外研版 |初中英语八年级上期末试题检测及答案,期末冲刺

外研版 |初中英语八年级上期末试题检测及答案,期末冲刺





Emma was hanging the colorful papers,not really paying attention to where she was placing them. She was a little unhappy. ________16,it was her birthday too and no one in her class had even said happy birthday. They were all busy planning the surprise ________17 for their headteacher Mr Smith.

Sure Mr Smith was ________18. He knew everyone's birthday and made cards for them. He high­fived you when you got an A on a test,and ________19 you when you failed. Emma knew Mr Smith deserved (应得) a surprise party. ________20 she wished just one person could remember it was her birthday too!

Emma had a quick look at the huge card the class had made. It was as long as the blackboard. She knew Mr Smith would be unhappy if they ________21 him presents. So she suggested the class make a card just like he did for them.

“Emma,will you turn off the ________22 please?” Ms Clark said. “I'm going to call Mr Smith now. ” Ms Clark called Mr Smith,saying the lights in the ________23 had gone out. As soon as Ms Clark finished the call,Emma looked around the classroom ________24 with a sigh (叹气) for another time and turned the lights off.

The door opened and everyone shouted,“________25!”

“A surprise party for ________26?”Mr Smith asked. He walked over the huge card. “This is the most beautiful card I've ever ________27. But it makes my birthday card kind of ________28. ” Then he turned to Emma and handed her the card. “Happy birthday,Emma. I'm excited that we share the same ________29. ”

“Me too. ” Emma said,________30 at Mr Smith.

“Happy birthday,Emma!” her classmates cheered.

(  )16. A. After all B. By the way

C. First of all D. For example

(  )17. A. talk B. lesson C. party D. trip

(  )18. A. healthy B. humorous C. handsome D. great

(  )19. A. thanked B. praised C. left D. encouraged

(  )20. A. And B. But C. Or D. So

(  )21. A. showed B. made C. lent D. bought

(  )22. A. TV B. fan C. lights D. computers

(  )23. A. classroom B. gym C. library D. yard

(  )24. A. angrily B. happily C. slowly D. surely

(  )25. A. Welcome B. Surprise

C. Morning D. Goodbye

(  )26. A. me B. her C. you D. us

(  )27. A. posted B. ordered C. made D. seen

(  )28. A. expensive B. old C. small D. long

(  )29. A. birthday B. cake C. card D. dream

(  )30. A. rushing B. smiling C. pointing D. waving



Helen Sports Center

Want to keep fit?Come to Helen Sports Center.

Price:¥20 each time;10% off for one month;15%for one year.



Xinglong Supermarket

Welcome to the biggest shopping center in our city.

20%off for everything on July 1

Time:8:00am—10:00pm (weekend:10:30pm)

Address:31 Bayi Road


Sunshine Restaurant Buffet (自助餐)

More than 200 delicious foods and drinks are waiting for you!

Price:¥60 each (every 3persons,one for free);10%off between July 1 and July 3

Address:10 Gongyuan Road   Tel:3807­593

(  )31. You can go to Helen Sports Center to ________.

A. read books B. drive a car

C. keep fit D. have dinner

(  )32. You can go to buy things at Xinglong Supermarket at ________ on Monday.

A. 7:00am B. 10:00 am

C. 10:30 pm D. 11:00 pm

(  )33. Xinglong Supermarket is at ________.

A. 10 Gongyuan Road B. 29 Hedong Road

C. 31 Bayi Road D. 34 Heping Road


It was time to go,for the pool was getting quite full of birds and animals. They all fell into it. There was a Duck,a Lory (a kind of bird),a Dodo (a kind of bird) and many other animals. Alice went first and the whole party swam to the bank.

When they got to the bank,all of them were cold and uncomfortable. The first question was how to get dry again. The Mouse called out,“Sit down,all of you,and listen to me!I will soon make you dry enough!” They all sat down in a large ring,with the Mouse in the middle. “Ahem!” said the Mouse with an important air. “Are you all ready?This is the driest thing I know. ” Then the Mouse spoke something. After a few minutes,he turned to Alice,“How are you feeling now,my dear?”

“Sorry sir,but it doesn't dry me at all. I am still cold,” cried Alice.

“What I was going to say,” said the Dodo,“the best thing to get us dry would be a running race. ”

First they all ran around the ring. There was no “One,two,three and away!” Later they began running when they liked,and stopped when they liked. When they had been running half an hour or so,they were quite dry again.

Suddenly,the Dodo called out,“The race is over!Who has won?” No one answered. After waiting for a moment,the Dodo said,“Everybody has won,and all must have gifts. But who is to give the gifts?” The Dodo pointed at Alice and the whole party ran to her and cheered,“Gifts!Gifts!”

(  )34. What did the party do first when they got to the bank?

A. They needed food and drink.

B. They planned a running race.

C. They asked Alice for some gifts.

D. They wanted to get dry again.

(  )35. Which of the following shows the right order of what happened?

a. Everybody ran around the large ring.

b. The Mouse tried to make all the party dry.

c. Alice swam to the bank with others.

d. The Dodo said everyone was the winner.

A. a→b→d→c B. b→a→d→c

C. c→b→a→d D. d→c→b→a

(  )36. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Alice won the first place in the race.

B. The whole party got dry at last.

C. The Dodo didn't like to run with Alice.

D. The Mouse always waited for others' help.


I recently lost my best friend Arnold in an accident while moving to our new home in Arizona. Arnold was an 8­month­old pig who taught me so much about love and companionship(陪伴).

Arnold didn't know he was a pig—he thought he was just another member of our family. He believed he was loved by all.

He loved to sleep on my leg as I sat on the sofa watching TV. He also helped me with my housework. Just being at my feet,interested in what I was doing made the housework enjoyable. My parents always said that Arnold and I were so intimate that he had become the brother that I never had in our family. It seemed that we could no longer have any kind of conversation in our family or with our friends without Arnold being a main topic. My classmates came to visit Arnold and couldn't wait to play with him. Arnold went almost everywhere with us—Pet's Mart,birthday parties,and Christmas vacations. He loved riding in the car or the shopping basket. Arnold had become such an important part of our life.

On the day we left our old home town,we had a going­away lunch with our friends from church. Everyone there just went out to the truck where Arnold and our other pets were and said goodbye. Arnold trusted that I can take care of him and get him to his new home. However,along the way,the wind knocked our truck out of control(控制). We lost a big part of our family that day because Arnold was killed. I feel terrible for not being able to protect Arnold. However,I will be forever thankful for the warm memories (记忆) of him.

(  )37. According to the passage,we can know the writer ________.

A. had got an elder brother

B. treated Arnold as a family member

C. got on badly with his parents

D. liked talking to Arnold about his friends

(  )38. The underlined word “intimate” in Para. 3 probably means “________”.

A. close B. common

C. strange D. confident

(  )39. Which of the following is TRUE about Arnold?

A. It was good at doing housework.

B. It accompanied the writer to grow up.

C. It liked sitting on the sofa watching TV.

D. It died soon after moving to Arizona.

(  )40. How does the writer feel now?

A. Angry and painful. B. Tired and worried.

C. Surprised but calm. D. Sad but thankful.


A. 用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

quick,degree,harm,change,pay attention to

41. Sitting for a long time every day is ________ to your health.

42. While the traffic lights were ________ to red,a car suddenly appeared round the corner.

43. You should ________ the cars. Don't listen to music when riding.

44. Today's temperature is between minus ten and minus two ________.

45. Tony spoke ________ and nobody could understand him.

B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

Xu Zhimo was born in a big family. Xu wasn't a(n) ________46(普通的)boy when he was young. Different from ________47(其他的)little boys,he liked reading very much. Stories and ________48(小说)were his favourites.

Xu Zhimo's real name is Xu Zhangxu. He ________49(命名) himself Xu Zhimo after he went to England for further studies. Xu Zhimo studied in many famous ________50(大学). He always ________51(练习)writing and did better and better in it. In the ________52(末尾),he became a world­famous writer.

Lots of people enjoyed his writing. His fans thought that Xu's works were so great that they couldn't ________53(描述)them with words. We have to say that his writing is really nice and touches his readers a lot. For example,“Very quietly I take my leave as quietly as I came here;Quietly I ware good­bye to the rosy clouds in the western sky. ”It is a really beautiful poem. ________54(如果) you have time,you can read it.

No one could be ________55(成功的) without hard work. He was really one of the greatest writers in the 1930s in the world.



Do you know Ma Yun?He is a short Chinese man,but he is one of the greatest men in the world. He is the chairman of Alibaba Group. ________56 September 19,2014,Alibaba went public(上市) and raised $25 billion. Ma who was once an English teacher has become one of ________57(rich) men in China.

Ma was born in 1964 in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province. He ________58(grow)up as a happy kid. ________59 he was a teenager,he wanted to learn English. Every morning,he got up at 5 am,rode ________60(he) bike for 40 minutes to a hotel near the West Lake and talked with foreign ________61(tourist) in English. He did it for nine years.

The experience made him ________62 excellent English speaker and also opened his eyes to the outside world. During a trip to the US in 1995,Ma was shown the Internet for the ________63(one)time. He searched the word “beer” on Yahoo,and found there was nothing there about China. Seeing the chance,Ma returned to China and set up a website called China Pages without even ________64(know)much about computers.

Four years ________65(late),Ma and his friends set up Alibaba Group in Hangzhou. So far Alibaba Group has developed into the world's largest e­commerce (电子商务)company. It has popular shopping websites like Taobao and Tmall.



要求:1. 80词左右;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名及地名。





二、16. A 点拨:考查介词短语辨析。After all毕竟;By the way顺便说一句;First of all首先;For example例如。根据选项理解句意:毕竟(After all)今天也是她的生日,并且甚至班上没人跟她说一声生日快乐。故选A。

17. C 18. D

19. D 点拨:考查动词词义辨析。从上句“He high­fived you when you got an A on a test”知,Mr Smith在学生考试得到A时击掌庆祝。由此推知,当学生考得不好时,他也会鼓励(encourage)。故选D。

20. B 点拨:考查并列连词辨析。理解空前后句意:Emma知道Mr Smith应该得到一个惊喜的生日聚会。________她希望哪怕有一个人能记得今天是她的生日也好。前后句意构成转折关系(but 但是)。故选B。 21. D

22. C 点拨:从本段最后“…turned the lights off. ”知,这里说的是,Ms Clark叫Emma稍后记得关灯(lights)。故选C。

23. A

24. C 点拨:从下文Emma叹气地描述知,此时她心情不好,并慢慢地(slowly)再次看看教室,然后关灯了。故选C。

25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. B

三、A. 31. C 32. B 33. C B. 34­36:DCB C. 37­40:BABD

四、A. 41. harmful 42. changing 43. pay attention to 44. degrees 45. quickly

B. 46. common 47. other 48. novels 49. named/called

50. universities/colleges 51. practised 52. end 53. describe

54. If 55. successful

五、56. On 57. the richest 58. grew 59. When/As 60. his

61. tourists 62. an 63. first 64. knowing 65. later


There's a sports meeting in our school every year. It's one of the most popular activities①. Last year when my classmates took part in the sports events, I cheered and took photos for them. When they won, I wasas happy as② them. After the sports meeting was over, I helped clean up the playground. Though③ I'm not good at sports, I still enjoy the sports meeting. Helping others makes me happy③. I hope our school can hold sports meetings more often in the future.④



◆本文的添彩点:①one of the most popular…的运用为引出话题埋下伏笔。②as happy as的使用表达了自己与同学们同样高兴的心理状态。③连词though及make+sb. +adj. 的使用体现了作者对英语语法的灵活运用。④结尾简单明了,提出了自己的建议。

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