小测试 厨房动词大作战 看看你都掌握了么?

小测试 厨房动词大作战 看看你都掌握了么?


1. ___ the carrot into small circles.

2. ___ the lasagne for 30 minutes in the oven.

3. After ten minutes, ___ the pasta until there is no water left. Then place the pasta into a large bowl.

4. ___ the onion and throw away the skin.

5. ___ the steak with salt, pepper and lemon.

6. ___ the onion until it is soft, but not brown.

7. Constantly ___ the mixture using a wooden spoon.

8. When the mixture looks shiny, ___ it into individual ramekin dishes.

9. When you have finished preparing the vegetables, ___ them together with your hands.

10. ___the pasta for ten minutes, or until soft.


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