

首页动作格斗Bloody Blade更新时间:2024-07-31


The song of the fist goes:


扎心肘冲力猛,滚龙掌快似旋风,坎子挎剑分奇正…… 单臂探海翻天印,内藏机关奥无穷。

The chivalry fist starts in an exceptional way, with cross punches to protect both sides.

The upward punch is a crucial mainstay, while keeping the central position defended.

Push the elbow into the chest, turn the palms as fast as wind.

Like wielding the sword without rest…

One arm thrusts into the sea, with various tricks hidden in the sleeve.


These vigorous and powerful moves come from the Red Fist, one of the mainstream local fists in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

红拳,陕西地方拳种主流门派。Red Fist is one of the mainstream local fists in northwest China's Shaanxi Province. /CGTN Photo


Originating in the Zhou and Qin Dynasties (770B.C-207 B.C.), Red Fist is widespread in the Guanzhong area in Shaanxi. It plays an important role in traditional Chinese martial arts. Through the collection and arrangement by generations of inheritors, it has formed a system with rich content, various routines and comprehensive techniques. It is well-known for professional excellence and moral integrity.

起源于周秦,盛行于关中。Originating in the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, Red Fist is widely spread in the Guanzhong area in Shaanxi. /CGTN Photo


The "red" in the name implies that the fist is bloody and lethal, with blade-like moves inspired by the ancient battlefield. Later in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), it developed into a barehanded martial art due to the ban of weapons. Nonetheless, the moves are still lethal.


The Red Fist also has unique cultural characteristics, and is the essence of Shaanxi martial art culture. As the chairman of Shaanxi HongQuan (Red Fist) Culture Research Association, Shao Zhiyong has been committed to the promotion of Red Fist. In his view, the fist focuses on the balance between inner and outer strengths. It is for both good health and competition.

邵智勇,陕西红拳文化研究会会长。Shao Zhiyong is the chairman of Shaanxi HongQuan (Red Fist) Culture Research Association. /CGTN Photo


"I began to practice the Red Fist to be stronger in my childhood. I went on to do that for nearly six decades and it does help a lot," said Shao.


During the practice, one should study skills and understand the cultural connotation. Before accepting a disciple, the master examines their moral character and behaviors to see if they are qualified.


"Learn the rituals before going to the master. Know the morals before practicing the fist. We practice not to bully, but for justice, confidence and self-improvement," said Shao.

习武先明德。Know the morals before practicing the fist. /CGTN Photo


The practice cultivates the body and morals. It demands chivalry as well as politeness. It is not only the moves, but also the spirit that make Red Fist unfailing.


In 2008, Red Fist was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage. As a representative inheritor, in his decades of practicing, Shao has always been diligent in teaching and promoting the fist. With this unremitting spirit, he has been contributing to the revitalization of traditional martial arts and the promotion of national cultures.

邵智勇,红拳代表性传承人。Shao Zhiyong is the representative inheritor of Red Fist. /CGTN Photo


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