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相信有些英语基础的朋友们都知道,英语和汉语一样,也有书面表达和口语表达之分,所以想要说一口流利英语,熟悉老外日常生活中的各种口语表达是基础也是前提。地道口语合辑系列,精选了6000 句英语母语者最地道、最实用的口语表达,如果你能做到熟读甚至背会,现实生活中都可以拿来直接用。不定期更新,欢迎大家点赞关注收藏!


I think you were being so negative. 我觉得你太悲观/消极了。I’m a sunny positive person. 我是个积极乐观的人。That would’ve been very hard to say no to. 那样的话要拒绝很难。We did learn a lot from them. 我们从他们身上学到了很多。You get to stop him if she starts to say something stupid. 如果发现她一旦开始说一些蠢话你一定要阻止她。Has this ever happened to you? 你遇到过这种情况吗?I’m gonna get some coffee, you want anything? 我要去买杯咖啡,你需要什么吗?What do you do in your spare time? 你业余时间都做什么?We have to be strong. 我们得坚强。That’s it. I give up. 算了,我放弃。How the hell do you do that? 你是怎么办到的?I know what I wanted to ask you. 我知道我想问你什么了?I said something that I really shouldn’t have said. 我说了一些不该说的话。You’re doing great! 你做得很好!Is there anything that you think I should know? 你没有什么事要和我说吗?

Who is your best friend? 谁是你最好的朋友?I almost forgot. 我差点儿忘了。Oh, give it a rest! 哦,少来了!Please, make sure she comes! 请务必请她来!You wanna shot some hoops? 你要去打篮球吗?I’m so sorry. I could not feel worse about it. 对不起,我真的很过意不去。I know what I’m doing. I can handle this. 我知道自己在做什么,我能应付。This is from my friends at work. 这是同事送的。You are gonna stay with me as long as I need you. 只要我需要你都会留下来吗?It’s a pleasure to meet you. 很高兴见到你。Whenever you’re ready. 你准备好了就好。What’s fun about that? 那有什么好玩儿的?You are much more capable than you give yourself credit for. 你比你想象中的能干多了。She hasn’t even thanked me for that. 她甚至都没有谢我。Wrap it up! 别说了!

I can’t feel my legs. 我腿麻了。I’ve done my studying and I finally figure it out. 我做了功课并且最终搞明白了。I got some bad news. 我有个坏消息。I’ve lost sight of why we’re doing this! 我忘了我们这么做的初衷是什么了。You’re saying this because you are my friend. 你这么说是因为你是我朋友。What are you doing up? 你不睡觉做什么?There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。We have plenty of time. 我们时间很充足。Did we say we were gonna meet here or at the movie? 我们约好是在这里见面还是电影院?How come you are not going? 你为什么不去?I got a job interview I gotta get ready for. 我要为面试做准备。I’m getting my revenge! 我要报仇!I can tell you work out. 看得出来你有健身。Sounds like you are a little jealous. 你好像在吃醋。Just don’t get your hopes up. 别抱太高期望。

You don’t make a very good first impression. 你给别人留的第一印象不太好。Did you like me when we first met? 我们第一次见面时你喜欢我吗?I think the things that you said about me were really unfair. 我觉得你对我的评价很不公平。How long before you have to leave? 你什么时候出发?We’ll just do our best, okay? 我们尽力而为,好吧?I’ll let myself out. 我自己出去。Hats off to our teacher. 向老师致敬。That’s good to know. 很高兴知道这点/事儿。Let’s focus on what we do. 专注一下我们做的事情吧。Hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. 我人生中做过的最难的事情。He is my star student. 他是我的明星学生/最好的学生。He is a dork! 他是个书呆子!We’re all beginners here. 我们都是初学者/新手。You must have had your hands full. 你一定忙得不可开交。We’ll have a definite answer for you on Monday. 我们周一会给你一个确定的答复。

You’ll fit in well here. 你一定会很好的融入这里。You can relax. You did great. 放轻松,你表现得很好。The interview was over. 面试结束了。I’ll look forward to your call. 我期待你的来电。She was perfectly lovely! 她非常可爱!I was just messing around. 我是在开玩笑啦。I know how miserable you are. 我知道你很痛苦。I wish there was something I can do. 我真希望有什么能帮到你的。You pick whichever you want. 你选哪一个都行。You just listen to your heart. 你只要遵从你的内心就可以。

He always believed in me! 他一直都很相信我。I’m gonna go shave. 我得去刮胡子了。You don’t think that’s a little inappropriate? 你不觉得这样有点儿不合适吗?I’m not trying to irritate you. 我没想要惹毛你。We’ll do a quick check. 我们要做个快速检查。You must be getting a little uncomfortable. 你一定觉得很不舒服。She didn’t take any of my suggestions. 我的建议她都没采纳。I’m sorry, we’re out of room here. 抱歉,我们这里没房间了。It’ll be a while. 那得等上一段时间了/还得好一会儿呢。I guess we have some time to kill. 看来我们得有不少时间需要打发了。

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