【龙腾网】什么事可以导致一个受欢迎孩子的生活瞬间崩塌 ?

【龙腾网】什么事可以导致一个受欢迎孩子的生活瞬间崩塌 ?

首页角色扮演Truck Driver City Crush更新时间:2024-07-30

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:zmmyc 转载请注明出处
When did the popular kid’s life fall apart in a few seconds?
什么事可以导致一个受欢迎孩子的生活瞬间崩塌 ?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:zmmyc 转载请注明出处
Him and a kid I’ve known since about 1st grade drove about 8-9 hours to visit a friend who had moved away at the time and was feeling depressed. They were going to surprise him and he called saying he found a way to get a plane ticket back to them (where they all three were friends originally) while they were already 14hours deep in a road trip. So they turned around and when they were about 45 minutes from home, they got into a bad accident and he died on the scene. The kid I knew from 1st grade watched his best friend bleed out next to him upside down in his car. He had long hair and the paramedics thought he was a female upon arrival and 1st grade friend said he was desperately trying to tell them he was a boy and his name and to call his family to tell them what happened. He was pronounced dead before the ambulance even took off.
他和我从一年级就认识的一个孩子开了8-9个小时的车去拜访一个当时已经搬走并且感到沮丧的朋友。他们打算给他一个惊喜,他打电话说他想办法弄到了一张飞机票回去(他们三个原本是朋友) ,其实当时他们已经开了14个小时的车了。 所以他们调转车头准备返回,当他们离家大约还有45分钟的时候,他们遭遇了一场严重的事故,他当场死亡。 我那个从一年级就认识的孩子看着他最好的朋友倒挂着躺在他旁边的车里失血而死。他留着长发,医护人员到达时以为他是女性,我那个一年级的朋友拼命地想告诉他们他是个男孩和他的名字,并打电话给他的家人告诉他们发生了什么。 救护车还没开走,他就被宣布死亡了。
1st grade friend came back to school after a little under 2 months with a 16 inch long and about one inch wide scar all the way up the back of his arm. They were in a band together and played in the schools band. Hallways were bleak for months, probably the rest of the year honestly. He sat with us at lunch and tried to be normal but we all knew he wasn’t the same. They were good people, and even though only one of them died, it was like they both left that day because he was never the same. I don’t even think he makes music anymore. I knew them both for almost 10 years when it happened and it was the first time somebody I knew that was my age had died and it was very sobering. You know nobodies immortal but you don’t expect somebody to be ripped from existence so quickly.
我那个一年级的朋友两个月后回到学校,他的手臂后面有一条16英寸长,1英寸宽的伤疤。他们曾经在一个学校乐队里演奏。 几个月来走廊一片萧条,说实话,可能这一年剩下的时间都是如此。 午餐时他和我们坐在一起,努力想做一个正常人,但我们都知道他变了。他们都是好人,虽然他们中有一个人死了,但就好像车祸那天他们两个都“离开了”,因为他和以前不一样了。我甚至认为他不能再创作音乐了。车祸发生的时候,我认识他们两个将近10年了,这是我遇到的第一个和我年龄相仿的人去世,这让我如梦初醒。你知道没有人可以长生不老,但你不会想到一个人可以如此迅速突然地从这个世界上消失。
Unfortunately a cheerleader from my school had a 4 wheeling accident that left her in an almost vegetative state. Through years and years of hard work on her part, she''s been able to gain a little more independence. However she''ll never be exactly the same as she was before the accident. It''s really sad and crazy how quickly your life can change from an accident.
I graduated in 95'' and shortly after, my mom asked if I knew this girl, I said yes, she showed me the obituaries, apparently she was a passenger on a 4 wheeler and the driver was speeding and made a sharp turn which resulted in her coming off the bike and straight into a tree. Died instantly. And that was a big time reality hit to me. Fresh outta school and a girl I knew died.
Developed a conscience midway through college after gaining 50 pounds and losing his starting QB spot. Checked into rehab for alcoholism and made amends with everyone he had ever bullied (which was basically everyone in our high school). I ran into him in my hometown last year and we had a nice chat. People can change!

Did he win?
Three popular kids went swimming in a quarry. Only two came out.
It sucks because the one that died was popular for all the right reasons. He was a genuinely good dude. I was the weird kid, but his locker was right next to mine and he was friendly every single day to every single person.
something similar like this happened recently to a few guys that go to my old highschool, it was like 1am, they went swimming in the local river that goes through town and one of the guys drowned. he was nice and friendly, but not popular since it was a really big school.
his friends allegedly planned his death, but there were no punishments for them.
Was this roughly a year ago near Richmond, VA? Because we had a very similar incident happen.
你说的是大约一年前在弗吉尼亚州里士满附近发生的那件事吗? 因为我们这里之前也发生过一件非常类似的事情。
I know better then some that it''s best to not pity those trying to get better. It doesn''t help with them moving on. In fact, after my dad split with his third girlfriend, everyone was feeling sorry for me even though it didn''t faze me(I actually thought it was pretty normal) so after everyone was saying stuff like "oh I''m so sorry" and "if you need anything, I''m here for you"which made me feel bad as if I''m just using their kindness without needing it. Then I met this girl(she did know all about the "incident") and I, being my rude self, told her to move out my way since she was standing in my way. Unlike everyone else she just ignored me. When I told her again, she said in a mocking voice "if you really want me to move, you should say please. Just because you had something sucky happen to you, doesn''t mean you get special treatment" I have never forgotten these words. We became best friends and nothing more.
我比某些人更清楚,最好不要同情那些试图变得更好的人。这对他们向前看没有任何帮助。 事实上,在我父亲和他的第三任女朋友分手后 ,每个人都为我感到难过,尽管这并没有困扰我(我实际认为这很正常) ,每个人都会说诸如“哦,我很抱歉”和“如果你想要找人谈心,可以来找我”之类的话,这让我感觉很糟糕,就好像我只是在利用他们的善良而不是真正需要关心。后来我遇到了这个女孩(她知道我的经历) ,当时她挡住了我的路,我粗鲁地告诉她让开。不像其他人,她直接无视了我。当我再次告诉她让开时,她用嘲弄的声音说: “如果你真的想让我让开,你应该说请。不要仅仅因为你经历了一些糟糕的事情,就意味着你可以得到特殊对待。”我从未忘记这些话。现在我们成了最好的朋友,仅此而已。
He was an only child, and his dad had died when he was 2. Was really happy go lucky, and he was popular because he was outgoing, supportive, warm and kind to everybody without fail, and although he was friends with the kind of kids who bullied people, he was the first person to tell them to knock that shit off if he saw it.
When we were 16, his mum, who was one of the nicest ladies I ever met in our small town, was crushed to death by a semi-trailer that drifted into her lane.
He dropped out of school, he stopped talking to anybody, and he refused to let anyone visit him. I have no idea what became of him. Sorry Jay. I hope your life got better.
车祸发生后,他辍学了,不和任何人说话,也不让任何人来看他。我不知道他后来怎么样了。对不起,杰 我希望你的生活会变得更好。
Stuff like this makes me cry.

Sounds like my best friend. He was pretty much our grades popular kid for the first two years of highschool, then we found out he was doing drugs being our back. He got sent to rehab for 6 months, came back then got sent off again. Ended up graduating with us but by senior year most people didn’t want to do with him besides me and his other really close friends. He died a couple months after graduating from a heroin relapse, his sister told me it was fentanyl, but who really knows. Miss him everyday since he was like my brother. I thought I’d have him as my friend for life.
听起来像是我最好的朋友。在高中的头两年,他几乎是我们这一级最受欢迎的孩子,后来我们发现他背着我们吸毒。他在康复中心待了6个月,回来后又被送进去一次。最后和我们一起毕业了,但是到了高三的时候,除了我和他其他亲密的朋友之外,大多数人都不想和他在一起玩了。毕业几个月后,他因海洛因复吸去世了,他的姐姐告诉我那是芬太尼,但谁知道呢。 每天都想念他,因为他就像我的兄弟一样。我以为他会是我一辈子的朋友。
Guy on the football team sent a girls nudes the the entire football team and a good portion of people in my grade. Got arrested during class. I havent seen him since.
Was the girl under 18? Distribution of child pornography?
那个女孩是不是18岁以下? 涉嫌传播儿童色情信息?
There was this kid that I went to high school with almost 20 years ago who was 2 grades ahead of me seemed like "the popular kid" ...
大约20年前,有一个和我上同一所高中的同学,他比我高两年级,看起来像是“受欢迎的孩子” ..。
He had a hot gf, he was really funny decent at sports and didnt seem to have issues. Anyways turned out one day his mom came home to him laying in the basement with a bullet wound in his head, I was told he used a shot gun to kill him self but loaded it bird shot, because of this he didnt die. I now see him walking around town and he cant speak anymore and walks as if he had a stroke, one side of his body doesn''t work properly.
Really sad and that''s all I can think about anytime I drive around and see him walking. You never know what people actually feel inside, you might wish you could be someone else because everything seems so perfect but rarely is that ever the case.
This guy I used to hang out with in elementary school was pretty overweight but I''d had the biggest crush on him.
I lost track of him a for a few years but I high school he came back and had lost all the weight. He was pretty athletic and was generally well liked. I didnt talk to him but the guy seemed decent.
I guess he liked driving like an idiot, the year after he graduated he wrapped his car around a pole. They had to use the jaws of life to pull him out of his car but it was too late, hed died on impact.
There had been multiple reports that night of people calling the cops to complain about his reckless driving around town.
I just remember that chubby little boy I used to spend recess with everyday.
kittenmcmuffenz Kittenmcmufenz
When he hit and killed a state trooper on the freeway while the trooper was out of his car trying to remove debris from the road.

Edit: wow, lots of people have asked for details on location and was it so-and-so. Which tells me this has clearly happened before. I won’t give anymore details other than it wasn’t in the US.
编辑: 哇,很多人问了事情发生的具体地点,是不是某某某。这表明,这种情况显然曾经也发生过。除了事情是发生在美国以外,我不会透露更多的细节。
his parents divorced and he started acting out. he went from good grades and clubs to failing and drugs.
Phaest0n Phaestin
shit sounds like me, except i wasnt popular
Edit: My most upvoted comment is about my life falling apart in highschool lol love you Reddit have a blessed day.
编辑: 我最受欢迎的评论是关于我写高中生活崩溃的帖子,哈哈。爱你,Reddit,祝你有个幸福的一天。
I actually ran into one of the super popular kids at the local bar when I came home from college. She would never give me the time of day in high school and I for sure thought she didn’t even know I existed, but SHE approached me at the bar, super drunk, and said “hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?” She then proceeded to tell me she wished she had been nicer to more people in high school and that she has no idea what she’s doing with her life.
事实上,当我从大学回家的时,我在当地的酒吧里碰到了一群超级受欢迎的孩子。当初念高中的时候,这群孩子中一个女孩从来没有注意到我,我甚至认为她根本不知道有没有我这一号人。但是她在酒吧里主动找到我,喝得酩酊大醉,说: “嘿,我是不是和你一起上过同一所高中? ” 并说,她希望在高中的时候如果对更多的人再友好一点就好了,她不知道自己现在在做什么。
Honestly feels good to know that she’s thought about how she treated people back then
elpajaroquemamais Elpajaroquemais
My stepmom was an asshole in high school (and still is in some ways). She went to her high school reunx and starting talking to a girl she used to make fun of like they were friends. The girl said, "you made my life hell in high school. Why the hell would I want to talk to you?" My stepmom said, "We were just having fun?"
我继母在高中时是个混蛋(现在在某些方面仍然是)。 她去参加高中同学聚会,开始和一个她经常取笑的女孩聊天,就好像他们是朋友一样。 被她取笑的女孩说: “你把我的高中生活搞得一团糟。 我为什么要跟你说话? ” 我的继母说,“我们只是玩玩开心开心而已? ”
The girl said, "I wasn''t. Maybe you were."
女孩说: “我并不开心,也许你是开心了。”
I never saw him again after high school but a guy who bullied me told a mutual friend of ours to pass along apologies for the way he treated me. He died sometime later, I believe from cancer. I wish I could have bought him lunch or a drink. It takes a big person to make that kind of apology.
高中毕业后,我再也没有见过这个曾经欺负我的人,这个人曾经通过一个我们共同朋友向我转达他的歉意,表示当初不应该这么对待我。后来他死于癌症, 我希望我能和他一起共进午餐或者一起喝一杯饮料。毕竟愿意做出这样的道歉也不是一般人能做到的。
Lost control of his car when he and his best friend were driving to Taco Bell at night. He came out of it with a fractured collarbone, his friend died on the spot.
He was really close with his friend’s parents too and vice versa. He made a few posts on Facebook on how he was an idiot and how sorry he was. The dead friend’s sister and parents made it very clear that they didn’t blame him.
他和他朋友的父母关系也很好。他在 Facebook 上发了几条帖子,说自己是多么的白痴,多么的抱歉。他朋友的姐姐和父母明确表示,他们并不怪他。
It was winter, black ice, and he was 100% sober. Before he was, like, a stereotypical popular dude but in the wholesome way. Dropped out of school and became addicted to painkillers. Don’t know what happened to him afterwards but it was just sad for everyone.
These are the ones that hurt the most because the person who lived was 100% not at fault for it but they can’t come to terms with that fact and put it all on themselves.
One girl during high my school years was walking with her BF in her neighborhood when a guy driving a bit too fast clipped her and killed her on impact and the BF was perfectly fine. The BF couldn’t live with that and got hard into drugs after that. It was rough to see.
He wrecked his car into a wall and died on prom night.

billbapapa Billabapa
His dad died. It was really shitty.
Before that he was popular, but also smart, motivated, a great athlete and actually a great guy and person. As much as you can be till you''re 15.
Then his dad died right before he was going to have a football game, heart attack in the shower before they were gonna leave for it.
We heard about it later, and basically, from there, everything seemed to decline. He became angry as you could expect.
But he just spiralled deeper and deeper. We didn''t see him for a while, when I did catch up with him later in high school he''d been so into drugs his brain literally seemed fried.
It was sad for every reason.
This kicked me in the ass.
My twin sons are pretty popular in school. We just found out that my cancer is growing again. I''m 33, I''m not ready to die. My boys are 9, they''re not ready for me to die.I can only hope we make the best of however much time we have left together.


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