外刊精读笔记 | 路透社报道台风“梅花”登陆我国

外刊精读笔记 | 路透社报道台风“梅花”登陆我国






Ports in eastern China (华东)at standstill (=halt / grind to a halt / in suspension / suspend / is cut off / came to a halt / came to an end,停止,这里是指“港口停运”) as typhoon Muifa closes in (=move nearer / approach / hit / strike / sweep through(席卷) / rip through(席卷),逼近,来袭,本质意思是「发生happen」)

■ (火灾/地震/台风) rip/sweep/rage through / hit

灾难发生不要干巴巴用happen /come

■ 关于「停运,停飞」的表达:

● flights have been grounded 飞机停飞

● flights have been prevented from taking off 飞机停飞

● cancel flights

● a high-speed train is halted 列车/高铁停运

A man ties a boat to a pier as Typhoon Muifa approaches, at Yueqing bay in China's Zhejiang province on September 13, 2022.

■ pier 码头,就是我们坐船时,在岸边修的一个平台,方便乘客乘船

Authorities (=government / officials,当局) in China’s eastern province of Zhejiang ordered ships to return to port, told schools to close and evacuated tourists from nearby islands, as one of this year’s strongest typhoons is set to (=is forecast/predicted/expected/likely to do,「预计/将要」的一些表达)make landfall (=hit / approach / touch down(同义),台风登陆,本质和上文“逼近、发生”同) on Wednesday.

Typhoon Muifa intensified (=heighten/ become stronger,台风风力增强) on Tuesday as it moved toward the twin port cities of Ningbo and Zhoushan, which share the ranking of second-busiest port in China (都是国内排名第二的港口), in terms of (在...方面)cargo handled (货物装卸,handle=touch/move/hold,意为「搬动,放置」).

state media said China’s 12th cyclone (=strong storm,气旋) of the year was expected to make landfall between the cities of Wenling and Zhoushan, bringing torrential rains (=heavy rain / raging storm(狂风暴雨),暴雨,torrent表示「急流」,引申为「大量来势汹涌的事物」) on its sweep through eastern and southern coastal areas.

That includes the commercial hub (=center,中心) of Shanghai, just north of Ningbo and Zhoushan, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Waves of up to 5 meters (16 feet) are expected near Shanghai, China’s busiest container seaport (集装箱港口城市).

Rain fell at The Bund (=bank,堤岸) in Shanghai as Typhoon Muifa edged closer on(=approach,也是上文「逼近」同义替换) , September 13, 2022.

Shanghai will suspend some operations of its port (=上文「港口停运 ports at standstill 」同义替代), including Yangshan terminal and others, from Tuesday evening and halt all operations on Wednesday morning, the Shanghai International Shipping Institute (上海国际航运研究中心) said.

China Southern Airlines (中国南方航空) said it has canceled 25 flights at Shanghai airports on Tuesday and plans to cancel 11 more on Wednesday.

About 13,000 people from islands and tourist sites (=tourist attraction / tourist spot / scenic spots/destinations (景区) / beauty spots(景区) / holiday resort,旅游景点) near Zhoushan have been evacuated, state television said.

Nearly 7,400 commercial vessels (=big ship/boat,大船) sought shelter (≈seek asylum(寻求政治庇护),寻求(身体上的)庇护) in Zhejiang’s ports, including Zhoushan, Ningbo and Taizhou, while passenger ship (客轮)routes (=a fixed way,航运线路,并且线路是固定的) across the province were suspended from noon, state media said.

■ 这里又多了一个关于「停运」的表达:

passenger ship routes across the province were suspended 跨省客轮航线停运

The three cities and Shanghai together have a population of 42.26 million.

The Zhejiang government ordered all fishing vessels (≈fishing fleet(渔船队,一群渔船),渔船) to return to dock (=pier / harbor / wharf,码头) before noon. Ningbo, Zhoushan and Taizhou ordered schools suspended (=schools have been shut down/been closed / school closures / cancel classes,停课) on Wednesday.

All flights at the airports in Ningbo and Zhoushan have been cancelled for Wednesday, flight data platform Variflight told Reuters.

Weather authorities said Muifa’s centre was about 490 km (304.5 miles) southeast of the Zhejiang city of Xiangshan. The typhoon will move northwest after hitting land and gradually weaken, the Central Meteorological Administration (=China Meteorological Administration,后者是「中国气象局」的准确说法) added.

风力加强 intensify

风力减弱 weaken

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