


If you regularly watch TV, you’ve probablyseen a cartoon bear pitching you toilet paper, a gecko with a British accentselling you auto insurance and a bunny in sunglasses promoting batteries.


This has always struck me as a bit odd.Sure, it makes sense to use cartoon characters to sell products to kids – aphenomenon that’s been well-documented.


But why are advertisers using the sametechniques on adults?


To me, it’s just one symptom of a broadertrend of infantilization in Western culture. It began before the advent ofsmartphones and social media. But, as I argue in my book “The Terminal Self,”our everyday interactions with these computer technologies have accelerated andnormalized our culture’s infantile tendencies.


Society-wide arrested development


The dictionary defines infantilizing astreating someone “as a child or in a way that denies their maturity in age orexperience.”


What’s considered age-appropriate or matureis obviously quite relative. But most societies and cultures will deembehaviors appropriate for some stages of life, but not others.


As the Bible puts it in 1 Corinthians13:11, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, Ireasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.”


Some psychologists will be quick to notethat not everyone puts their “childish ways” behind them. You can becomefixated at a particular stage of development and fail to reach anage-appropriate level of maturity. When facing unmanageable stress or trauma,you can even regress to a previous stage of development. And psychologistAbraham Maslow has suggested that spontaneous childlike behaviors in adultsaren’t inherently problematic.



But some cultural practices today routinelyinfantilize large swaths of the population.


We see it in our everyday speech, when werefer to grown women as “girls”; in how we treat senior citizens, when we placethem in adult care centers where they’re forced to surrender their autonomy andprivacy; and in the way school personnel and parents treat teenagers, refusingto acknowledge their intelligence and need for autonomy, restricting theirfreedom, and limiting their ability to enter the workforce.


Can entire societies succumb toinfantilization?


Frankfurt School scholars such as HerbertMarcuse, Erich Fromm and other critical theorists suggest that – likeindividuals – a society can also suffer from arrested development.



In their view, adults’ failure to reachemotional, social or cognitive maturity is not due to individual shortcomings.


Rather, it is socially engineered.


A return to innocence


Visiting America in 1946, Frenchanthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss commented on the endearingly infantiletraits of American culture. He especially noted adults’ childish adulation ofbaseball, their passionate approach to toy-like cars and the amount of timethey invested in hobbies.


(译注:克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss,1908-2009年),法国作家、哲学家、人类学家,结构主义人类学创始人,法兰西科学院院士。研究主要集中在人类亲属关系、古代神话以及原始人类思维本质三大方面)

As contemporary scholars note, however,this “infantilist ethos” has become less charming – and more pervasive.


Researchers on both sides of the Atlantichave observed how this ethos has now crept into a vast range of social spheres.


In many workplaces, managers can nowelectronically monitor their employees, many of whom work in open spaces withlittle personal privacy. As sociologist Gary T. Marx observed, it creates asituation in which workers feel that managers expect them “to behave irresponsibly,to take advantage, and to screw up unless they remove all temptation, preventthem from doing so or trick or force them to do otherwise.”


Much has been written about highereducation’s tendency to infantilize its students, whether it’s throughmonitoring their social media accounts, guiding their every step, or promoting“safe spaces” on campus.


Meanwhile, tourist destinations like LasVegas market excess, indulgence and freedom from responsibility in casinoenvironments that conjure memories of childhood fantasies: the Old West,medi castles and the circus. Scholars have also explored how this form ofLas Vegas-style “Disneyfication” has left its stamp on planned communities,architecture and contemporary art.


Then we’ve witnessed the rise of a “therapyculture,” which, as sociologist Frank Furedi warns, treats adults asvulnerable, weak and fragile, while implying that their troubles rooted inchildhood qualify them for a “permanent suspension of moral sense.” He arguesthat this absolves grown-ups from adult responsibilities and erodes their trustin their own experiences and insights.


Researchers in Russia and Spain have evenidentified infantilist trends in language, and French sociologist JacquelineBarus-Michel observes that we now communicate in “flashes,” rather than viathoughtful discourse – “poorer, binary, similar to computer language, andaiming to shock.”


Others have noted similar trends in popularculture – in the shorter sentences in contemporary novels, in the lack ofsophistication in political rhetoric and in sensationalist cable news coverage.


High-tech pacifiers


While scholars such as James Côté and GaryCross remind us that infantilizing trends began well before our current moment,I believe our daily interactions with smartphones and social media are sopleasurable precisely because they normalize and gratify infantiledispositions.


They endorse self-centeredness and inflatedexhibitionism. They promote an orientation towards the present, rewardingimpulsivity and celebrating constant and instant gratification.


They flatter our needs for visibility andprovide us with 24/7 personalized attention, while eroding our ability toempathize with others.


Whether we use them for work or pleasure,our devices also foster a submissive attitude. In order to take advantage ofall they offer, we have to surrender to their requirements, agreeing to “terms”we do not understand and handing over stores of personal data.


Indeed, the routine and aggressive ways ourdevices violate our privacy via surveillance automatically deprive us of thisfundamental adult right.


While we might find it trivial or amusing,the infantilist ethos becomes especially seductive in times of social crisesand fear. And its favoring of simple, easy and fast betrays natural affinitiesfor certain political solutions over others.


And typically not intelligent ones.


Democratic policymaking requires debate,demands compromise and involves critical thinking. It entails consideringdifferent viewpoints, anticipating the future, and composing thoughtfullegislation.


What’s a fast, easy and simple alternative tothis political process? It’s not difficult to imagine an infantile societybeing attracted to authoritarian rule.


Unfortunately, our social institutions andtechnological devices seem to erode hallmarks of maturity: patience, empathy,solidarity, humility and commitment to a project greater than oneself.


All are qualities that have traditionallybeen considered essential for both healthy adulthood and for the properfunctioning of democracy.



1、Quite so. It seems that what used to be highereducation is now an attempt to leave graduates in a state of permanentchildhood. As the gadfly Milo said, themodern university graduate is stupider on leaving the institution than onentering.


2、I wonder if some ofit stems from not having to work ourselves into an early grave.


It’s not that long ago that even if peoplewent to school, it was common to leave at 14 and go straight into some sort ofwork. For men, typically fairly hard manual labour. Women, working or not, hadno domestic appliances to speak of, so the washing, cleaning, cooking and childrearing took all day every day.


There was no time to devote to much elseother than just getting by.


If we examined the lives of the rich from100 years ago we’d see much of the infantile behaviour mentioned in thearticle.


Living standards have risen, work is lessphysically demanding and we have the leisure time to be able to devote severalhours a day to doing nothing constructive if we choose. I may not like whatpeople do with this time, but I rejoice that so many of us have the option


3、The US has longpuzzled me. It’s like it has some sort of multiple personality disorder. Porncapital of the world, more guns than they know what to do with and yet, veryChristian compared with havens of secularism like the UK.


Where else would you have films wherecouples almost always have sex in their underwear and women get out of bedholding a sheet to cover their breasts? Then, later on in the same film, peopleare killed in the most graphic fashion….


(回复1)It’s an enigma. Churchill Ithink said it better. I don’t thinkAmericans realise how odd they seem from the outside.


And then there are the cheerleaders -behaving as if they are offering sex to the returning warriors. But no it’s not the Stone Age - it’s the mosttechnologically advanced country on the planet!


(回复2)They would see many aspects of our societies as wasteful of time,energy and resources and corrupt spiritually, morally and physically.


But then they (at least tacitly) approvedof slavery, racism, executed people for trivial crimes, thought the poor weredirty and ignorant because they wanted to be, and killed god knows how many forempires. I could go on…


So I’m not sure that, really, anyone’s in aposition to cast the first stone.


For all that’s wrong with the world, I’drather live now than at any other time in the history of humanity.Occasionally, I slide into pessimism, but mostly, I’m an optimist.


4、It seems to me thatthe ascension of the Chinese is quite inevitable. The West will collapse well within thiscentury, it’s culture is senile and it’s economy dependent on debt. After the Islamic apocalypse has reducedEurope to ashes, who will step into the ruins but the Chinese? I don’t think there will be any bayonets,however, that will not be necessary.


(回复1)Certainly they are buying influence in much the same way thatAmerica did in the 1950s and 1960s. But the Chinese have not begun to learnwhat the Americans learned: that the citizens of countries can get prettyprickly about perceived intrusions into their sovereignty. The USA learned tosteer a wide course around many aspects of other countries’ sovereignty,because they triggered ugly reactions. In the process, the USA learned to takea more hands-off approach and rely instead on more subtle, indirect, andslower-moving strategies to influence other nations.


The Chinese are still drenched in their ownself-importance, just as the Americans were sixty years ago, and they’ll makethe same mistakes the Americans made. It will be interesting to see how long ittakes them to learn the lessons that the Americans learned. My guess is thatthey’ll be slower to figure things out, because they have so little experiencein dealing with other nations and with diversity.


5、At a scriptwritngcourse a number of years ago I was told to be successful one’s writings shouldbe aimed at 14year old males or if you are doing a chick flick dumb blonds (forGermany and Japan have girls with big tits) . I think part of our problem hascome down to outsourcing our development and culture to Hollywood and the mediamogals who have dumbed down the reporting and expressions in what we see.


6、The last time I wasat the Lakeland Hospital (2016) here in Florida, me and a room full of patientswaited while the nurses/admin. played ‘Scavenger Hunt". Someone would hidea food product somewhere in the hospital, then post on Facebook a photo &clues to find it. SO the staff is running around and discussing and textingeach other while we sit in the waiting room with gaping mouths “watching thechildren play.”


7、The fact that thetop grossing movies are based on what used to be considered children’sliterature, comic books is another prime example. Yes the story lines haveevolved and some of the themes dealt with are deep but the fact that they arebased on children’s literature instead of adult literature still makes theconnection to infantilization. It wouldbe as if the top movies suddenly became based on nursery rhymes.


The biggest example is the turning the wordadult into a verb. On social mediapeople from 18-65 rail against “adulting”; that is living up to and taking onnormal adult responsibilities (paying bills, going to work, raising children,dealing with relationships, etc…). If there is a more glaring example of infantilismI have not seen it. It’s as if the normal task of being and adult are just toomuch. Vacations are the way in which weused to deal with normal life pressures. Once a year for a week or two we’dbreak the routine and possibly regress to fewer responsibilities. Of course anyone who has ever actuallyplanned a vacation knows that this can be one of the more challenging tasks ofadulthood.



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