士大夫 scholar-officials
太监 eunuch
将军 general
士兵 soldier
皇宫 palace
新民主主义革命 new-democratic revolution
工人阶级 the working class
建党日 The Party's Birthday
解放战争 The War of Liberation
*Chairman Mao
现代中国 modern China
八一建军节 The Army's Day
中国人民解放军The Chinese People's Liberation Army
军旗 army flag
人民军队 people's army
南京大屠*The Nanking Massacre
抗日战争the Anti-Japanese War
国庆节 The National Day
中华人民共和国the People's Republic of China
阅兵仪式 military parade
开国大典 founding ceremony
爱国意识 patriotic awareness
文化大革命 the Cultural Revolution
大跃进 Great Leap Forward
改革开放政策the Reform and Opening-up Policy
在战争中损毁 be ruined in wars
抵抗侵略 resist the invasion
在·……世纪初at the beginning of.. century
迄今为止up till now
追溯到 date/trace back to
来源于derive/stem from; originate from/in
以··…··…命名be named after...
四大文明古国之一one of the four ancient civilizations
人类文明史 the history of human civilization
中国古代史 ancient Chinese history
中国近现代史 modern history of China
典型历史事件 typical historical event
历史人物historic figure
历史遗留问题a question left over from history
源远流长/历史悠久have a long history; with a long history
繁荣盛世a time of prosperity
华夏之祖 ancestors of the Chinese nation
(封建)朝代(feudal) dynasty
古都 ancient capital
随着时间的推移as time goes by
发祥地/诞生地 birthplace
兴起于·····,兴盛于·····emerge in.. and prosper in...
远古时代 ancient times
原始社会 primitive society
春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period
战国 the Warring States
封建社会 feudal society
皇帝/君主 emperor;monarch
勤政爱民 be diligent and love one's people
退位 give up the throne
印/玺 seal/stamp
皇后 empress; queen
皇妃 imperial concubine
太后empress dowager/dowager
公主 princess
诸侯prince/duke under an emperor
宰相prime minister
发达国家 developed country
集体经济collective economy
发展中国家developing country
计划经济planned economy
不发达国家 underdeveloped country
经济政策economic policy
经济波动economic fluctuation
社会主义经济socialist economy
经济衰退(economic) depression/recession
常务董事 managing director
董事会 board of directors
证券交易所stock exchange
证券商 securities dealer
证券公司 securities company
支票 cheque/check
商业保险 commercial insurance
财产保险 property insurance
人身保险 personal insurance
人寿保险 life insurance
健康保险 health insurance
意外保险accident insurance
社会保险 social insurance
养老保险 endowment insurance
医疗保险 medical insurance
失业保险 unemployment insurance
生育保险 the childbirth insurance
保险合同 insurance contract
承保人 insurer;underwriter
被保险人 the insured
索赔 claim (v.)
市场份额 market share
营业范围 scope of business
营业额 business volume /sale volume市场报告 market report
副产品 byproduct/by-product
三角债chain debts
成套设备 complete plant
清仓/甩卖 clearance sale
最低价 rock bottom price; lowest price送货单 delivery note
无利息的 interest free
住房补贴 housing allowance
住房贷款 housing loan
发薪日pay day
裁员 downsize
冒牌货 imitation brand; fake product出口补贴export subsidies
支柱产业 pillar industry
经济* economic restructuring
大量生产、批量生产 mass produce
价格战 price war
经济刺激计划 economic stimulus nackage
必修课 required/compulsory course
普及教育 universal education
高等教育 higher education
象牙塔ivory tower
正规院校 regular universities andcolleges
军校 military academy
九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education
学前教育 pre-school education
失学儿童 dropout
文盲 illiteracy;illiterate
入学率 enrollment rate
适龄儿童入学率 enrollmentratefor children of schoolage
高考(university/college)entrance examination
考研 take the entranceexams forpostgraduate schools
读研 attendgraduate school
毕业典礼 commencement/graduation ceremony
毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal ships
授予学位confer an academic degree on sb.
博士学位 doctor's degree
硕士学位 master's degree
学士学位bachelor's degree
在职博士生 on-job doctorate
研究生毕业证/学位证 graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma
中专生 secondary specializedor technicalschool student
大学本科生 undergraduate
中小学 elementary/primary and middle/secondary schools
(大学)扩招 scale expansion
扩大招生人数 enlarge school enrollment/recruits
走读生 extern;non-resident student
住校生 boarder
课外活动extracurricular activity
环境保护environmental protection
提高全民环保意识 raise environmental awareness amongst the general public
环保产品 environment-friendly product
一次性产品 disposable product
开发可再生资源develop renewable resources
高能耗产业energy-intensive industry
可持续发展 sustainable development
生态环境the ecological environment
温室效应greenhouse effect
污染物 pollutant
水土保持 water and soil conservation
降雨量 rainfall
物种灭绝the extinction of bio-species
先污染后治理exert control after pollution
碳减排 carbon emission reduction
温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emission
二氧化碳 carbon dioxide
新能源汽车green car
废气exhaust gas/fumes
汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust
发动机排量 engine displacement
零排放车辆 zero-emission vehicle
小排量汽车 small-displacement car
能源消耗 depletion of resources
能源危机energy crisis
低碳城市化道路 way to low-carbon urbanization
城市化 urbanization
濒临灭绝/失传 be on the verge of extinction/loss
濒危物种endangered species
稀有物种 rare species
防护林带 shelter belt
森林覆盖率 forest coverage rate
改善土壤 soil improvement
地质灾害 geological disaster
灾难 catastrophe;tragedy;disaster
不幸 misfortune
死亡人数 death toll
火山爆发volcanic eruption
地震 earthquake
咳嗽 cough
头痛 headache
失眠 sleeplessness;lose sleep
远视的 far-sighted
症状 symptom
诊断diagnosis (n.);diagnose (v.)疗法/治疗treatment
治愈 cure/heal
治病cure diseases
处方 prescription
偏方 folk prescription
秘方 secret prescription
祖传秘方 secret prescription handed down from one's ancestors
中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)
救死扶伤heal the sick and rescue the dying
望、闻、问、切 bserving,listening,inquiring,pulse taking
保健品 health care products
草药herbal medicine
食疗food therapy
延缓衰老slow down aging
体检physical examination
经济回暖economic recovery
经济趋势 economic trend
经济形势 economic situation
增长率 growth rate
基础设施建设 infrastructure construction
生活水平 living standard
购买力 purchasing power
社会福利 social welfare
社会保障 social security
国有企业 stated-owned enterprise
私营企业 private enterprise
外资企业 overseas-funded enterprise
合资企业 joint venture
扩大内需 expand domestic demand
下岗职工laid-off worker
新兴市场emerging market; new market
公务员public servant; civil servant
售后服务 after-sale service
市场营销 marketing
产值output value
人均收入 per capita income
实际增长率actual growth rate
农业 agriculture
林业 forestry
畜牧业 animal husbandry
第一产业(农业)agriculture (primary industry)
第二产业(工业)manufacturing industry (secondary industry)
第三产业(服务业)service industry (tertiary indus- try)
短期/中期/长期贷款 short/medium/long term loan
利率 rate of interest
纯收益/净收入 net income
平均收入 average income
国民收入national income
税制 taxation system
征税/纳税 taxation (n.);tax (v.)
免税的 tax-free
通货膨胀 inflation
经济结构调整the readjustment of economic struc- ture
“走出去”战略the strategy to go global
* go bankrupt;bankruptcy (n.)
社会保障体系 social security system
经济腾飞economic take-off
过渡时期 transition period
整顿/规范市场秩序 regulate the market order
创造良好的投资环境create a favorable invest- ment environment
给与优惠政策 offer favorable policies
附加值added value
经济规律 law/rule of economics
市场调节 market regulation
生产关系 relations of production
生产力productive forces
剩余劳动力 surplus labor
公有制public ownership
知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry
劳动密集型产业 labor-intensive industy
改善经济环境 improve economic environment
年均增长率 annual growth rate
外贸进出口总额 total foreign trade value
居民储蓄存款residents' savings deposit
四大国有商业银行 four major state-owned com- mercial banks
农村经济rural economics
成本/费用/开支 cost
固定成本fixed costs
生产费用/营业成本 operating costs
收入/收益 income;earmings
总收入/总收益 gross income/earnings
产量收益/收益率 yield
商品经济commodity economy
上市公司 listed company
母公司parent company
子公司 subsidiary
注册资本 registered capital
业务部 business department
人力资源部 human resources department
市场部 marketing department
旅游景点 tourist scenes; tourist spot
名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites; places of interests
避暑胜地 summer resort
森林公园 forest park
自然保护区 nature reserve
自然景观natural scenery
人文景观 human landscape
壮丽河山 magnificent scenery
古典山水园林classical landscape garden
皇家园林royal garden
建筑 architecture
钟楼 bell tower
鼓楼 drum tower
牌坊 memorial archway
兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses
天坛 the Temple of Heaven
原址 original site
国家博物馆 national museum
中外游客 tourists from home and abroad
游乐园 amusement park
度假 take a vacation; go on holiday
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