Unit 1
Cretan civilization克里特文明 Mycenae civilization.迈锡尼文明 the Neolithic age新石器时代
the Trojan War特洛伊战争 Dark Age 黑暗时代 Homer's age 荷马时代 the archaic period古风时期
city-state 城邦 polytheism多神论 希腊神话十二主神:Zeus Hera…
materialism 唯物主义 最早的唯物主义哲学家:Thales泰利斯 ontology本体论
epistemology认识论 epic 史诗 idealism唯心主义,唯心论
希腊三贤:Socrates Plato Aristotle
Plato established the Academy(阿卡德美学园)—the first institution of higher learning in the world
荷马史诗:the Iliad, Odyssey 伊利亚特;奥德赛
三大悲剧家:Aeschylus埃斯库罗斯 Sophocles索福克勒斯Euripides欧里庇得斯
科学家:Archimedes 阿基米德—数学家 物理学家
Euclid欧几里得—数学家 平面几何 Plane geometry
Unit 2
The Apennines Peninsula亚平宁半岛Seven Hill Ally 七丘联盟Romulus and Remus 罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯
three Punic wars 三次布匿战争 Augustus 奥古斯都
前三头统治the first Triumvirate:Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Pompey
后三头统治the second Triumvirate:Octavian, Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
Roman Empire罗马帝国 In 476,the western Roman Empire came to an end.
Law of the Twelve Tables 十二铜表法
pantheon n. 万神殿;先贤祠;万神庙Macedonian War 马其顿战争
史诗诗人:维吉尔Virgil 但丁神曲the Divine Comedy中地狱和炼狱的领路人
Horace 赫拉斯 the Book of satires 讽刺诗集 Ovid 奥维德—the metamorphoses 变形记
Gaius Julius Caesar凯撒 Commentaries on the Gallic War高卢战记, The Civil War内战记
Epicureanism 伊比鸠鲁学派 Stoicism 斯多葛学派
Unit 3
Jewish culture犹太文化 Semitic race闪米特族 the Babylonian captivity巴比伦之囚
the Old Testament旧约 Talmud塔木德 Canaan 迦南 Jerusalem 耶路撒冷
Sadducee (or Zadokites) 古犹太教的撒都该教派
以色列王国三王, Saul(第一任国王), David and Solomon Solomon建圣殿celestial temple
Israel divided into two kingdoms: Judah and Israel 分裂为犹大王国和以色列王国
Essene 古犹太教的苦修派信徒 Noah’s Ark 诺亚方舟 the Sabbath安息日 Pharisees法利赛派
Neo-Platonism 新柏拉图主义 Hebrew .希伯来人,〔美国〕犹太人,希伯来语 Holocaust大屠*
Judaism 犹太教 Messiah 弥赛亚 Ezekiel 以西结
The Ten Commendments十诫
Jewish Enlightenment (The Haskalah) 犹太启蒙运动
Joseph Pulitzer (1847 – 1911) 约瑟夫∙普利策创立普利特奖
Shmuel Agnon (1888 – 1970) 萨缪尔∙约瑟夫∙阿格农和Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904 – 1991) 艾萨克·甚圣维斯·辛格获诺贝尔文学奖
旧约39本书三部分:Pentateuch律法书(5)Prophets (21 books) 先知书
Hagiogra-pha & Apocrypha Nehemias (13 books)圣录和伪经
Genesis 创世纪 Exodus出埃及记…(其他)
Unit 4
Christianity基督教 two major schisms 两次大分裂 Alexander the Great亚历山大大帝
Massacre 大屠* Hellenisation 希腊化 Dead Sea Scroll死海古卷 Messiah 弥赛亚
The earliest Christian document: The Revelation of John written in 1st century AD.
Sadducees撒都该人 the Essenes艾赛尼派
King Herod [ˈhɛrəd] 希律王
The Trinity三位一体 The Edict of Milan米兰法令 The Nicene Creed尼西亚信经
The Orchiland Council奥吉兰会议 The Orchiland Agreement 奥吉兰协议redemption 赎罪
Constantine the Great 君士坦丁一世(272—337)
Q:The Relationship Between Christianity and Judaism基督教与犹太教的关系
people of the Book 圣书的子民 The Mass弥撒 Excommunication开除教籍
Holy Proprieties圣礼 Final Judgement最后的审判Holy Apostles圣徒 Papacy教皇
monastery [ˈmɑːnəsteri] n. 隐修院;修道院;寺院
Two major schisms in Christianity history基督教两次大分裂
In 1054, the Christian Church was divided into two parts: the Roman Catholic Church seated in Rome and the Eastern Orthodox Church seated in Constantinople. 1054年,基督教会分为两部分:罗马天主教会和君士坦丁堡东正教
The second schism occurred in the 1520s when the Protestant Reformation was initiated by Martin Luther who exposed the corruption of the Roman Church. 第二次分裂发生在15世纪20年代,当时马丁·路德揭露了罗马教会的腐败,发起了新教改革。
The major factions of Christianity include Catholicism, the Eastern Orthodoxyand Protestantism.基督教的主要派别包括天主教、东正教和新教。
The New Testament contains altogether 27 parts, which were completed in the latter half of the first century AD. They are all of the recollections of the early Christians. The earliest manuscript was written in Greek and possibly translated from Arabic, the Palestine language. It consists of the four Gospels, a book of Acts of the Apostles, Letters, and The Revelations of St John.
Q: What are the differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament?
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