我和我家老张The Old Romance

我和我家老张The Old Romance





At a corner somewhere by the shimmering river under the sunset, with ghost-sounds of an orchestra nearby, a vague air of mystery and camouflage glory enveloped and a gentle breeze blowing, a deep shade of melancholy was made. Warm but frail, and being injured, she sequestered herself in an unreal state of projections and factasies which allowed her a vivid moment of Jesus' resurrection.


This is the song she loves long. All vivid notes of the tune, Speak Softly Love of their deeply moved feelings, while still meandering in years long by time faded away. Especially in her memory, they have ever spent holidays at every spot together in this video, that was something she would never forget...

“呯!呯!呯!哒!哒哒……” ,马路上一辆小型SUV朝前方一条铁轨飞驰过去,就那几秒功夫,一列电车夹着一阵枪声,从她耳边呼啸而过,终于抢到时间隔开了追捕她的那些家伙……

'Bang! Bang! Bang! Da! DaDa...', a small SUV rushed across a railway and just in a few seconds, the train roaring down with a burst of gunfire in her ears. Finally she managed to get the time off those guys' chase...


Watching that yellow car make a sudden stop in front of the tracks, she sighed deeply , worn out but released, and she would only feel the rhythm of the train and tracks that could make herself experience more complete freedom and sheer pleasure.


Then she hurried to take out various weapons to fight the supernatural off the trunk, and a barrel of oil as well. After all the oil had been poured thereon, she immediately snapped a lighter and threw it into the car, then rushed at a gallop towards another street where a taxi had been long waiting just to pick her up...


Across a town, perhaps the temporary negligence after her escape, she seemed to induce a trance-like state while sitting in the car, without realizing the driver's eyes glow an unusual red. The only thing she would like to confirm was that she went in the right direction, where soon she found herself amid a raucous riot of commerce.


Though she had hardly got off the taxi when it began to rain, she ran straight through rows of street lamps. With some occasional yellow colors of sorrow, they reflected irregular beams of light on the concrete pavement.


In the bad light, panting heavily to barge her way through the hustle and bustle of large crowds, she recognized the man whom she missed so desperately, and of course, at a glance.


And, he, a dissipated idler swigging from a bottle in one hand, a cigarette in the other, was wild dancing by the movements of the disco music among those enchanting women scantily dressed.


Without a second thought, she ran over and gave him a huge hug before he could react. Enjoying her French kiss and embrace so passionately, he held the back of her neck and was totally absorbed in her impetuous love, forgotten she was still in danger and the present circumstances she faced, also something still need to justify clearly to each other.


By the time he came back a little to his senses, to his dismay, he found tears flowing down from her wandering eyes. However, this only distracted his thoughts and had him tantalized her manually close to her ear, 'Come on, sweetheart, am I annoying you? Or you are just jealous? Ha ha...'


She made no answer.


Again, he coaxed her, 'Well, well, honey, listen, be good, ok? come on...'


Still got no answer.


When nothing else to make her calm down, his thought was to take her out right away, only to find...


His left hand, holding there, blood palmed down and dribbled onto the dim floor. Dark as the light, he still could make it clear by the direction of those red splashed pieces. Now that he sobered up, something he would never do willingly in his whole life actually happened:


While he slowly turned to look at the other hand, there was a revolver, with the pain piercing into his heart!


For the rest, blood smell in the air, his poor darling wife was standing before him, tears laughing, with her hands already slid down from his waist...


Like a bloody phalaenopsis sending its last bloom, she collapsed on the ground in her back slowly bleeding, while formed a counterpoint to the blood dropped from his right hand. All this stabbing pain, along with the gun in his hand, was stimulating every nerve in his body and brain chaos had him hardly gained any efforts to hold her, time and space were stuck...


Shortly afterwards, all he could repeat trembly was that, 'How could it be? How could? ... '


Nearby, under the People Bridge.


'Are you nuts or what?! Why you chase her around? See, how shall we tell the Lord?'


One of the men in the car uttered a smoky word, 'Rob!'


'But she was...' Another man wanted to interrupt.


'Fuck you off! How dare you are! Take back your nonsense, do as you're told! And, you, call a helicopter here from the head office, right now!'



'Darling, if I left one day, you know where I would like to be?'


Zhang was a little angry on the line, 'Well, you mean, you want to leave me alone?'


'Nope, I didn't mean that...'


'Then why wouldn't you bring me together to your dreaming place?'


In a daze, she would like to tell him the reason, but for that she seemed to be lacking in her position. Finally all the words she could say was, 'I mean I would love to stay at the Cape Horn in Chile for a while, it's on the southernmost of the world...'


Not knowing whether he was busy or not, she guessed he hadn't made a respond and no memory of the place.


Again, she asked in a light tone, 'Busy?'




'Well, then...'


The line was both still hanged on, but each of them lost in mind to continue the conversation.


In disappointment, she snapped a phalaenopsis from a flowerpot on the table, flicked it into the air, then it became a butterfly, flying to her...


She didn't know the truth was that he had already stopped his work and actually was listening to her murmurs.


Felt the awkward silence in the air, he cleared his throat in a rare soft tone, 'Alas... my sweetie, just tell me, where would you like to go?'


This enchanting words came out from Zhang seemed unavoidably funny to her, yet she had to make up a poor answer, 'I would like to bring you the most beautiful scenery in this world, it's on the southernmost.'


'Ok, ok, as long as you can do your business well and set me free from this, fine, anywhere you take me to, I would be.'


On a sigh, she regretted that he still couldn't get what she really thought.


Anyway, only the right person who could feel that sort of pain and sorrow, this made the same way that blooming and fading of some flowers only occurs in their splendid lifetime, as the one she had just snapped...


One year later, he was still holding on the post, doing the same work on listening or watching all the screens and other players every day. But for that he stayed alone, whenever found a keyboard,would repeatedly typed the word K.


Meanwhile, standing on the world's southernmost cape alone, when twilight came up to russet her dark hair, highlighted her thin neck and ankle and made her pale face with a determined look paler, she seemed to have less naive hopes and feelings than ever but more matured and indifferent this time.


The only constant thought in her mind was that, she would vaguely picture herself at a platform in a classroom, holding a piece of chalk, writting the word Zhang in Chinese Traditional on a blackboard in difficulty.


Then, punctuating the air with her hands, ashes of the moment were scattered in front of her, but she couldn't manage to hold any with her palms...


After all nothing was gained when there was an alternative memory chip implanted artificially in her brain and a mechanical heart in her body, no matter what blood was still flowing in her human body...



There is no tree called Bodhi,


Der Spiegel is no stage.


No matter the world,


Where the dye dust!


Breeze blowing from the river bank, the above poem emerged abruptly while I was awake, also a question arised, 'To what extents, you really Like feels for like?'


No thought for a moment, after the ice juice on the table had been finished and clear consciousness had been gained, I gently continued my work on the laptop to reconstruct another chapter, hoping to disintegrate my time in the memory and trespass the sadness of reincarnation...


Precisely, they got through too much all along these years, during which were thrilling close to her death and poignant enough for me to plot a reflection of some writing materials.


So, if there was a solution, this would be the solution. Say the least of it, some expectations were made to them, though in the minority...


And, it is the first time I published this story the Old Romance to all my social networks, with the hope of changing the extremism world in their generation.


Once he called a bet, that whenever they had problems, she wouldn't love the idea staying away from him, never ever. Now, I am fully conscious, yes, it was true, he got the right way to say that...


By the first year they had become friends less than a week, while he sent her home out of the Merlin Barrier at a tremendous speed in a midnight, he drove his car into a wheel of a 40 feet ark container truck, and unexpectedly, the full responsibility lied in the truck driver while nothing went wrong with him and an dynamic external fixator was arranged for her neck in the hospital for a whole month...


His Chinese Zodiac symbol is the Mouse, she belongs to the Horse, they should go against each other.


As a consequence, many of her friends have showed no faith in their relationship ever since.


This pair of soulmates, though encountered various conflicts and experienced the vicissitudes of life of an unreal world in times, such as mentioned before, however, survived. Their deep emotion for each other, not for responsibility, not to the secular, more not to all fetters, finally fixed and became a spirit and flesh in their regeneration cells, even if their memory was artificially cleared up...


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