal coordinate.
Chen ' s poetry, overall, describes the spirit rooted in struggling process. Ideal females he yearns for possess the extremely pure and beautiful soul, who deserve the most sincere hymn and an actual heaven established by the general public. Chen always mentions love because he views that love is the spiritual catalyst, the refinement of soul. Love means to devote oneself and move forwards. Universal love is the answer to his spiritual inquiry and he hopes to apply it into our life and take real actions. He once told me a story about his aunt. His aunt spent her whole life in countryside, selflessly diligent without complaining while no one would directly express love to her. However, Chen, at her dying moment, tenderly show his own gratitude to her, "I love you, my dear aunt."
Friendship plays a core role in every individual ' s life, providing us with the supports different from family, helping us to standardize the good and evil and manage ourselves. As for Chen, friendship is a powerful intellectual impetus in the path seeking harmony between eastern and western cultures. I-Ching studies require him to endure extreme solitude while business negotiation needs him to always maintain acute soberness. Pressure for the dual identity makes him desire friendship. In this way, he gives strong psychological guidance, meanwhile, experiences warmth from friendship. The poem "Expedition" was the product of his gratitude towards the encouragements from friends in winter season of 2006 when a large scale of real estate project invited him to join. "Stars no more glitter /Platform exposes the light moonlight /I take up luggage you have seamed and packed /Seeds of blessing /Breathe familiar air that condensed and held on /I quietly say goodbye to you". Separation from friends was not pleasant. No matter how short the separation would be, friends would be worried about each other. From the poet ' s eye, floating air was seemed to sense the poet ' s sentiment and became gloomy. Yet, "seeds of blessing" is active with the gleam of hope.
Chen will not fix himself in sorrow. In the second stanza, he presented a heroic bearing, abrupt yet flexible. Unstable expenditure cannot ensure a successful outcome while friends ' blessing will aid individuals with bravery. Therefore, the last stanza, "In triumphant return /Blessing has been plenty fruits /In a warm harbor /We joyfully taste them", is the reward for his honesty and the evidence for the activeness of friendship. Here, simple wording makes the complicated and luxury images redundant. His gratitude to friendship is frank, his persistence to friendship is strong and his magnetic field is inspiring.
During the time of that invitation, he created another poem, "Deal of Soul". When the plane arrived at the airport, it had been 2 o ' clock at night. The icy air with snowflakes in the northern China aroused Chen ' s missing of friends in southern area, "In cold northern kingdom /Transform my thoughts into stars of south /To intersperse your dreams /You, in dream /Kindle troche for me /Warm me, warm the cold world of north". The poet creates the transformation between time and space and conveys the delightful feeling that friendship has brought to him. Short as the poem is, it vividly depicts the interactive care between friends parting from each other in south and north. In a world of ice and snow, the poet ferociously sensed the coldness. His intention is not to gain love and warmth from friends but to earnestly turn missing into stars and let the friends far away sense magnificence of life. The "torch" in the poem is the aspiration that the poet wishes his friends to provide temperature for him himself and people in the north. Impromptu creation unintentionally will turn the poem into a higher level.
Poems of Chen, with various themes and different styles, tell the readers about his exclamation about life, his insightful view and critical thinking generated from philosophy, and his ambition transmitted by object. No matter it is the supreme emotion, or the forceful posture, or the profound meaning, poetry by Chen delivers his wisdom being a I-Ching scholar between two lines of space and time.
Poem "When Western Culture Collided with Eastern Culture" is considered to be top achievement in terms of philosophy. The fervent emotion, the deep overview on cosmos, the strength behind words and phrases in the poetry and the related wonderful imagination, all are presented thoroughly in this sole entity. The poet has delineated the powerful picture, solid ice destroyed and brocade cracked and concretized the abstract cultural communication as the tectonic plates to hit each other. Powerful wording reveals the poet ' s adequate ability in writing.
In the poem, image is outside image and scenery is outside scenery, which impresses readers by its sudden twist of tone and lasting sentiment. Chen compares the two cultures, western and eastern cultures with a couple of utterly different dispositions and then makes them concrete as various kinds of natural images. Afterwards, with continuous flowing language and the progressive styled enthusiasm, he excellently narrates and describes the fusion of the two cultures. Especially, in the last stanza, integrating what he has studied and researched in I-Ching, Chen appropriately treats the eastern and western cultures as two halves of the globe. Only combine the two into one and seek common ground while reserve differences can both of them become a perfect combination after a conflicting collision.
Lines as "Inside you, I; inside me, you /Interacted fusion the new life born / Invention the sword of wisdom forge /Shining in the universe" are the farsighted anticipation after artistically describing of western and eastern cultures by the poet. In the time when he joined century forum of Beijing University, some scholars asserted that in the coming one hundred years, eastern culture would replace western one. Such patriotism was understandable. However, Chen Yanxiong did not adopt the standpoint. After experiencing the two cultures, he would rather to compare and contrast their differences and similarities and absorb marrow of both cultures. Then, under a thinking pattern that the world is a whole nation, he set up a cultural landscape characterized by globalization. His shrewd argumentation has earned waves of applauses during his lecture time, significantly indicating him as a comprehensive scholar, great and dignified.
Certainly, the poet deeply loves the traditional culture because thousand years of cultural accumulation has been nurturing him since his birth. Theories of philosophy, from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have been his floating blood. After scrupulous review, he wrote down the poem, "Hungry and Thirsty, A Chinese Sturgeon", "Radiant, enchanting, mild waves of an alien land / Harp likewise, your ethereal songs /Not inspire burning waves of life of mine / Soft winds, soothing my face /Still unable to get my inborn peace into sleep / Hungry and thirsty, a Chinese sturgeon /Search for water domain for self." To leave is the reason of western culture, innovative, while to back is the richness of eastern culture, profound. The poet compares himself as a Chinese sturgeon, a kind of fish only can be found in the Yangtze River of China. Fish is a symbol Chinese culture usually talks about, owning the parallel importance as other representations, Chinese dragon and phoenix. Application of fish can efficiently convey the special humanity of Chinese people. The image "harp" is the product by western culture and the "alien land" is a western country the poet is staying. The scene Chen creates is based on his own experience and feeling. Due to international business, he once had chances to go foreign countries. Patriotic as he was, he was not tempted by the material life environment and firmly believed that his root was still in China.
"In coincidence, it occurred that once I was bosom friend of Zhuangzi / Listened to his wise sayings under Bridge of Zhiyu". Chen deeply attaches himself with the wisdom, humanity, dignity and charm and other positive factors of eastern culture. His patriotism is evident in that he remains sober in a comfortable environment and always reminds himself to come back home one day. Nonetheless, he is not arrogant. No matter how good a culture seemingly to be, it needs to be modest, to receive marrow of other cultures so that it can surmount its previous self. This explains why he writes, "Temper wings of strong will /Fly to another unfamiliar water area /Extract fresh elements /Drip into surging Yangzi River". To be with one ' s own culture as well as to absorb, to make choices and, to gain the positive elements from other cultures, one will in the end maintain his or her cultural root and realize the ideal one makes. Such belief is a reasonable passion with a broad work, owning a calm and gentle attitude towards culture. Hereby, readers may show respects to the poet because the entire poem is filled with philosophical thinking, touching artistic expression and sincerity of inner mind.
From my view, "When Western Culture Collided with Eastern Culture" and Hungry and Thirsty, A Chinese Sturgeon", these two poems insert Chen ' s philosophical contemplation and his cultivated mind. He loves his country and always places honor and interest of his motherland in priority no matter when he was lecturing in the century platform of Beijing University, or answering the consecutive questions posed by journalists, or negotiating with businessmen from foreign countries. Meanwhile, he will show respects towards foreign cultures, to reserve the harmony in difference.
Life is to explore, to pursue, to conquer one ' s self, and to gain the great wisdom. Though full of twists and turns, of setbacks, complaining is still made overshadowed for that passion beyond life will forge noble thinking and spirit. "Beyond Life" is Chen ' s reflection on life aiming to reshape the human nature and national character, to dispel the dispirited, the ready mediocre out of our country. Here, no more pale moaning but splendor from countless colors.
Several lines in the opening of "Beyond Life", "Because of life, thinking exists / Because of exploration, life is everlasting", have pointed out the meaning of life, and showed the sky-like demeanor as well as the stimulating strength, golden as sunflowers under Van Gogh ' s pen and determined as Kua Fu chasing the sun. As the second stanza goes, "Path ahead, always bright and bewildering /Since we have chosen to pursue truth of life /Dig out significance of universe /We have no choices but to step on crest of waves of life /Render a solemn and stirring song of being, passionate reason". Thinking is not born from peaceful environment but based on wild passion and sober reflection. It is the indomitable oath by a cultural hero with dispositions as: approachable manliness, persistence alike Jing Ke ' s "Wild wind along cold Yi Water, Gone the hero not back". Meanwhile, this poem is a reasonable thought with the natural hearbeats of life, and the driven force of noble morality. It is a kind of spontaneous conscience.
Incomparable confidence of the poet finds expression in the third stanza, "The sun will go down westwards /While indicating a glorious day /On the road, chaste after light /Let tenacious emotion company with life /Sword of justice, master of our thinking /Loneliness, misunderstanding to hurting torture /To clean lamp of wisdom, we moving forwards bravely". Chen strongly believes that his road consisting with the trend of the great era at present. His road is forever as the mark of the new century. Whenever or wherever he is, he is always smiling to face with love.
A kind of serious style with all-love emotional element of religion can be seen in the fourth stanza, "We can see surging floods of life /We wish heaven-like sound of holy thunder /Cut across clouds, cut across strength and dreams /Pass across pride and prejudice, pass across absurdity and material desire /Spring rain likewise /Nourish wounded earth". The supreme, luxury beauty, the formidable bearing and the all- love without classification of people, touch readers ' minds into depth and encourage readers to form a kind of holy emotion.
This poem is not to act unnaturally. His childhood was poor and his youth as a student was hard. He had to make much far greater efforts than his peers for maturing. When satisfaction for one ' s hunger had become a problem, he still kept a positive and brave attitude towards life. Adversities would not distort his mind. On the contrary, he would encourage and help people who were in need. His efforts had saved many people from death and his encouragements had aided more people to create a glorious future. In adversities, he is people ' s coordinate; in prosperities, he is people ' s psychological consultant. One and another passionate speech by him have become our flags, leading us to make every step forward.
Sense, emotion and understanding are three elements for imagination. Imagination originates from sense while shapes sense vice versa and then through elevating, it turns into a specific symbol for expressing the internal emotion of one ' s mind. "Sounds of Nature" is the poem that the poet elevates from natural phenomena and then makes it as a declaration for endless self-exertion and an indication that great love is boundless.
Thunder and lightning are grand symphony in the sky
Surging posture
Raise universe ' s strong, mighty, great tides
Changeable emotions
Rainbow, melody in the sky, the lawless order
Sprinkle of poetics
Classics shaping, rare over generations
From then on
Round heaven and square, the smooth banks
Tides are the sound of earth ' s soul
Ups and downs
Magnificent, melancholy, and deep
Listen to them for a long time
Surely you will understand the earth
Calm as well as passionate heartbeats
Dews, rest notes of sunlight
Dance to rhythms of bird ' s singing
Quiet fragrance of falling flowers
Create heaven that all people share its glory
The eternal sound of nature
Magical understanding is special thinking pattern of eastern culture. To understand the roar of thunder is in quest for the inspiration to be forever strong. To poeticize the rainbow is for establishment of a bridge connecting heaven and earth without any hinder. At any moment, the poet will never or ever forget his mission and his ambition for integrity. He will not indulge himself in the brisk dews and the euphonic singing of birds, but to convey the utopia-like ideal, "Create heaven that all people share its glory". How glistering his wisdom is. Nature is divine. The great wisdom of life is to follow nature, to preach the gospel, and to create the wonder and glory for every individual ' s life. A poem as such only to sing for objects, sounds, can be so profound in significance and so deep in mind.
Chen, in his lifetime till now, treats the renowned saying from I-Ching as treasure, "As heaven ' s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaseless strive along." He must be sincere, passionate; be powerful, ambitious. He must be courageous to constantly move on as a hero; He must be critical, insightful to care about his own country ' s fate as a philosopher. His great love is boundless. I hope that he will always make the endless self-exertion beautiful, to be the one that "overshadow the previous thousands years and develop the coming hundreds of existences".
陈彦雄热爱生活,热爱事业,热爱诗歌,他的诗歌有自己的追求,给我留下了深刻的印象。他的爱情诗写得情真意切,清纯自然,并没有太多的刻意修饰,是流自心里的清泉,纯洁中透出淡淡的伤感,读后使我久久不能自已。“当凝眸相视的瞬间 / 你疲惫的双眼 / 已设定为 / 我心灵显示屏永久的纸墙 / 从此 / 我把多余的图片删除 // 有的人 / 即使千呼万唤 / 但缺乏情商的脑袋永远发不出人性的光波 / 有的人 / 虽然深情款款 / 可总是走不进我的心灵牧场”诗人导传的是人类的共性;大千世界,无奇不有,不同人的不同个性构成情感的复杂性,因此也有了花毕生精力追求的,却往往未能如愿,而对我深情款款的人,却未能走进我的心灵牧场的反差;接着,诗人进一步对诗进行挖掘:你呢 / 似乎与我有某种未了的隔世情缘 / 你的一颦一笑 / 完全左右我情绪的温度表/ 可以随时招徕温柔的春天 / 让晶莹的睫毛闪耀 / 或者是凋残的寒冬 /冰凌挂满心头/可以唤出奔放的太阳/或者迷茫的大雾(《瞬间的永恒》)这个诗节似乎没有必要再作进一步的解读,它已把一个“情”字表现得淋漓尽致。
诗贵真情,悲剧美是艺术美的极致,读陈彦雄的爱情诗,我常常沉浸在悲剧的氛围里;一种沉重感,常常使我透不过气来,究其原因,是真情使然。“如果命中注定我们相遇 / 我会在前世许下诺言 / 在某棵千年的榆树下守候 / 直到你在彩霞下款款而至 // 如果命中注定我们分离 /我会在佛前许愿 / 请把我变成一朵莲花 / 盛开在你门前的必经之地 / 直到暮色降临 你的倩影光华不再/我的清香依然眷恋着你……”(《心愿》)真情是诗的灵魂,因为真情,所以动人,在陈彦雄的诗中,不乏佳句、奇句,感人场景俯首可拾;“有多少梦想胎死腹中 / 你却如一片叶子 /脉络分明 / 复活以往无数的记忆”(《你和我》)“照片发黄了 / 笑声也远去了 / 唯有心灵的胶片 / 历久弥新”(《致远方的知己》)“熟悉与陌生 / 信任与疑惑 / 在无处不在的天眼中层层剥离 / 激活生理和心理的纯净氧气 / 源自一种心灵的默契”(《心灵的防护林》)。
好的诗除了真情之外,形象性、空灵性是必不可少的要素;《天赖》就是一首形象性、空灵性结合得比较好的诗歌:“雷电是天空恢弘的交响乐 / 奔腾不羁的气势 / 翻腾宇宙自强不息的滚滚巨澜 / 变幻莫测的情感 // 彩虹是天空无法之法的旋律 / 诗意的挥洒 / 塑造旷世难寻的经典 / 从此 / 天圆地方成畅通无阻的两岸……”雷电、彩虹是一种自然形态,没有主观情志,而诗人却把它们拟人化,化无形为有形,使雷电、彩虹有了情感,有了喜怒哀乐;把彩虹比喻为“天空无法之法的旋律”“天圆地方成畅通无阻的两岸”有新意,给人耳目一新的感觉,诗写得很空灵,刚柔相济,富有弹性空间。
诗人与哲学家本来不属于同一个范畴,但一个优秀的诗人必须是一个智者。陈彦雄的诗歌,有一个特点,就是渗透着哲学的韵味,有些诗歌思辨色彩非常强烈:《隔膜》就是一个比较典型的例子,诗对人们司空见惯的生活现象深入思考、提炼,透过现象看本质,诗里充满了敏锐的哲思,内涵丰富。“距离可以产生美感 / 距离也能走向陌生/ 信息可以读懂彼此的文字 / 电话可以听见彼此的心跳 / 一种弦外之音 /却永远藏在无法言说的意境之外 / 或者理解 / 或者怀疑 / 可以触动的灵魂 / 是游丝的玄虚 / 在欲动中还联结着 / 或许会在某个激越的你来我往中崩塌 / 留下余恨千古的哀伤 / 或者卸下铠甲 / 清风徐来中聆听圣贤真言 / 沐浴于高山流水会知音的怡悦里”这首诗我犹为欣赏,它揭示了生活的真谛,提出了人与人之间应建立一种什么样的关系,寓深刻于平淡之中,把抽象概念形象化,寄托着诗人善良、美好的愿望,在这个浮躁的社会里,很有启发性。
在我的印象中,爱情诗是诗人诗作中的一大特色,清纯、委婉、缠绵、以情感人。但诗人的有些诗作,却体现另一种风格,写得气势磅礴,阳刚气十足。如《超越生命》就是例证:“……前面的路总是光明与迷惑 / 既然我们选择探索人生的真谛 / 挖掘宇宙的内涵 / 于是我们别无选择走在生活的浪尖 / 用激情和理性演绎一首悲壮的生命之歌 //太阳会西沉 / 但预示着一个辉煌无比的白昼 / 在追赶光明的路上 / 让执着的情怀与生命同行……”诗人直抒胸臆,表达了人生不管是凄风苦雨,还是阳光坦途,都永不放弃,勇于超越自我的信心和决心。透过诗的字里行间,我们仿佛见到诗人那颗热血沸腾的心在燃烧。
写家庭亲情的诗文汗牛充栋,诗人写父亲却选取另外一个角度,通过父亲一生坎坷的命运,再现了一段历史,父亲是某个时代的缩影。他虽成了残疾,但人残心不残,意志坚强,美好的愿望成了他的精神支柱;因此,他坚强地活着,把希望寄托在后一代,经常教育“我”要多学知识,成为社会有用之人。在这个浮躁的社会里,享受物质生活成了相当一部分人的最高“境界”,而父亲却不以为然,他有着自己的精神追求;“简陋破旧的家具 / 一盏因还不起电费而不熄的油灯 / 照亮一帧剪影——父亲凝视墙上我的奖状 / 那悠然自得的快乐 / 无米断炊烟都无法扑灭的自信 // 秋收收获快乐收获希望 / 乡民的日子红红火火 /父亲牛棚般的家依然一无所有 / 唯有顶天立地的尊严与正直善良 / 成为刻骨铭心的训喻一直陪伴在我心中 / 失去了物质的丰收 / 在精神的国度里 / 我们都是富有的贵族”(《一个残疾军人的情怀》)。而《榕树下站立的母亲》却和《一个残疾军人的情怀》有异曲同工之妙,通过自己的耳濡目染,把母亲的高大形象写得鲜灵活现。“脸上的岁月犁成丘壑纵横的田畴 / 缺乏牛奶和珍珠粉层漂白的风干黑脸 / 有炉灶的红火 / 烈日下的暴晒 / 和长年累月的操劳”“有的人生来就为了享受 / 母亲 / 你的降临人世 / 却是为了在家徒四壁的逆境中 / 构建祥和的气氛……”
Pure Sky
—Reading Chen Yanxiong ' s Poetry
Hou Longzhu
Chen Yanxiong is exceptionally successful as an expert of I-Ching Studies and artist. Being straightforward, sincere, diligent, curious, he is admirable in that he has reached great achievements in different disciplines. Yet, he spent his youth in hardships, university time particularly. People cannot imagine what kind of difficult circumstances he has engaged in—His father is a disable soldier and his mother is unable to move freely due to constant overwork for the family. Once upon a time, in a usual getting-together, he told me about his suffering in the past. I was quite moved at that time and could not help to flicker tears in my eyes. When he was an undergraduate, for survival, for his own studies, he had to exchange money with his own blood. He never told others, even including his roommates, about his difficulties while chose to taste bitterness all by himself. Suffering, as a kind of fortune, has cultivated him with strong will, remarkable determination, and positive attitude towards life. He finally made success that everyone respects.
Chen earnestly loves life, his own career and, poetry. For poetry, particularly, he impressed me deeply that he has his own idea and pursuit. His poems of love are heartfelt as a kind of rare and real thing. Pure and natural, these poems do not need surplus decoration, but to be clean water from the bottom of the creator ' s mind, and to be gently mournful from such clean water, making me in a melting mood. Lines in the poem, "External Instant", "An instant gazing on each other, / Your exhausted eyes /Have been set as /The eternal screen wallpaper of my soul /From then on /I delete extra pictures /Some people /Even I have been crying out for hundreds and thousands times /Insensible brains will never send out human light waves /Some people, /Even how deep love they show me /Never pace into field of my soul", intend to express the generality of people. As "it takes all sorts to make a world", different people possess different personalities, structuring the complicity of human emotions. Thus, there are always the wrong girl that the poet may spend whole life to pursue yet without end, or that she loves the poet so deep yet he may not be touched. Then, the poet continues the poem as "But you /Seemingly connect with me fatefully from existence before. /Your frown, your smile /Control my sensational temperature /At anytime, appeal the mild spring, /Twinkling crystal in eyelashes/Or in withering winter / Ice hanging on fully of my soul /Appeal the passionate sun /Or misty mist". It seems that there is no necessity to further interpret this stanza because it has fully present the readers what is "love".
How priceless the poem and how sincere the sentiment, tragic beauty is the acme for artistic appreciation. Reading Chen ' s poems, I am often immersed in the tragic aura and pressed into a sense of repression, strangled. Among all the reasons, it is true feeling that makes efficent effect for readers. In the poem "Wishes", the first two stanzas, "If we are destined to meet with each other / I will make up my promise in the previous existence /Waiting under a certain thousand-year-old elm /Until your elegant appearance at the colorful clouds / If we are destined to be parted with each other /I will make wishes before the Buddha /Wish the Buddha turn me into a lotus /Blossom afore your house, where you will pass by /Until the dusk, no more stay, your beautiful figure /My scent is still intertwining with you", reveals that true feeling is the soul of poetry.Because of true feeling, the poem becomes touching. Here and there in Chen ' s poems, readers can always find those fine words and clauses, from the poem "You and Me", "Many dreams have died before being born /But you, a leaf / With clear texture /Revive much passing memory", to the poem "To Bosom Friend Afar", "Pictures have turned yellow /Laughter has gone /Only roll film of spirit /Will be new", to the poem "Shelter Forest of Soul", "Familiar strangeness /Trustful doubts /Layers peeling off eyes from everywhere in sky ' s eye /Pure oxygen activate physical and mental condition /From a tactic agreement of souls".
Except true feeling, two crucial factors for a good poem are vividness and the visionary inspiration, both well combined in the poem "Sounds of Nature", "Thunder and lightning are grand symphony in the sky /Surging posture /Raise universe ' s strong, mighty, great tides /Changeable emotions /Rainbow, melody in the sky, the lawless order /Sprinkle of poetics /Classics shaping, rare over generations /From then on /Round heaven and square, the smooth banks". Thunder and lightning both belong to the natural shape without any human character. Yet the poet has personified them from the shapeless into shaped, making them human, emotional that includes happy, angry, melancholy, and hilarious. The poet also creatively compares "rainbow" with "melody in the sky" which is in "the lawless order", and "Round heaven and square, the smooth banks". Poem as such, with the new and strange trope, refreshes readers ' minds, and makes the whole setting as a visionary inspiration, mild and mighty, and flexible.
Poet and philosopher in essence cannot be ranged into a certain type, while an outstanding poet must be someone wise. One prominent feature of Chen ' s poem is the philosophical elegance hidden behind and the critical color, especially strong of some. A typical example is "Barrier", to think deep, extract the usual things in our daily life and penetrate phenomena for the essence, with acute idea of philosophy and abundant connotation, "Distance can produce sense of beauty /Distance can drive things to the unfamiliar /Through texts, we know words of each other /Through telephones, we hear heartbeats of each other /A kind of sound in implication /Hides forever outside the indescribable prospect /Or understand it, or doubt about it /The soul that can be touched by /The cruising void /Connect with each /other in desire /Maybe collapse in the collision of you and me /Leave sorrow and hatred over ages /Or disarm armor /In mild breezes, listen to wisdom of the sage and the moral /Bathe in happiness with bosom friends in high mountains and mighty waters". I strongly recommend this poem as it discloses the truth of life and advocates a kind of ideal relationship people should set up with each other, to imply profound meaning by simplicity and to visualize the abstract concepts and hereby to hold the kind, fine wishes of the poet and then to enlighten readers in this impetuous society.
As I have remembered, love with pure, mild, lingering and touching qualities is the main subject the poet depicts. While in some of works, he turns it into another style, strong, powerful, fully manly, for example, "Beyond Life", "Path ahead, always bright and bewildering /Since we have chosen to pursue truth of life /Dig out significance of universe /We have no choices but to step on crest of waves of life /Render a solemn and stirring song of being, passionate reason /The sun will go down westwards /While indicating a glorious day /On the road, chaste after light /Let tenacious emotion company with life". Here, Chen straightforwardly expresses that no matter it is hard or easy, one should not give up his or her pursuit and one should always be confident and persistent. Through his poetic lines, I seemingly sense that his passion is burning.
Hundreds and thousands of poems have covered family love yet none will be particular as the work Chen portrays his father. He chooses to represent a passage of history in certain era embodied through the image of his father, whose destiny is rough and hard. Though his father is physically disabled, he is mentally complete and strong. His father has made beautiful wishes to support his own life and put it into actual actions, to live persistently, to place his hope on the next generation and to educate the poet to be knowledgeable, and useful for the society. In such a frivolous society where material pursuit has become some people ' s ultimate goal for the whole life, his father will act another way, and own spiritual value, which clearly shows in the poem "Noble Sentiment of a Disabled Soldier", "Simple and shabby furniture /An oil lamp that lit because of no money for electricity /It illuminated a piece of cutting shadow—father was gazing on my diplomas on the walls /Such free and comfortable happiness /Such confidence that positive, fair, kind, to love our country and home /His everlasting principles /He regarded all /Just as cultivating a baby /A bite after another, fitted into my poor brain /Making my present, /Strong will to transmit traditional culture". The same style has applied in the poem "Standing-up Mother Under the Banian" in which Chen vividly shapes his mother ' s supreme image based on his own experience, "Ages on your face had been plowed as inter-gullies fields /Deficiency of milk and makeup for the dark and wind-dried face /With red fire in cooking range /Long blazing under the burning sun /Years of weariness", "Somebody is born to enjoy /Mother /Your presence of the world /Construct the harmonious atmosphere /For the adversity at home".
My general impression on Chen ' s poetry is that he earns readers ' attention by his sincere affection. Affection is the soul. Without sincerity, poetry will be like water without its source, wood without its earth. His poetry, overall, is emotional and touching, especially those about love and family love, with grief yet without negative attitude, to be positive and always moving forwards. However, some of his poems are not balanced. If he can well employ images and enhance the flexible space based on his sincere affection, his poetry will be better and engage more readers.
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