







1⃣️jigsaw 专门指拼图玩具


try to fit the pieces together 拼起来

put the pieces together correctly


The two pieces don’t go together.

The two pieces don't fit.

fit表示大小的合适,可以引申为插入 拼入

fit the last piece into the jigsaw puzzle

摘录:do a jigsaw 这个表达与牛津树绘本故事里一样,很简单的一个do感觉让非母语的人感到不可意思。


solve the jigsaw puzzle


do crosswords 填写纵横字谜


do one’s hair/make-up 修理头发/化妆

do(=wash)the dishes 洗碟子

do(=arrange)the flowers 插花

do your jacket up 扣上衣服(do up)

do up the shoe lace 系鞋带


do yourself up 化妆打扮

do up one’s hair 梳头

do up the package 打包

do up the room 打扫修缮

2⃣️crossword 纵横字谜 or crosswords puzzle

3⃣️riddle 谜语,可以引申为难解的事情


talk in riddles

talk in a roundabout way


斯芬克斯狮身人面像之谜:What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening? This riddle was supposedly asked to travelers by a mythological creature called the Sphinx. This monster had the body of a lion but the face of a human.





How do you do a jigsaw puzzle?

If you love jigsaw puzzles you should join us on Facebookhere. We asked our loyal jigsaw fans for their top tips on ways to complete jigsaw puzzles. Here's what we discovered...

Edges first, that's what my granny always used to say for completing a jigsaw puzzle but we've been asking our customers what special techniques they use. We may have found a whole new way of doing our favourite jigsaws in future!


Pete McCormack says:"Sort the pieces out into straight edges and the rest. I suggest doing the outline first and then a dominant theme. You should be able to fill in the gaps around it".

sort sth out 分类整理出

outline 轮廓

a dominant theme 显著的主题

fill in the gaps 填充这些空缺


Linda clapper agrees with this method of doing edges first but it's finding the corners that Jane Murdoch does first:

corner 找到拼图的边角(拐角处)

"Link the straight edges, then do small parts that stand out e.g. bright colours, faces and writing. Make sure all pieces are facing up the right way and group colours together. When you get stuck on sky or water or a solid colour put the pieces in rows on a tray at the side and try each piece going along the row so you don`t get mixed up. I find jigsaws really therapeutic and they`re Great for visitors to do while you`re cooking a meal!"

link the straight edges 把直的边碎片拼起来

make sure all pieces are facing up the right way 确保每一片都朝上

group colours together 把颜色分类

put ..in rows on a tray 把...放在托盘里成排状

get mixed up被打乱

"I've been doing Jigsaw puzzles for 50 odd years. Always do the outside first, then work into the centre." Rita Bryant says that she also uses Mary's puzzling technique:

"I sort the pieces out that are the easiest to do"


Angela K McIntosh says:"We do pretty much all of these things. If there is something that stands out in the picture like a brightly colored bush, etc, we usually find those and do that section and set it aside. But after the edges are together and the pieces are all sorted into general colors into little piles, I go by the picture on the box, starting at either the top or bottom," says Angela."I find the pile that matches that section and I start with one empty spot and try each piece into it. If it doesn't fit, I set it aside into a separate spot and try the next piece.

go by the picture on the box 根据盒子上的原图

if sth don’t fit 不匹配 不恰当

set aside sth 搁置一下

I do the whole pile that way or even try a different pile until I find that piece. Then I start all over with the next spot over, trying each piece in that colour pile. I can go through a pile rather quickly but it doesn't always mean they are sorted right either! Plus another thing my husband and I tend to do is "switch spots" or rotate around the table after a while. It gives a different perspective and helps alleviate boredom. Even if one of us is working on a puzzle alone we switch chairs.

switch spots 交换位置

rotate 轮流

give a different perspective 给于一个不同视角

alleviate boredom 减轻无聊

For Catherine Forset, pulling out the edges is the winning formula for her and the family:

the winning formula for doing sth 稳赢的方式

"Start with the straight edges, make sure you can see all the pieces. The Ravensburg puzzle store is good. When all the bits left are the same colour (sky, grass etc) sort them into shapes it's much easier that way.

bit 也可以表示一小块

sort sth into shape 整理分类成...

"I start at the bottom, put the straight edges in at the bottom first and work my way up."

work one’s way up 逐步渐入佳境




Let’s solve/do the puzzle.

Let’s try and solve it.


Let's take a look at the pictures on the box. This is a brown bear/blacksheep/red bird/yellow duck/purple walrus.

(这里可以用where is的句型提问)

Let's take a look at the picture on the box. Can you tell Mama where ...is?



First, let's turn/make all the pieces face-up to make the picuture match.

So you have to flip them to make the picture match.


Let’s do a puzzle of a red bird.

Please sort the red pieces out.

Can you find out the pieces?

Red,red,I spot something red with my little eyes

Red,red, I see something red



Let’s see if they match.

Let’s see if we can match it.

Look at the beak/head of the red bird, can you find out its body or tail?


Here,put right here!

Great, you made it!


While you are doing a puzzle, you need to focus so you can find all the matching pieces.


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