ANLA KIDS 安啦星球乐园/集合设计

ANLA KIDS 安啦星球乐园/集合设计



  It is said that at this stage, children take games as their life. Chen Heqin, a famous educator, thinks that "games are children's life" and games can give children happiness, experience, knowledge, thinking and health. Play, in fact, is another way for children to learn.

  项目起源Origin of the project


  Clients after successively opened two early education center want to specifically for children to build a creative and fun game space, intent on fully understand the characteristics of the children physical development and respect for the child, on the basis of independent game will center early education content into a child's game, recreation, let children grow up happy in the process of playing.


  Design thinking从儿童的视角出发进行思考,孩子会喜欢在怎样的空间里进行怎样的游戏?怎样的空间能呼应并激发孩子的好奇心、想象力和探索欲?我们试着提出了一个大胆的构思。Think from the perspective of children, what kind of space will the children like to play? What kind of space can echo and stimulate the child's curiosity, imagination and desire to explore? We tried to come up with a bold idea.


  The vast universe is always full of mysterious color, in the hearts of children, there are many fantasies and problems about the universe: travel in space, get to know aliens, walk in the Milky Way, explore the deep black hole.

  诞生——安啦•星球乐园Birth -- Aala Star Land一个关于未来和星球的故事就诞生在了安啦•星球乐园。在未来的某一天,太空里发生了激烈的星球大战,许多行星被击中,坠落在袋鼠家园,形成一个隐藏无数秘密的星球世界。A story about the future and the planet is born in Anla Planeteland. One day in the future, a fierce star war takes place in the space, many planets are hit and crash in the kangaroo home, forming a hidden countless secrets of the planet world.


  Designed to deepen安啦•星球乐园位于广西南宁“方圆荟”购物中心,面积不到300平方。在相对局促的“L”型空间,如何兼顾环境创意、游戏体验与功能,是本次设计的重点。The Park is located in "Fangyuan Hui" shopping center in Nanning, Guangxi, covering an area of less than 300 square meters. In the relatively narrow "L" type space, how to give consideration to environmental creativity, game experience and function is the key point of this design.


  The designer positioned its theme as "future planet", with "future" as the design direction, "planet" as the core of the design, space graffiti as the background, different sizes, shapes and colors of "planet" and "planet debris" constitute a colorful planet paradise.

  设计师充分结合场地特点、项目诉求和设计思路,将星球乐园合理规划成前端接待区、中端静态游戏区、后端动态游戏区三个主要区域,并根据孩子的探险精神设定多种游戏玩法和路线,孩子进入星球乐园后,首先需要了解故事背景,再置身其中不断迎接挑战,勇于探索,尽情玩耍。Designers fully combined with the characteristics, the project demands and design ideas, reasonable star park planning into the front reception area, the static game area, back-end dynamic game area three main area, and according to the children's adventure set a variety of game play and route, children after entering paradise planet, first need to understand the story background, place oneself among them again continuously meet the challenge, have the courage to explore, play it.


  lobby前端区域在功能上主要满足办公、接待、洽谈、等候、零售、展示、换鞋、收纳功能。入口大厅在视觉上以一个巨大的彩色球体作为第一展示面,形成很好的对外宣传效果,室内层次丰富隐约可现的场景配合外观激发孩子和家长的好奇心,吸引其进入室内探索。In terms of functions, the front area mainly meets the functions of office, reception, negotiation, waiting, retail, display, shoe changing and storage. Visually, the entrance hall takes a huge colorful sphere as the first display surface, forming a good external publicity effect. The rich and vague scenes in the interior, together with the appearance, stimulate the curiosity of children and parents and attract them to explore the interior.


  Mid-end static game area穿过超大的球形入口,翻越星球内崎岖的山路,跟随指引摸索着逐步完成一系列智力游戏。Cross the planet's rugged mountain roads through an oversized spherical entrance, and follow the guide as you groped your way through a series of puzzles.


  A suspended blue planet is inverted in the middle of the static game area. There are board games, sitting areas and eating areas in the area. In the way of passage, the "mountain path" and "planet orbit" slope obstacle runway are created around the sphere on the ground. Holes are perforated on the wall of the runway to enrich children's games and interactive ways and activate the game atmosphere. At the same time, the front and rear end areas of the combination of movement and movement play a transitional role.


  In the role change corner, you can choose the desired role, put on the corresponding combat equipment, save enough energy, open the adventure of the planet paradise.


  Dynamic back-end game area穿过一个狭窄的山洞,一个更加惊艳、丰满的世界出现前,只见巨大的蓝色星轨和粉色星球悬挂空中,密布的空中走道四处延伸穿墙而过到往不知名的地方,飞峡瀑布下藏着隐秘的山洞,深不可测的池塘上方,悬浮石梯又会通向哪里?Through a narrow hole, an even more amazing, full of the world before, see a big blue star track and pink star air suspension, and through the wall air aisle of full stretch to the unknown place, flying gorge waterfall hidden secret cave, under the above bottomless ponds, suspended stone ladder, and where?


  In the back-end zone, stylist makes full use of space, reasonable planning each Angle of the game, designed for children to run, climb, jump, roll, slide, hide, trample, across the game device and a variety of ways, and set up and down or so may be exchanged during the game move the line, to guide children to explore, to discover, to play and to interact. The rich game way gives the child independent choice, satisfies the different disposition child.


  Below the track are small architectural mazes and Legos, as well as free space for audio-visual games. Fun interactive games enhance communication between children and exercise their thinking, working and social skills.


  Wall holes, create a hidden cave, the hole with sound and light triggered dodge action content, enrich the game operation, at the same time produce a mysterious sense of shuttle. The little train is the finishing touch. We will take the children to explore the story of the cave in the winding path and gain more interesting games. There is also a trampoline and a climbing game. The children jumping up and down on the trampoline are undoubtedly a jumping scene in the eyes of the children in the train.


  On the other side of the planet, half a yellow orb hanging on the wall draws the eye. Here is the slide connecting the bobo ball pool game device, the child can explore the ball through the ball into the slide to the bobo ball pool route.


  With "future star" for the story line and design ideas, creative star world combined with game device, flexible functional partition, at the same time combined with sound and light technology, a layer of a layer of room to improve a lot of fun, providing children with a variety of gaming experience, vivid and fun game space for children to release playful nature, choose the game way, the growth of the harvest joy in the play.







  设计公司:Gace Design 集合设计





  Project address: Nanning, Guangxi

  Type of project: Children's playground

  Design content: Interior design

  Usable area: 290㎡

  Design time: 2019.04 -- 2019.05

  Construction time: 2019.06 -- 2019.08

  Design company: Gace Design

  Main case design: He Wei, Zhu Xingqi

  Design team: Duan Jialiang, Zhang Trau, Cheng Peng Peng, He Wenlong, Zhuang Kaimin

  Company website:

  Project properties: Amusement park, Children's Amusement park, Planet series, Space


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