hale 「强壮的;健壮的」运用

hale 「强壮的;健壮的」运用


Word of the Day:June 30, 2021



adjective HAIL


: free from defect, disease, or infirmity:sound ; also:retaining exceptional health and vigor

没有缺陷、疾病或虚弱的:健全的; 也:有非凡的健康和非凡的活力


"Uncle Charles was a hale old man with a well tanned skin, rugged features and white side whiskers." — James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 1916


"Buying healthy, thriving plants is as much art as science. But knowing what to look for when you buy your spring plants is one of the best ways to get your garden off to a good start. Starting with hale and hearty plants is one of the 'secrets' of successful gardeners." — Rob Howard, The Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) Mountain News, 6 May 2018

买健康、茁壮成长的植物离不开科学及艺术。 但是,在买春季植物时,要找到一个最佳方法,让您的花园有一个好的开始。 从健壮的植物开始是成功园丁的“关键”。

Did You Know?

English has two words hale: the adjective that is frequently paired with hearty to describe those healthy and strong, and the somewhat uncommon verb that has to do with literal or figurative hauling or pulling. (One can hale a boat onto shore, or hale a person into a courtroom with the aid of legal ramifications for resistance.) The verb comes from Middle English halen, also root of our word haul, but the adjective has a bifurcated origin, with two Middle English terms identified as sources, hale and hail. Both of those come from words meaning "healthy," the former from Old English hāl, and the latter from Old Norse heill. Middle English hail is also the source of the three modern English words hail (the verb, interjection, and noun) that have to do with greeting.

英语有两个 hale:形容词经常与 hearty 配对来描述那些健康强壮的人,还有一个有些不常见的动词,字面上的或比喻性的牵引、拉扯有关。 (One can hale a boat onto shore, or hale a person into a courtroom with the aid of legal ramifications for resistance「一个人可以把一艘船拖上岸,或者借助抵抗的法律后果把一个人拖进法庭。」)这个动词来自中古英语 halen,也是我们的 haul 的词根,但形容词有两个分支的起源,两个确定来源是中古英语的 hale 和 hail。 这两个词都是意为“健康”意思的词,前者来自古英语 hāl,后者来自古挪威语 heill。 中古英语 hail 也是与问候有关的三个现代英语单词 hail(动词、感叹词和名词)的来源。

Test Your Vocabulary

What word for a hot alcoholic drink that is traditionally served in a large bowl especially at Christmastime shares an ancestor with hale?


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