经典回顾-射雕英雄传 第二回 江南七怪-10(双语)

经典回顾-射雕英雄传 第二回 江南七怪-10(双语)

首页休闲益智Cylinder Rush更新时间:2024-05-11

  The withered tree was shocked and thought, "This Taoist is extremely skilled in martial arts. He is not only stronger than his arms." Now put your hands together and ask. Taoist Priest, how can I teach you when you visit our temple Qiu Chuji said, "I'm looking for a villain named Duan." Kuki knew that he was not his enemy and said, "Monks are merciful. Why should Taoist Priest have a common sense with common people?"


Qiu Chuji ignored him and strode to the inner hall. Duan Tiande had already escorted Li Ping to hide in the secret room. Yunqi Temple is full of incense, which is the season for pilgrimage in spring. Qiu Chuji was not able to search hard. He sneered several times and withdrew.


Duan Tiande came out of his hiding place. Dry wood angrily said, "What kind of wild Taoist? If it wasn't for his kindness, my life would be long gone." Duan Tiande said, "I'm afraid this evil way is a careful work sent by the Jin people. Otherwise, why should we be in trouble with the officers of the Song Dynasty?" The knowledgeable monk came back and reported that the Taoist priest had left. The dead wood said, "What did he say?" The knowledgeable monk said: "He said that if our temple doesn't hand over that... that section of the officer, he will never stop."


Kumu glared at Duan Tiande and said, "You are not true, and I can't go deep into it. But this martial arts skill is too strong. If you fall into his hands, you will lose your life." After pondering for a long time, he said: "You can't stay here. My younger martial brother, Zen Master Jiaomu, is much better than me. Only he can defeat this Taoist. Go to him and take refuge." Duan Tiande dares to say no, asks for a letter, and hires a boat to Jiaxing overnight to join Master Jiao Mu, the abbot of Fahua Temple.


Jiao Mu didn't know that the follower he was carrying was a woman. Since there was a letter from senior brother, he accepted it. Unexpectedly, Qiu Chuji found out the trace, followed him, and saw Li Ping in the backyard. When he had to rush into the backyard to investigate, Duan Tiande had already pulled Li Ping into the cellar. Qiu Chuji also said that Bao Xiwei was hiding in the temple, and he was sure to hand over Jiaomu to the people. He saw it with his own eyes. No matter how Jiao Mu explained it, he never believed it. The more they talked, the more stiff they became. Qiu Chuji showed his kung fu. Jiao Mu knew that he was not the enemy. He had always been friendly with the Seven Eccentrics of Jiangnan, so he asked Qiu Chuji to meet him on the Zuixian Tower. Qiu Chuji took the big vat from the Fahua Temple. He stayed at Zuixian Mansion and bumped into Jinbing. Qiu Chuji had a deeper misunderstanding.


Jiao Mu knows very little about the truth here. He went out to the tavern with the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River and went to the Fahua Temple with them. He told the story about the recommendation of his elder martial brother, Zen Master Kumu, and said, "I heard that the Quanzhen Seven Sons had excellent martial arts, and they have all been passed on by Chongyang Immortals in those years. Changchun Zi is especially outstanding, and really deserves the reputation. This person is a little reckless, but it seems that he is not a person who makes trouble without reason. He has no hatred or hatred with me, and there must be a major misunderstanding between them."


All blond hair said, "I'd better invite those two recommended by Elder Martial Brother and ask them carefully." Jiao Mu said, "Yes, I didn't question them." Just as he was about to send someone to invite Duan Tiande, Ke Zhenhu said, "Qiu Chuji was not a violent person. He was very aggressive when he came up. He didn't pay much attention to the Wulin people in Jiangnan. He is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect in the north. He wants to be so aggressive when he comes to the south. If this misunderstanding can't be explained, he has to rely on martial arts to win. We can't resist him one-on-one. He is a good man who doesn't come, and he is not a good man." Zhu Cong said, "Let's embrace him!" Han Baoju said, "One of the eight people beat him? He is not a hero." Full blonde said: "We don't want to kill him, but let him listen to Master Jiaomu calmly and clearly." Han Xiaoying said: "It's said in the Jianghu that Master Jiao Mu and the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River are bullying more than they are. Isn't it bad for our reputation?"


The eight of them were still debating. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise in the hall, accompanied by the sound of gold and iron breaking. Qiu Chuji was carrying the copper cylinder and was knocking the iron bell hanging on the hall. After several blows, the copper cylinder had cracked. The Taoist priest's beard was open, his eyes were wide open, and he was furious. The Seven Strangers of Jiangnan didn't know that Qiu Chuji was not such a unreasonable person, but because he had been pursuing Duan Tiande for several days, his anger grew with each passing day, and he added all his usual hatred of the Golden Soldiers. However, Seven Strangers said that he bullied others with his skills and decided to fight with him. The more famous the Quanzhen Seven Sons became, the more unwilling the Seven Strangers were to give in. If Qiu Chuji was just an unknown person, it would be easier to tell them apart.


Han Baoju shouted, "Seven younger sisters, let's go first." He was Han Xiaoying's cousin. He was the most impatient. With a shua, a golden dragon whip had been held in his hand. With a move of "wind sweeping the clouds", he quickly rolled his right wrist toward Qiu Chuji, who was holding the copper cylinder. Han Xiaoying also drew out her sword and stabbed Qiu Chuji in the back of her heart. Qiu Chuji was attacked from front to back. His right hand turned around, and the golden dragon whipped him on the copper cylinder with a sound of boring. At the same time, his body was slightly sideways, and he had already let the back of his heart come to the sword.


In ancient times, Wu and Yue became enemies, and Gou Jian, the king of Yue, tried his best to draw on Wu. However, Wu Zixu, a senior general under the king of Wu, inherited Sun Wu's legacy and trained his soldiers to be very elite. Gou Jian was unhappy when he saw that his soldiers' martial arts were inferior to those of the enemy. One day, a beautiful girl came to the State of Yue. Her swordsmanship was extremely exquisite. Gou Jian was overjoyed. He asked her to teach the Yuebing sword technique, and finally destroyed the State of Wu. Jiaxing was the junction of Wu and Yue in those years. The two countries used it as a battlefield for military use. This set of Yuenv swordsmanship has been handed down here. However, the sword technique taught by the virgins of the State of Yue to the soldiers on that day was intended to fight in battle. It was very useful to kill generals and stab horses, but it was not flexible enough to fight with famous martial artists in the Jianghu. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, a famous swordsman came out of Jiaxing, who made innovations based on the essence of ancient sword techniques and implied complex changes in the sharp edge. Han Xiaoying learned this sword technique from her Shifu. Although her accomplishments are not excellent, her sword technique has become quite uncommon. Her nickname "Yuenv Sword" comes from the name of the sword technique.


After a few moves, Qiu Chuji saw the secret of her sword technique and started to fight fast. Her sword technique is fast, and Qiu Chuji moves faster. Her right hand uses a copper cylinder to block Han Baoju's golden dragon whip. Her left hand moves quickly and forcibly to seize Han Xiaoying's long sword. In a moment, Han Xiaoying was forced to retreat to the side of the Buddha statue by a dangerous move.


Nanxi Ren, a woodcutter from Nanshan, and Zhang Asheng, a Xiaomiduo, one of them held a pure copper pole and the other stood up with a sharp knife for slaughtering cattle. Nancy Ren didn't say a word, but a shoulder pole made her strong. Zhang Asheng roared, full of market slang in the south of the Yangtze River. Qiu Chuji didn't understand what he said, so he turned a deaf ear to him.


During the fierce battle, Qiu Chuji flew to his left palm and struck Zhang Asheng's face. Zhang Asheng leans back to avoid each other. Then he knows that this move is an empty move. His right foot suddenly flies out. Zhang Asheng's wrist hurts, and the sharp knife flies out of his hand. His martial arts accomplishments are far better than weapons. The sharp knife leaves his hand, but he doesn't care. His left leg is slightly hurt, his right palm is empty, and with a shout, his left fist blows out with great force.



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