The Selfish Gene自私的基因英文原版 选读 1-1. Why are people?

The Selfish Gene自私的基因英文原版 选读 1-1. Why are people?


I am going to give some examples of apparently selfish and apparently altruistic behavior. It's difficult to suppress subjective habits of thought when we are dealing with our own species, so I shall chose examples from other animals instead. First some miscellaneous examples of selfish behavior by individual animals.


Blackheaded gulls nest in large colonies, the nest being only a few feet apart. When the chicks first hatch out they are small and defenseless and easy to swallow. It's quite common for a gull to wait until a neighbor's back is turned, perhaps while it is away fishing, and then pounce on one of the neighbor's chicks and swallow it whole. It thereby obtains good nutritious meal, without having to go to the trouble of catching a fish, and without having to leave its own nest unprotected.


More well known is the macabre cannibalism of female praying mantises. Mantises are large carnivorous insects. They normally eat smaller insects such as flies, but they will attack almost anything that moves. When they are mate, they male cautiously creeps up on the female, mounts her, and copulates. If the female gets the chance, she will eat him, beginning by biting his head off, either as the male approaching, or immediately after he mounts, or after they separate.


It might seem most sensible for her to wait until copulation is over before she starts to eat him. But the loss of the head does not seem to throw the rest of the male's body off its sextual stride. Indeed, since the insect head is the seat of some inhibitory nerve centers, it is possible that the female improves the male's sexual performance by eating his head. If so, this is an added benefit. The primary one is that she obtains a good meal.


The word "selfish" may seem an understatement for such extreme cases as cannibalism, although these fit well with our definition. Perhaps we can sympathize more directly with the reported cowardly behavior of emperor penguins in Antarctic. They have been seen standing on the brink of the water, hesitating before diving in, because of the danger of being eaten by seals. If only one of them would dive in, the rest would know whether there was a seal there or not. Naturally nobody wants to be the guinea pig, so they wait, and sometimes even try to push each other in.



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