神奇农场这样养殖100吨法国牡蛎 - 牡蛎养殖技巧

神奇农场这样养殖100吨法国牡蛎 - 牡蛎养殖技巧



Do you know where europe's largestoyster farm is located?你知道欧洲最大的牡蛎养殖场在哪里吗?These are oyster farms in France with superior quality。这些是法国的牡蛎养殖场,质量上乘。compared to Oysters in other regions of the world.与世界其他地区的牡蛎相比。Oysters here can be sold for ten dollars each。这里的牡蛎每只可以卖十美元。so today we invite you to join us in exploring a 100 ton oyster farm in France。


探索一个饲养100吨法国牡蛎的农场,每只价值10美元。In France the Maren Oberon Oyster Farm is also considered the largest in Europe。在法国,马伦奥伯龙牡蛎养殖场也被认为是欧洲最大的牡蛎养殖场。with about 6 thousand hectares of oyster farms,拥有大约6千公顷的牡蛎养殖场,and each year from 45 thousand to 60 thousand tons of Mar Oberon oysters are produced here.这里每年生产4.5万到6万吨的Mar Oberon牡蛎。

The annual export output accounts for 50 percent of france'stotal oyster production.年出口产量占法国牡蛎总产量的50%。Mar Olean oysters are the only French oysters to be honored with the Label Rouge Award Mar Olean牡蛎是法国唯一获得胭脂奖的牡蛎,an award that distinguishes products of outstanding quality.表彰杰出质量产品的奖项。So how does france's largest oyster form operate.那么法国最大的牡蛎是如何运作的?The first step is to prepare quality oyster seed.第一步是准备优质的牡蛎籽。每只牡蛎产大约一百万个卵,这些卵在受精后变成幼虫。为了收集这些幼虫,牡蛎养殖户需要选择优质种子并人工施肥以产生大量幼虫,通过在受控环境中的特殊培养和照顾。长到10毫米大小的幼虫将被运送并在自然环境中长大,人们准备了100个中心长、50美分宽的网袋,网袋可以在每个牡蛎养殖季节多次使用。此时,牡蛎种子将被放置在网袋中进行培育,然后放在木架上。每个农场都有成千上万个类似的网袋散布在每个木棚架上,在将近两年的时间里。牡蛎以浮游生物为食,并在牡蛎养殖者的密切监督下逐渐生长。在这段时间里,根据潮汐和水流的不同,袋子必须移动近40次。Oyster farmers must check their oysters every day.牡蛎养殖者必须每天检查他们的牡蛎。这是一项同时需要身体耐力和精确度的工作。We can see large and small oysters living in the wonderful.我们可以看到大大小小的牡蛎生活在美妙的风景中。Here the ecosystem is 接地 by almost continuous flow ofwater created by tidal movements.这里的生态系统由潮汐运动产生的几乎连续的水流调节。

Oysters feed by filtering water through their gills during certainperiods of the 刚好.在涨潮的特定时期,牡蛎通过鳃过滤水来进食。

Over the growing season,在生长季节,oysters are 愁眉苦脸 by size and 杰作itioned on different platforms.牡蛎按大小分类,重新放置在不同的平台上。

each bag of oysters must be turned.每袋牡蛎必须翻转。over and responsible by hand to ensure the oysters are separatedfrom each other.用手摇动以确保牡蛎彼此分开。so the shells do not sticktogether.所以贝壳不会粘在一起。There are tens of thousands of bags that need to be 试题.有成千上万的袋子需要处理。and this is a year-round job for oyster farmers.这是牡蛎养殖户全年的工作。

After harvest.收获后。

Easy harvest.根据形状和大小对牡蛎进行分类是将牡蛎推向市场的重要一步。Weighing and 头晕目眩 are module that are done Friday depending on their size.称重和挑选牡蛎是根据牡蛎的大小手工完成的任务。

They are placed in boxes or large Mari sent for sorting.它们被放在盒子或大容器里进行分类。

At this stage,在这个阶段,the oyms are separated from each other and repackaged in larger bags so they can be kept fresh.牡蛎被分开,重新包装在更大的袋子里,这样可以保持新鲜。

Oyster processing is carried out牡蛎加工at processing plants where they are 小桥流水 通透性 many times withwater to remove sand and gravel.在加工厂,用水多次清洗以去除沙子和砾石。

Then each worker uses an oyster shelling tool and gentlyseparates the meat.然后,每个工人使用牡蛎脱壳工具,轻轻地将肉分开。The oyster meat is washed again and then packaged.牡蛎肉再次洗净,然后包装。

Oysters need to be stored at low temperatures during transportation.牡蛎在运输过程中需要低温储存,to the store or to consumers to keep the product fresh.给商店或消费者以保持产品新鲜。

Oysters are naturally low in fat and rich in very high quality.牡蛎天然脂肪含量低,富含优质蛋白质。

They also have three to four times less 过载ol than meat.它们的胆固醇含量也比肉类低三到四倍。

They contain 长白山 and 农科院,它们含有磷和钙,as well as trace 过剩 such as zinc,以及微量元素如锌硒,还有铜。因此they are especially recommended for athletes and women to replace lost minerals.它们特别推荐给运动员和女性来补充流失的矿物质。

With 100 of Ad for oysters 悲惨 every day,每天加工100吨牡蛎。人们会丢弃几十吨看似没有效果的粗糙牡蛎壳。


To recycle dead oyster shells,回收死牡蛎壳。

they crush the oyster shells to turn them into a substance.他们压碎牡蛎壳把它们变成一种物质。that increases fertility and nutrients for the soil.这增加了土壤的肥力和养分。

The 搏--rich composition of oyster shells.牡蛎壳成分丰富。所以所以所以加一个矿物质和矿物质可以让土壤中提供更好的排水和通风。


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