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Unit 5

Welcome to the unit (P.64—65)

1. 了解礼仪 learn about manners

餐桌礼仪 table manners

有礼貌的人 people with good manners

没礼貌的人 people with bad manners

2.插嘴 cut in

打断某人(谈话) cut in on sb

3. 活到老学到老。You are never too old to learn.

4. 礼貌地等待 wait politely

对某人(不)礼貌 be (im)polite to sb

5. 到处扔垃圾drop/throw litter everywhere

6.让水龙头开着 leave the tap running

*让灯一直开着leave the lights on

*让窗户开着leave the windows open

*开/关水龙头 turn on/ off the tap

7.你年龄够大了可以学习礼仪了。You’re old enough to learn about manners.

8.排队等候queue for your turn =wait in the queue

*轮到某人做某事It’s one’s turn to do sth.

*轮流做某事take turns to do sth=do sth in turn=do sth by turns

9.遵守交规 follow/obey traffic rules

10.在公共场所 in public= in public places

11.还有其他的事情吗? Anything else?

12.读完后把书放回原处put books back after reading

13.我们不应该在书上写 We shouldn’t write in the books.

Reading (P.66—69)

14.邀请某人来做某事invite sb. to do

15.谈谈英国的礼仪 talk about manners in the UK

16.与人问好的正确方式 the proper way to greet people

*proper (a.)符合习俗的,正确的

副词properly 反义词improper

*greet(v.)问候,打招呼 (过去式greeted)名词greeting(s)

17. 用吻问候亲戚或密友

greet relatives or close friends with a kiss

*close to 接近,靠近He sits(is) close to the door.

18.第一次见你时 meet you for the first time(最后一次for the last time)

19.握手 shake hands= shake one’s hand (shook,shaken)

20.开始交谈 start a conversation


avoid subjects like age, weight, or money

*避免做某事 avoid doing sth

22.在公共场所举止文明 behave politely/well in public


23.保持低声 keep your voice down


It’s rude to push in before others.

*push in 插队

25.*bump into碰到,撞到(某人) bump into someone

26.如果你挡着他们的路,他们不会碰你也不会从你旁边挤过去。If you are in their way, they won’t touch you or push past you.

*挡住某人的路 in one’s way

*touch you 碰你

Cp.keep in touch 保持联系


They will say “Excuse me” and be polite enough to wait.

*excuse(v.)原谅,excuse(n.) 借口 an excuse

28. 直到你移开till you move

29.也(句尾,没有逗号) as well

*as well as 不但...而且...Your wife as well as you is kind to me.不但你而且你的妻子对我都很友好。

30.大声叫/笑 shout / laugh loudly(小声softly)

31.正如谚语所说Just as the saying goes,

32.“入乡随俗” “When in Rome, do as (按照)the Romans do.”

33.偶然地,意外地 by accident=by chance

*by mistake错误地

Grammar (P.70—71)

34. be 形容词 enough to do sth.足够......能......


He isn’t old enough to go to school.

=He is too young to go to school.

=He is so young that he can’t go to school.

=He is such a young boy that he can’t go to school.

=He is so young a boy that he can’t go to school.


too adj./adv. (for sb) to do


The UK is too far away for Jenny to go there on her own.


He was too excited to express himself clearly.

*表达你的感受 express your feelings

清楚地表达自己 express oneself clearly

表达一些人生的真谛express some truth about life


Peter was too slow to write down all the main points.

如此…以致… so adj./adv./many/much that…

such 名词短语 that

36.参加讨论 join the discussion

*关于某事与某人讨论 have a discussion with sb about sth

37.忙于做某事 be busy (in) doing=be busy with sth

Integrated skills (P.72—73)

33. 公共标志public signs

34. 颜色明亮bright in colors

35.禁止吸烟 No smoking

*禁止拍照 No photos

*禁止停车 No parking

*禁止乱扔垃圾 No littering

36.保证我们安全,远离危险keep us safe from danger

Cp.阻止...不让做...keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth

37.警告某人不做某事 warn sb not to do sth

38.向某人解释某事explain sth to sb

39. 给毕加索的名画拍个照片

take a photo of a famous painting by Picasso

40. ---The sign says:No photos.----Sorry, I didn’t notice it.

Study skills (P.74—75)

41.很快,不久以后 soon after

42.使得工作更易于完成make a job easier to complete

43.冒险做某事 risk doing sth…

44.某个时间sometime next week

一段时间 for some time


几次 some times

一次at one time

45. 谚语(sayings)

早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm.

不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。It never rains but it pours.

众人拾柴火焰高Many hands make light work

人人皆有得意时Every dog has its day.

孤注一掷 Put all your eggs in one basket.

风景在别处The grass is always greener on the other side.

不劳无获 No pains, no gains

*他头疼He has a pain in the head.

事实胜于雄辩Actions speak louder than words.

患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed.

熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.

过度劳累Burn the candle at both ends.


make his dream come true after years of hard work

Task (P.76—77)

47.举行一个关于良好餐桌礼仪的演讲 hold a talk on good table manners


The purpose of the talk is to teach students rules for eating.

…目的是做某事 The purpose of sth is to do

49.它将会在在学校礼堂举行。It will take place at the school hall.

50.首要的是,尤其重要的是 above all


You should not start eating until everyone is ready.


Don’t make too much noise while eating or drinking.

53.不要张着嘴吃 Don’t eat with your mouth open.

54.嘴里有实物时不要说话Don’t talk with food in your mouth.

55.不要越过别人的盘子取东西Don’t reach over someone’s plate for something.

56. 等所有人吃完再离开餐桌Wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table.

57. 确保餐桌上的客人和主人都舒服make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table.

*host(v.)主持学校广播节目host the school radio show

58.得出结论 make a conclusion


polite adj.有礼貌的—impolite adj.不礼貌的

politely adv.有礼貌地--impolitely adv.不礼貌地

proper adj.正确的—properly adv.正确地

greet v.问候—greeting n.问候

behave v. 表现—behaviour n. 举止,表现

say v.说—saying n.谚语

park v.停车 –parking n.停车

Rome n.罗马—Roman n.罗马人—Romans(复)

--Roman adj.罗马(人)的

conclude v.结论—conclusion n.结论


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